Commerce REST APIs


Oracle CPQ exposes transactional objects and transaction data through REST APIs and RESTful standards. The REST APIs provide a new, modern way to access transaction and line item information. With appropriate HTTP Basic authentication, any other third-party system can make use of these services. Additional resources allow credentialed third-party systems to create transactions, and to update transactions by invoking modify, version, submit, and approval actions in a Commerce Process through REST APIs.


  • If you are using a custom Commerce Process, your endpoints and action names may vary. Additionally, you may not see all of the action endpoints listed below.
  • Refer to Interface Catalog for information about accessing your site-specific REST APIs.
Support to Add Unconfigured Models and Favorites to a Transaction

Endpoints for modify-type actions now support adding unconfigured models and favorites to a transaction.

ClosedAdd Unconfigured Model Example (24C)

{ "documents": { "transactionLine": { "items": [{ "_part_number": "part1", "_price_quantity": "1", "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book", "_sequence_number": 1, }, { "_model_path": "configvisionVehicles:consumerVehicles:sUV", "_price_quantity": "1", "_sequence_number": 2, } ] } } }

ClosedAdd Favorite Items Example (24D)

{ "documents": { "transactionLine": { "items": [{ "_favorite_id": 3023140143, "_sequence_number": 3 } ] } } }



ClosedAccept Quote

Accept QuotePOST method


Use this endpoint to accept the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the approved quote.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "UNnWLpELVUzsZUBCqVXkbae4qBV2NRUYyausULaJ739PvjIuUwuWd2G06eb9YHdC", "documents": { "_s_transactionComments_t": { "items": [{ "_row_number": -1, "_s_commentor": "Adam Jones", "_s_customerComment": "Accepting the quote.", "_s_commentDate": "2024-02-29T21:15:00-08:00", "_s_isInternalComment": false } ] } } }

ClosedResponse Sample

This response is truncated to highlight relevant attributes.

{ "revisionId": "18,0", "documents": { ... "_s_isPublished_t": true, "priceExpirationDate_t": "2024-11-27T13:44:00Z", "_s_customerStatus_t": { "displayValue": "Acceptance", "value": "acceptance" }, "_s_customerVisibilityIdentifier_t": { "displayValue": "HEADER_PRODUCTS_PRICES", "value": "3" }, "_s_assignedTo_t": { "displayValue": "Seller", "value": "SELLER" }, "_stage": { "displayValue": "Quote", "value": "QUOTE" }, "status_t": { "displayValue": "Created", "value": "CREATED" }, "transactionLine": { ... ], "items": [{ ... } ] } }, "warnings": {}, "destinationURL": "" }

ClosedAdd from Favorites

Add from FavoritesPOST method


This 'Add From Catalog' type action returns a destination URL to launch the Favorites List in Oracle CPQ where users can select items to add to the transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

The response contains "destinationURL" to launch the Favorites List.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Sample

{ "destinationURL": "", "documents": { "items": [ {... }

ClosedAdd Transaction Lines

Add Transaction LinesPOST method


Use this endpoint to add line items to the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters


The JSON Transaction Line data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "c9eG836AOqcI35aHa0p3yqcE3se8HQu50W0FJWk57SZt8IzWMZzXUpOkSQa8iECV", "documents": { "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book", "transactionLine": { "items": [{ "_part_number": "part1", "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book" } ] } }, "revisionId": "2,0" }

