Selecting Transaction Currency


Admins can determine the following behaviors and user options relating to Transaction currencies:

There are several behaviors relating to Transaction currencies that the admin cannot change, and will always apply:

ClosedSetting Transaction Currency When Creating a Transaction from the Transaction Manager

By default, Transactions created from the Transaction Manager are created with the user’s currency preference. The admin can allow users to choose any one of the site’s supported currencies when creating a Transaction from the Transaction Manager by setting Allow Users to Select Currency for Quotes Created from the Transaction Manager to Yes in Commerce Settings.

Enabling this option allows users to create Transactions with a currency different from their personal currency preference (set in their user profile).

Create Transactions with a currency different from their personal currency preference

Creating a Transaction from the Transaction Manager when “Allow Users to Select Currency for Quotes Created from the Transaction Manager” is enabled

ClosedSetting Transaction Currency with a CRM Integration

In a CPQ-CRM integration, if a Transaction is created from a CRM Opportunity, the Opportunity’s currency can be used in the new Transaction even if it differs from the user’s preferred currency. For more information on CRM integration and for complete implementation steps, see the topics Oracle CX Sales Integration or Salesforce Integration.

ClosedSetting Transaction Currency After the Transaction is Created

By default, users cannot change the currency of a Transaction after it has been created. However, admins can allow users to change the currency of Transactions that have been created but that do not contain any line items by adding the Change Currency action to the Commerce layout.

When the Change Currency action is on the layout, the site’s supported currencies will be in a drop-down next to the action, with the current currency selected. Selecting a different currency from the drop-down and then clicking Change Currency will change the Transaction’s currency to the selected currency.

Changing the currency of a Transaction that does not contain line items

Changing the currency of a Transaction that does not contain line items

Once one or more line items exist on a Transaction, the Change Currency button is hidden and cannot be invoked on the Transaction unless all line items are removed from the Transaction. Like any action, access to the Change Currency action can be restricted by using Steps.

Sites that are integrated with a CRM system cannot have the Change Currency button added to the Commerce layout. The action will exist on the site but will not be available to the admin in the Commerce Layout Editor.


ClosedAllowing Users to Set Transaction Currency When Creating a Transaction from the Transaction Manager

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Commerce Settings in the Commerce and Documents section.

    The Commerce Options page opens.

  3. Select Yes for Allow Users to Select Currency for Quotes Created from the Transaction Manager.

    Commerce Options

  4. Click Update.

ClosedAllowing Users to Change Transaction Currency After the Transaction is Created

The Change Currency action must be added to the Commerce layout in order for users to change the currency of a Transaction that does not contain any line items. For more information on adding Commerce actions to the layout, see the topic Layout Editor Overview.


All users that have access to modify a Transaction will be able to modify the Transaction even if the Transaction currency is different from their preferred currency.
A Transaction’s currency will be applied in Configuration if a user reconfigures the product or adds line items.

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