ClosedResponse Sample

{ "revisionId": "3,0", "documents": { "totalOneTimeListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_ERP_CPQSourceSystemCode_t": "ORA_BM_CPQ", "_customer_id": "account112", "_eSignatureAttributeSet_esig_file_attachment": { "fileName": null, "fileType": null, "fileID": null, "isFileSaved": false, "fileLocation": "" }, "_invoiceTo_t_state": { "displayValue": "Arkansas", "value": "Arkansas" }, "_invoiceTo_t_city": "Little Rock", "transactionTotalDiscountPercent_t": 0.0, "_customer_t_state": { "displayValue": "Arkansas", "value": "Arkansas" }, "totalContractValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_SFDC_Probability_t": null, "_date_modified": "2023-03-02T08:09:58.000Z", "_invoiceTo_t_email": "", "_customer_t_address": "401 Main Street", "oRCL_ERP_OrgID_t": "999", "_soldTo_t_state": null, "hasRecurringPricing_t": false, "oRCL_ERP_IntegrationStatusText_t": null, "taxExemptReason_t": null, "totalAnnualCostAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_shipTo_t_last_name": null, "oRCL_ERP_ERPSystem_t": null, "_invoiceTo_t_company_name_2": "Co.", "proposalPreparedByEmail_t": null, "_soldTo_t_zip": null, "_soldTo_t_fax": null, "_customer_t_country": { "displayValue": "United States", "value": "United States" }, "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "bs_id": "3022920645", "currentStepForTesting_tempDisplay_t": "start_step", "_submitted_by_submit_t": "", "_customer_t_email": "", "oRCL_SFDC_Stage_t": null, "oRCL_SFDC_Product1000IDs_t": null, "opportunityNumber_t": null, "oRCL_SFDC_CloseDate_t": null, "customerPartySiteID_t": null, "totalContractDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "priceWithinPolicy_t": true, "_soldTo_t_first_name": null, "totalOneTimeCostAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_invoiceTo_t_company_name": "Apple", "statusDate_t": null, "_reject_link": "", "customerID_t": "account112", "_soldTo_t_country": null, "_shipTo_t_zip": null, "_shipTo_t_fax": null, "_customer_t_company_name": "Apple", "userKey_t": "CPQ-16v1", "totalContractCostAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "priceExpirationDate_t": null, "_transaction_total": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "annualContractListValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "approve_reject_icon_submit_t": null, "oRCL_ERP_OrderID_t": null, "soldToCustomerAccountID_t": null, "_customer_t_city": "Little Rock", "totalOneTimeMarginAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_eSignatureAttributeSet_esig_date_modified": null, "coverLetter_t": null, "proposalPreparedByName_t": null, "transactionName_t": null, "statusPartial_t": false, "_pp_id": 18355578, "_document_number": "1", "proposalPreparedByTitle_t": null, "oRCL_ERP_SoapRequest_t": null, "shipToPartySiteID_t": null, "_shipTo_t_phone": null, "owner_t": "Super User", "_soldTo_t_email": null, "_invoiceTo_t_first_name": "Bill", "_customer_t_zip": "60081", "_customer_t_fax": "555-555-5678", "currency_t": { "displayValue": "USD", "value": "USD" }, "totalMonthlyListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalContractListValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_eSignatureAttributeSet_esig_status": { "displayValue": "Not Sent", "value": "Not Sent" }, "shipToPartyID_t": null, "_soldTo_t_company_name": null, "_shipTo_t_first_name": null, "_invoiceTo_t_country": { "displayValue": "United States", "value": "United States" }, "version_t": 1, "_shipTo_t_company_name": null, "proposalPreparedByPhone_t": null, "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book", "_currency_pref": { "id": 14619668, "currencyCode": "USD", "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "_shipTo_t_address": null, "totalOneTimeDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "winLossStatus_t": { "displayValue": "In Progress", "value": "IN PROGRESS" }, "lastUpdatedDate_t": "2023-03-02T07:07:00Z", "_document_var_name": "transaction", "_invoiceTo_t_address": "401 Main Street", "_customer_t_phone": "555-555-5678", "lastPricedDate_t": "2023-03-02T07:07:00Z", "lastUpdatedBy_t": "Super User", "oRCL_SFDC_UserID_t": null, "oRCL_ERP_OrderNumber_t": null, "_soldTo_t_city": null, "paymentTerms_t": null, "createdDate_t": "2023-03-01", "oRCL_SFDC_Product200IDs_t": null, "approval_status_submit_t": null, "oRCL_INT_ExchangeRate_t": null, "transactionDescription_t": null, "totalMonthlyCostAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_SFDC_Product800IDs_t": null, "_date_added": "2023-03-02T07:07:25.000Z", "oRCL_SFDC_Product600IDs_t": null, "oRCL_SFDC_Product400IDs_t": null, "_invoiceTo_t_phone": "555-555-5678", "oRCL_ERP_PartialShipAllowed_t": false, "customerPartyID_t": null, "_shipTo_t_state": null, "proposalPreparedByCell_t": null, "_soldTo_t_address_2": null, "invoiceToPartyID_t": null, "_process_var_name": "oraclecpqo", "_invoiceTo_t_zip": "60081", "createdBy_t": "Super User", "_soldTo_t_last_name": null, "oRCL_INT_TargetCurrency_t": { "displayValue": "USD", "value": "USD" }, "invoiceToPartySiteID_t": null, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationStatus_t": null, "_eSignatureAttributeSet_esig_envelope_id": null, "transactionID_t": "CPQ-16", "taxExempt_t": false, "_buyer_company_name": "phoenix87575", "opportunityName_t": null, "totalMonthlyDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_invoiceTo_t_fax": "555-555-5678", "_shipTo_t_email": null, "parent_transaction_id_versionTransaction_t": null, "opportunityID_t": null, "fulfillmentStatus_t": null, "_soldTo_t_phone": null, "_eSignatureAttributeSet_esig_recipients": null, "oRCL_ERP_IntegrationStatus_t": "0_revertToDefault", "approval_history_submit_t": null, "soldToPartySiteID_t": null, "_customer_t_last_name": "Jones", "salesChannel_t": null, "totalAnnualValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "transactionTotalDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "transactionListTotal_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_shipTo_t_city": null, "_shipTo_t_country": null, "defaultRequestDate_t": null, "priceScore_t": 9, "oRCL_ERP_AvailabilityCheckDate_t": null, "transactionMarginPercent_t": 0.0, "purchaseOrderNumber_t": null, "_last_document_number": 15, "_approve_link": "", "_customer_t_address_2": "Unit 55", "requireApprovalIfChecked_temporary_t": false, "_id": 3022920645, "_invoiceTo_t_address_2": "Unit 55", "oRCL_ERP_SoapResponse_t": null, "_shipTo_t_company_name_2": null, "soldToPartyID_t": null, "oRCL_SFDC_TransactionID_t": null, "totalAnnualMarginAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_shipTo_t_address_2": null, "_step_var_name": null, "_soldTo_t_company_name_2": null, "transactionMarginTotal_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "TotalAnnualDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_soldTo_t_address": null, "_invoiceTo_t_last_name": "Jones", "totalContractMarginAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_customer_t_company_name_2": "Co.", "approval_revision_submit_t": 1, "_supplier_company_name": "phoenix87575", "version_number_versionTransaction_t": "1", "_customer_t_first_name": "Bill", "transactionCostTotal_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalMonthlyMarginAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_pp_name": "Admin", "status_t": { "displayValue": "Created", "value": "CREATED" }, "transactionLine": { "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "_line_bom_attributes": null, "listAmount_l": { "value": 5.0, "currency": "USD" }, "discountAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "contractStartDate_l": null, "requestedQuantity_l": 5, "_model_partner_entity_id": null, "_config_attributes": { "value": null }, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationDate_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_FifthOverridePeriod_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_ThirdOverrideAmount_l": null, "_part_display_number": "Part Display 1", "_model_attributes": { "value": null }, "_price_list_price_each": { "value": 1.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_bom_effective_date": null, "includedInBasePrice": null, "_parent_line_item": null, "_date_modified": "2023-03-02T08:09:58.000Z", "oRCL_ERP_SecondRecurringInvoiceDate_l": null, "rootAssetKey_l": null, "annualMargin_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_model_product_line_attributes": { "value": null }, "_price_configurable_price": { "value": 1.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_ERP_FirstOverrideAmount_l": null, "costAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_is_part_pricing_rule_price": false, "contractEndDate_l": null, "_last_modified_date": "2023-03-02 00:09:58", "parentLineID_l": null, "_config_extra_info": null, "oRCL_ERP_ThirdOverridePeriod_l": null, "unitMargin_l": { "value": 1.0, "currency": "USD" }, "canChangeQuantity_l": false, "oRCL_ERP_FifthOverrideAmount_l": null, "_part_number": "part1", "_sequence_number": 1, "_line_bom_display_name": null, "taxExemptReason_l": null, "unitCost_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_price_unit_price_each": { "value": 1.0, "currency": "USD" }, 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"USD" }, "_part_custom_field22": "Custom Field 22, part1", "_part_custom_field23": "Custom Field 23, part1", "oRCL_ERP_CancellationEffectiveDate_l": null, "_part_custom_field24": "Custom Field 24, part1", "_price_net_price": { "value": 5.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_prior_price": null, "customDiscountAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_parent_doc_number": null, "_part_custom_field18": "Custom Field 18, part1", "_part_custom_field19": "Custom Field 19, part1", "_reconfiguration_date": "1970-01-01 00:00:00", "annualCost_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_part_desc": null, "_pp_id": 18355578, "_document_number": 2, "_price_discount_percent": 0.0, "oRCL_ERP_InventoryAvailability_l": { "displayValue": "Not Checked", "value": "Not Checked" }, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationQuantity_l": null, "_rollup_delta_price": null, "_is_bom_price": false, "winLossStatus_l": { "displayValue": "In Progress", "value": "IN PROGRESS" }, "_price_calculation_info": "[]", "oRCL_ERP_RequestShipDate_l": "2023-03-02", "_price_component_prices": { "value": null }, "_part_supplier_company_id": "4118171", "_original_document_number": "-1", "contractListValue_l": { "value": 5.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_item_spare_rule_var_name": null, "_part_id": "8523072", "_part_company_associations": null, "oRCL_ERP_BillingInstr_l": null, "lineID_l": "2", "marginPercent_l": 100.0, "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book", "_price_subtotal": { "value": 5.0, "currency": "USD" }, "customDiscountType_l": null, "_group_sequence_number": "1.0", "lastUpdatedDate_l": null, "_price_quantity": 5, "lastUpdatedBy_l": "Super User", "_part_supplier_company_name": "phoenix87575", "_document_var_name": "transactionLine", "oRCL_SFDC_SynchronizationID_l": null, "createdDate_l": "2023-03-02T08:09:00Z", "contractCost_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "actualQuantity_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_PackingInstr_l": null, "contractDiscount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_bom_name": null, 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20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "discountAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "contractStartDate_l": null, "requestedQuantity_l": 10, "_model_partner_entity_id": null, "_config_attributes": { "value": null }, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationDate_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_FifthOverridePeriod_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_ThirdOverrideAmount_l": null, "_part_display_number": "Part Display 2", "_model_attributes": { "value": null }, "_price_list_price_each": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_bom_effective_date": null, "includedInBasePrice": null, "_parent_line_item": "part1", "_date_modified": "2023-03-02T08:09:58.000Z", "oRCL_ERP_SecondRecurringInvoiceDate_l": null, "rootAssetKey_l": null, "annualMargin_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_model_product_line_attributes": { "value": null }, "_price_configurable_price": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_ERP_FirstOverrideAmount_l": null, "costAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_is_part_pricing_rule_price": false, "contractEndDate_l": null, "_last_modified_date": "2023-03-02 00:09:58", "parentLineID_l": "2", "_config_extra_info": null, "oRCL_ERP_ThirdOverridePeriod_l": null, "unitMargin_l": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "canChangeQuantity_l": false, "oRCL_ERP_FifthOverrideAmount_l": null, "_part_number": "part2", "_sequence_number": 2, "_line_bom_display_name": null, "taxExemptReason_l": null, "unitCost_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_price_unit_price_each": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "actualAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_model_base_price": null, "customDiscountValue_l": null, "_model_product_line_name": null, "_price_item_price_each": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_transaction_currency_pref": { "id": 14619668, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "oRCL_ABO_ComponentAttributes_l": null, "_price_override_discount": { "displayValue": "None", "value": "None" }, "priceWithinPolicy_l": true, "_model_supplier_company_id": null, "_model_segment_id": null, "displayedItemName_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_FourthOverridePeriod_l": null, "_partner_entity_id": null, "statusPartial_l": false, "_part_custom_field14": "Custom Field 14, part2", "_part_custom_field15": "Custom Field 15, part2", "requestDate_l": null, "_part_custom_field16": null, "_part_base_price": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_part_custom_field17": null, "_part_custom_field10": "Custom Field 10, part2", "_part_custom_field11": "Required value", "oRCL_SFDC_ExternalID_l": "3-3022920645", "contractMargin_l": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_part_custom_field12": null, "pricePeriod_l": null, "_part_custom_field13": "Custom Field 13, part2", "_model_partner_organization_id": null, "_part_custom_field9": "100K Parts", "_model_segment_name": null, "statusDate_l": null, "firstRecurringInvoiceDate_l": null, "_part_custom_field3": null, "_part_custom_field4": null, "_part_custom_field1": "String", "priceType_l": { "displayValue": "One Time", "value": "One Time" }, "_part_custom_field2": "Value 1", "_part_custom_field20": "Custom Field 20, part2", "_part_custom_field7": 0.0, "_part_custom_field8": null, "_part_custom_field5": 0.0, "_part_custom_field6": 0.0, "_config_attr_info": { "value": null }, "_part_custom_field25": "Custom Field 25, part2", "_part_custom_field26": "Custom Field 26, part2", "_part_custom_field27": "Custom Field 27, part2", "_part_custom_field28": null, "_part_custom_field21": "Custom Field 21, part2", "contractValue_l": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_part_custom_field22": "Custom Field 22, part2", "_part_custom_field23": "Custom Field 23, part2", "oRCL_ERP_CancellationEffectiveDate_l": null, "_part_custom_field24": "Custom Field 24, part2", "_price_net_price": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_prior_price": null, "customDiscountAmount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_parent_doc_number": "2", "_part_custom_field18": "Custom Field 18, part2", "_part_custom_field19": "Custom Field 19, part2", "_reconfiguration_date": "1970-01-01 00:00:00", "annualCost_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_part_desc": null, "_pp_id": 18355578, "_document_number": 3, "_price_discount_percent": 0.0, "oRCL_ERP_InventoryAvailability_l": { "displayValue": "Not Checked", "value": "Not Checked" }, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationQuantity_l": null, "_rollup_delta_price": null, "_is_bom_price": false, "winLossStatus_l": { "displayValue": "In Progress", "value": "IN PROGRESS" }, "_price_calculation_info": "[]", "oRCL_ERP_RequestShipDate_l": "2023-03-02", "_price_component_prices": { "value": null }, "_part_supplier_company_id": "4118171", "_original_document_number": "-1", "contractListValue_l": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_item_spare_rule_var_name": null, "_part_id": "8523074", "_part_company_associations": null, "oRCL_ERP_BillingInstr_l": null, "lineID_l": "3", "marginPercent_l": 100.0, "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book", "_price_subtotal": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "customDiscountType_l": null, "_group_sequence_number": "1.1", "lastUpdatedDate_l": null, "_price_quantity": 10, "lastUpdatedBy_l": "Super User", "_part_supplier_company_name": "phoenix87575", "_document_var_name": "transactionLine", "oRCL_SFDC_SynchronizationID_l": null, "createdDate_l": "2023-03-02T08:09:00Z", "contractCost_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "actualQuantity_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_PackingInstr_l": null, "contractDiscount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_bom_name": null, "_model_is_valid": false, "canChangeConfiguration_l": false, "_config_attr_text": { "value": null }, "itemInstanceName_l": null, "_line_bom_model_path": null, "_model_id": null, "_date_added": "2023-03-02T08:09:58.000Z", "_model_product_line_id": null, "parentLineNumber_l": null, "requestedUnitOfMeasure_l": null, "_configuration_id": null, "_part_custom_field30": "Custom Field 30, part2", "_model_bom": null, "contractedPeriods_l": 1, "createdBy_l": "Super User", "fulfillmentStatus_l": null, "_model_variable_name": null, "_part_custom_field29": null, "_model_product_line_var_name": null, "_is_recommended_price": false, "oRCL_ERP_FourthOverrideAmount_l": null, "annualListValue_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_line_bom_id": null, "_model_supplier_company_name": null, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationStatus_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_SecondOverrideAmount_l": null, "taxExempt_l": false, "transactionID_l": "3022920645", "_line_bom_part_number": "part2", "itemInstanceId_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_ShippingInstr_l": null, "_line_bom_item_quantity": 2, "oRCL_ERP_ShipSet_l": null, "annualDiscount_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_model_segment_var_name": null, "_line_bom_level": null, "_bs_id": 3022920645, "customerItemName_l": null, "_price_total_discount": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "netAmount_l": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_ERP_SecondOverridePeriod_l": null, "_part_units": null, "_part_direct_buy": "1", "oRCL_ABO_ActionCode_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_FirstOverridePeriod_l": null, "_line_bom_parent_id": null, "priceScore_l": 9, "_line_item_type": "Standard Item", "_delta_price": null, "_line_display_name": "Part Display 2", "netPrice_l": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_ERP_SecondBillingPeriodStartDate_l": null, "oRCL_ERP_LineID_l": null, "listPrice_l": { "value": 2.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_part_extended_desc_2": "Extended description 2 for part2", "_part_extended_desc_1": "Extended description 1 for part2", "statusQuantity_l": null, "_is_line_item_mandatory": true, "_id": 3022920672, "oRCL_ERP_AvailableQuantity_l": null, "_part_lead_time": "N/A", "lineNumber_l": null, "status_l": { "displayValue": "Created", "value": "CREATED" }, "_line_item_comment": null, "_price_discount_comment": null, "_line_bom_sequence_index": null, "_step_var_name": null, "_price_override_price": { "displayValue": "No", "value": "No" }, "_model_name": null, "_config_attr_values": null, "_part_drawing_position": null, "_pricing_rule_price_each": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_price_override_quantity": false, "oRCL_ERP_ShippingCharges_l": null, "_line_bom_variable_name": "configIntegrationParentText", "marginAmount_l": { "value": 20.0, "currency": "USD" }, "oRCL_ERP_ReservationID_l": null, "annualValue_l": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_pp_name": "Admin", "_line_bom_condition_index": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ] }, "warnings": {}, "cacheInstanceId": "DIDZTgMLAWzyX6fUwJejEfn1xj9fnhiN2UmfR4cLpWPzKbLdeqm35ndhWBcqTX8z", "destinationURL": "" }

ClosedAlternate Address - Retrieve

Alternate Address - Retrieve POST method


Use this endpoint to return alternative addresses that are associated with the current customer and transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Captures the query definition for the current resource request.

This endpoint supports the cacheInstanceId parameter. Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters


Captures the query definition for the current resource request.


Alternative 'bill_to/ship_to' addresses associated with the current customer and Transaction.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Body Sample

{ "accountAddressList": { "hasMore": false, "items": [{ "dateModified": "2011-01-18", "billing_phone": "555-555-5678", "shipping_state": "Arkansas", "billing_last_name": "Jones", "dateAdded": "2008-05-07", "billing_state": "Arkansas", "shipping_company_2": "Co.", "billing_email": "", "shipping_address_2": "Unit 55", "id": 4162301, "shipping_address": "401 Main Street", "billing_country": "United States", "shipping_zip": "60081", "shipping_fax": "555-555-5678", "shipping_phone": "555-555-5678", "shipping_last_name": "Jones", "billing_fax": "555-555-5678", "shipping_country": "United States", "shipping_first_name": "Bill", "shipping_city": "Little Rock", "shipping_company": "Apple", "shipping_email": "", "billing_company": "Apple", "billing_zip": "60081", "billing_first_name": "Bill", "billing_city": "Little Rock", "billing_company_2": "Co.", "billing_address_2": "Unit 55", "billing_address": "401 Main Street" }, { "dateModified": "2011-01-18", "billing_phone": "555-555-5679", "shipping_state": "California", "billing_last_name": "Brown", "dateAdded": "2008-05-15", "billing_state": "California", "shipping_company_2": "Inc.", "billing_email": "", "shipping_address_2": "Suite 128", "id": 5676963, "shipping_address": "501 Pine Circle", "billing_country": "United States", "shipping_zip": "60082", "shipping_fax": "555-555-5679", "shipping_phone": "555-555-5679", "shipping_last_name": "Brown", "billing_fax": "555-555-5679", "shipping_country": "United States", "shipping_first_name": "Steve", "shipping_city": "Sacramento", "shipping_company": "Oracle", "shipping_email": "", "billing_company": "Oracle", "billing_zip": "60082", "billing_first_name": "Steve", "billing_city": "Sacramento", "billing_company_2": "Inc.", "billing_address_2": "Suite 128", "billing_address": "501 Pine Circle" }, { "dateModified": "2011-01-18", "billing_phone": "555-555-5680", "shipping_state": "Colorado", "billing_last_name": "Davis", "dateAdded": "2008-05-15", "billing_state": "Colorado", "shipping_company_2": "Corp.", "billing_email": "", "shipping_address_2": "PO Box 458", "id": 5676964, "shipping_address": "601 Maple Court", "billing_country": "United States", "shipping_zip": "60083", "shipping_fax": "555-555-5680", "shipping_phone": "555-555-5680", "shipping_last_name": "Davis", "billing_fax": "555-555-5680", "shipping_country": "United States", "shipping_first_name": "Mark", "shipping_city": "Denver", "shipping_company": "HP", "shipping_email": "", "billing_company": "HP", "billing_zip": "60083", "billing_first_name": "Mark", "billing_city": "Denver", "billing_company_2": "Corp.", "billing_address_2": "PO Box 458", "billing_address": "601 Maple Court" } ] } }

ClosedAlternate Address - Select

Alternate Address - Select POST method


Use this endpoint to associate an alternate account address with a transaction. This action is only available when the Customer ID field associated with a transaction has multiple addresses.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The ID for the alternate address.


Alternative bill to and ship to addresses.

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters


JSON data containing a link to the transaction with updated bill to and ship to addresses.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "criteria": { "state": false, "actions": [], "groups": [], "fields": ["_id", "_bill_to_country", "_bill_to_state"] }, "documents": {}, "accountAddressId": 4162301 }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

ClosedArchive Transactions

Archive Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to archive the specified transactions.

Note: This action is only available for CPQ administrators with superuser access.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters



Captures the query definition for resource requests, specifically for collection-based process actions.

This operation supports the following optional parameters: fields, orderBy, and q.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

HTTP Method


Success Response

204 No Content

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "selectionCriteria": { "q": "{'bsid':{$eq:'3022127625'}}", "orderBy": ["field1:ASC", "field2:DESC"] } }

ClosedAuto-fill Account Information

Auto-fill Account Information POST method


Use this endpoint to automatically fill related customer data using the specified Customer ID field.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The number for the bill to address information.


The number for the ship to address information.

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

JSON data containing a link to the transaction with updated bill to and shop to addresses.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample


ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "billToAddressNumber": 2, "shipToAddressNumber": 3, "documents": { "quoteDescription": "updated quote description 5", "_customer_id": "account95", "_bill_to_address": "30777 Park Avenue", "lineItem": { "items": [{ "_price_quantity": 304, "_document_number": 3 } ] } } }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

{ "documents": { "quoteDescription": "updated quote description 5", "_customer_id": "account95", "_bill_to_address": "307 Park Avenue", "_ship_to_address": "207 Second Street", "lineItem": { "items": [{ "_price_quantity": 304, "_document_number": 3 } ] } } }

ClosedBack to Quotes List / Transaction Manager

Back to Quotes List / Transaction Manager POST method


Use this endpoint to navigate back to the specified Quotes List/Transaction Manager page.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the optional cacheInstanceId and revisionId parameters.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

The response contains the Destination URL

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response

ClosedBack to Transaction

Back to TransactionPOST method


Use this endpoint to return the user to the transaction page from the line items details page.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, errorCriteria, and revisionId.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

JSON data for the parent transaction.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Sample

ClosedCalculate Transaction Line Item Price

Calculate Transaction Line Item PricePOST method


Use this endpoint to apply pricing changes for updates to transaction line price attributes.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, and revisionId.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

The JSON Transaction Line data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample transactionLine/3/actions/_calculate_price_action

ClosedRequest Body Sample


  • The following attributes are not allowed: _price_list_price_each, _price_subtotal, _price_net_price, and _price_discount_comment
  • The "Override Price" attribute should be set to "Yes" to allow overrides when invoking the REST to perform recalculation.
  • If "Override Price" is set to "No" and there are new price values, the values will be reset to the original values and returned via the REST API. There will be no warning or error message when new values are provided for recalculation.
  • The recalculated values returned via the REST API are not saved in the database until a modify type action is invoked.

ClosedChange Transaction Currency

Change Transaction Currency POST method


Use this endpoint to change the currency of an existing transaction. This feature is not currently supported in the Base Reference Application but can be enabled via customization.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The requested currency code, this item is required

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

JSON data containing the transaction with the updated currency

The currency can only be changed for transactions without any transaction lines.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

ClosedCopy Sequence

Copy Sequence POST method


Use this endpoint to retrieve copy sequences for the Commerce process.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

HTTP Method


Request Parameters

Response Parameters


An array of sequence definitions

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Sample

{ "sequences": [{ "name": "sequece 1", "id": 38736650, "order": 1, "description": "", "modifiedDate": "Mon May 06 21:55:11 UTC 2024" } ]

ClosedCopy to Favorites

Copy to Favorites POST method


Use this endpoint to copy the specified line items from the transaction to the Favorites List.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the Copy to Favorites type action.

HTTP Method


Request Parameters


Required, use to specify the transaction lines.


Folder where the favorites will reside. An empty or -1 value indicates default folder.

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Parameters


List of created favorite root Ids.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample /actions/copyToFavorites

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "selections": [lineItem/2, lineItem/4], "documents": { ... } }

ClosedCopy Transaction

Copy Transaction POST method


Use this endpoint to copy the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, copy_sequence_id, criteria, delta, revisionId, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

The JSON data for the duplicated transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Sample

ClosedCopy Transaction Lines

Copy Transaction Lines POST method


Use this endpoint to copy specified transaction lines within the current transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The "numberOfCopies" parameter is an array to specify the number of copies for each line listed in the "selections" parameter.

  • The number of copies for each line is specified in an array in the same sequence as the "selections" array.
  • The default value is '1', if the number of copies value is not provided.
  • The "numberOfCopies" array size cannot be greater than the "selections" array size.


Required, use to specify the transaction line(s)

This service can be used for transaction and line level actions that support line selection. Selection items are an array of  {subDocVarName}/{docNumber} combinations.

Line Selection Sample

{ "selections": ["transactionLine/2", "transactionLine/3"] }

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, selectionMode, and revisionId.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

The JSON data for the parent transaction including the copied transaction lines, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request transaction

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Samples

  1. Copy transaction lines 5 and 3, copy each item once
  2. { "numberOfCopies": [1,1], "selections": ["transactionLine/5", "transactionLine/3"] }

  1. Modify, and then copy transaction lines 5 and 7, copy each item once
  2. { "documents": {"transactionDescription": "Mar31", "transactionLine": { "items": [ {"_document_number": "5", "_price_quantity": "45"}, {"_document_number": "7", "_price_quantity": "45"} ] } }, "numberOfCopies": [1,1], "selections": ["transactionLine/5", "transactionLine/7"] }

ClosedCreate Sales Agreement

Create Sales AgreementPOST method


Use this endpoint to create a sales agreement from the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectMode, selections, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

The JSON data for the sales agreement.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "aEB9KWLAWCM9oxT3I1hzMD5HZnlStyortgql6CFvC6pOpgZJERtGQNtopEvuIcwf", "criteria": { "state": true, "fields": ["transactionName_t", "transactionID_t", "version_t", "status_t", "winLossStatus_t", "priceScore_t", "owner_t", "_customer_t_company_name", "_customer_t_first_name", "_customer_t_last_name", "fileAttachment_t", "createdDate_t", "lastUpdatedDate_t", "orderPlacedBy_t", "orderDate_t", "lastUpdatedBy_t", "cancelReason_t", "cancelExplanation_t", "rejectReason_t", "rejectExplanation_t", "_s_quoteForAgreement_t", "_s_contractID_t", "contractName_t", "contractTypeName_t", "contractStartDate_t", "contractEndDate_t", "_customer_t_address", "_customer_t_address_2", "_customer_t_company_name_2", "_customer_t_city", "_customer_t_state", "_customer_t_zip", "_customer_t_country", "_customer_t_email", "_customer_t_fax", "_customer_t_phone", "_customer_id", "_soldTo_t_first_name", "_soldTo_t_last_name", "_soldTo_t_company_name", "_soldTo_t_address", "_soldTo_t_city", "_soldTo_t_state", "_soldTo_t_zip", "_soldTo_t_country", "_soldTo_t_email", "_s_billTo_t_company_name", "_s_billTo_t_address", "_s_billTo_t_city", "_s_billTo_t_state", "_s_billTo_t_zip", "_s_billTo_t_country", "_shipTo_t_first_name", "_shipTo_t_last_name", "_shipTo_t_company_name", "_shipTo_t_address", "_shipTo_t_city", "_shipTo_t_state", "_shipTo_t_zip", "_shipTo_t_country", "_shipTo_t_email", "paymentTerms_t", "priceExpirationDate_t", "priceWithinPolicy_t", "lastPricedDate_t", "currency_t", "requireApprovalIfChecked_temporary_t", "approval_status_submit_t", "approval_revision_submit_t", "approval_history_submit_t", "approve_reject_icon_submit_t", "bs_id", "version_number_versionTransaction_t", "userKey_t", "currentStepForTesting_tempDisplay_t", "defaultRequestDate_t", "_s_accountIntegrationResponse_t", "businessUnitId_t", "_s_soldToPartyID_t", "_s_soldToPartySiteID_t", "_s_soldToCustomerAccountID_t", "_s_billToCustomerAccountID_t", "billToSiteUseId_t", "_s_shipToPartySiteID_t", "_s_shipToPartyID_t", "opportunityID_t", "opportunityNumber_t", "opportunityName_t", "oRCL_SFA_TransactionID_t", "oRCL_SFA_Status_t", "oRCL_SFA_SyncTime_t", "_s_totalRevenue_t", "_s_useTransactionForAnalytics_t", "_s_customerSegment_t", "_s_discountGuidanceCeiling_t", "_s_discountGuidanceFloor_t", "_s_discountGuidanceMax_t", "_s_discountGuidanceMeterGauge_t", "_s_priceScoreListBased_t", "_s_priceScoreMarginBased_t", "_s_priceScoreSimpleMarginBasedListPriceBasis_t", "_s_priceScoreSimpleMarginBasedNetPriceBasis_t", "_s_priceScoreSimpleMarginBasedUnitCostBasis_t", "_s_winProbabilityNetRevenueValuePrediction_t", "_s_optimalPrimaryDriver_t", "_s_optimalWinProbability_t", "_s_optimalTargetValue_t", "_s_winProbability_t", "totalOneTimeListAmount_t", "totalOneTimeDiscount_t", "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t", "totalOneTimeCostAmount_t", "totalOneTimeMarginAmount_t", "totalMonthlyListAmount_t", "totalMonthlyDiscount_t", "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t", "transactionTotalDiscountPercent_t", "totalMonthlyCostAmount_t", "totalMonthlyMarginAmount_t", "annualContractListValue_t", "TotalAnnualDiscount_t", "totalAnnualValue_t", "totalAnnualCostAmount_t", "totalAnnualMarginAmount_t", "totalContractListValue_t", "totalContractDiscount_t", "totalContractValue_t", "totalContractCostAmount_t", "totalContractMarginAmount_t", "transactionMarginPercent_t", "_id", "_step_var_name", "_pp_id", "_pp_name", "_currency_pref", "_price_book_var_name"], "childDefs": [{ "name": "transactionLine", "queryDef": { "state": true, "totalResults": true, "enableHierarchy": true, "expandNodes": false, "nodesExceptionList": [], "childDefs": [{ "name": "_chargeSet", "queryDef": { "state": true, "totalResults": true, "offset": 0, "fields": ["_chargeSet_chargeDefinition", "_chargeSet_chargeDefinitionCode", "_chargeSet_chargeDefIntegrationId", "_chargeSet_priceType", "_chargeSet_chargeType", "_chargeSet_pricePeriod", "_chargeSet_usageUOM", "_chargeSet_dynamicPricingType", "_chargeSet_rateCardName", "_chargeSet_rateCardVariableName", "_chargeSet_rateCardStructure", "_chargeSet_rateCardInHTML", "_chargeSet_unitPrice", "_chargeSet_calculationInfo", "_chargeSet_discountValue", "_chargeSet_discountType", "_chargeSet_discountAmount", "_chargeSet_netPrice", "_chargeSet_netAmount", "_row_number"] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 10, "fields": ["documentNumber_l", "_group_sequence_number", "_model_name", "_part_number", "partNumberCustom_c", "_part_display_number", "_price_applied_ratePlan", "_price_applied_agreement_name", "listPrice_l", "_price_quantity", "contractStartDate_l", "contractEndDate_l", "pricePeriod_l", "contractedPeriods_l", "pricePeriodCustom_c", "customDiscountValue_l", "customDiscountType_l", "customDiscountAmount_l", "netPrice_l", "priceScore_l", "netAmount_l", "contractListValue_l", "contractDiscount_l", "contractValue_l", "fulfillmentStatus_l", "oRCL_ABO_ActionCode_l", "_document_number", "_model_id", "_model_is_valid", "_chargeSetControl", "_is_coverage", "requestedUnitOfMeasure_l", "_parent_doc_number", "_is_line_item_mandatory", "_parent_doc_number", "_is_line_item_mandatory", "_parent_doc_number", "_is_line_item_mandatory"], "expandedDomains": ["pricePeriod_l", "customDiscountType_l", "fulfillmentStatus_l", "oRCL_ABO_ActionCode_l"] } } ], "expandedDomains": [] }, "delta": true, "documents": {}, "revisionId": "7,0" }

ClosedResponse Body

ClosedCreate Transaction Lines

Create Transaction LinesPOST method


Use this endpoint to create transaction line items for the part items or models that are listed in the request body.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The Part Number to be added to this transaction.


Variable Name of the Price Book used to get the price for this line item.


The quantity of parts to be added to this transaction.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedCreate Transaction Version

Create Transaction VersionPOST method


Use this endpoint to create a new version of the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, documents, and revisionId.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

The JSON data of the new transaction version

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Body

ClosedCreate Transaction with Line Items

Create Transaction with Line ItemsPOST method


Use this endpoint to create a new transaction with parts and/or models as specified in the request payload.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

HTTP Method(s)


Request Body


Currency preference


The transaction lines to be included in the new transaction.

Response Body

The JSON transaction data of the new transaction



  • When creating a transaction through a REST call, only a line item’s part number, quantity, and Price Book can be given values. The line items’ Price Book only needs to be declared when declaring the first line item in the payload. Other updateable sub-document attributes can be given values through a subsequent POST call by invoking a Commerce action.
  • Similar to behavior in the Oracle CPQ user interface, transactions created through REST calls will exist in a temporary state until they are updated. In order to view a REST-call-created transaction in the Transaction manager, a subsequent UPDATE call must be made to update the transaction.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "_last_document_number" : "3", "paymentTerms_t" : "", "bs_id" : "36365444", "_price_book_var_name" : "_default_price_book", "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t" : "0", "currentStepForTesting_tempDisplay_t" : "start_step", "totalMonthlyDiscount_t" : "0", "_customer_t_address" : "", "_step_var_name" : null, "_curr_reason_variable_name" : "", "transactionName_t" : null, "parent_transaction_id_versionTransaction_t" : "", "_supplier_company_name" : "cpq", "status_t" : "CREATED", "approve_reject_icon_submit_t" : "", "_document_link" : "", "createdDate_t" : "2016-02-25 00:00:00", "_customer_t_state" : "", "_curr_reason_desc" : "", "_document_number" : "1", "requireApprovalIfChecked_temporary_t" : "false", "opportunityName_t" : "", "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t" : "0", "_date_added" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07.0", "_process_var_name" : "oraclecpqo", "userKey_t" : "CPQ-63v12", "_date_modified" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07.0", "_customer_t_address_2" : "", "taxExempt_t" : "false", "totalAnnualValue_t" : "0", "salesChannel_t" : "", "approval_revision_submit_t" : "1", "_id" : "36365444", "_invoiceTo_t_last_name" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_phone" : "", "statusPartial_t" : "false", "_invoiceTo_t_company_name" : "", "_customer_t_city" : "", "_customer_t_email" : "", "createdBy_t" : "Super User", "_customer_t_last_name" : "", "priceExpirationDate_t" : "", "lastPricedDate_t" : "2016-02-25 12:19:00", "_curr_reason_name" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_state" : "", "_customer_t_first_name" : "", "statusDate_t" : "", "totalContractValue_t" : "0", "_invoiceTo_t_address_2" : "", "purchaseOrderNumber_t" : "", "version_t" : "1", "_invoiceTo_t_email" : "", "approval_status_submit_t" : "", "_customer_t_company_name_2" : "", "opportunityID_t" : "", "totalOneTimeDiscount_t" : "0", "currency_t" : "USD", "_document_var_name" : "transaction", "hasRecurringPricing_t" : "false", "_customer_t_zip" : "", "_customer_t_company_name" : null, "_invoiceTo_t_zip" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_company_name_2" : "", "totalMonthlyListAmount_t" : "0", "taxExemptReason_t" : "", "_buyer_company_name" : "cpq", "_next_approver" : "", "totalOneTimeListAmount_t" : "0", "_submitted_by_submit_t" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_address" : "", "approval_history_submit_t" : "", "_customer_t_fax" : "", "_customer_t_phone" : "", "_transaction_total" : "0", "_invoiceTo_t_first_name" : "", "lastUpdatedBy_t" : "Super User", "priceWithinPolicy_t" : "true", "owner_t" : "Super User", "lastUpdatedDate_t" : "2016-02-25 12:19:00", "_approve_reject_comment" : "", "transactionID_t" : "CPQ-63", "_currency_pref" : "USD", "_submit_comment" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_fax" : "", "_curr_approver" : "", "version_number_versionTransaction_t" : null, "_customer_t_country" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_city" : "", "_invoiceTo_t_country" : "", "transactionLine" : { "items" : [ { "_part_custom_field29" : "", "_price_book_var_name" : "_default_price_book", "_model_attributes" : "", "_model_bom" : "", "_part_supplier_company_id" : "4118171", "_price_item_price_each" : "199.99", "annualValue_l" : "", "_price_total_discount" : "0", "_config_attributes" : "", "_price_list_price_each" : "199.99", "statusQuantity_l" : null, "_part_custom_field30" : "", "requestedUnitOfMeasure_l" : "", "_original_document_number" : "-1", "status_l" : null, "requestedQuantity_l" : "1", "costAmount_l" : "100", "createdDate_l" : "2016-02-25 12:19:00", "pricePeriod_l" : "", "_part_id" : "36285771", "customDiscountAmount_l" : "0", "priceType_l" : "One Time", "_price_component_prices" : "", "_part_supplier_company_name" : "pm", "_document_number" : "2", "_is_line_item_mandatory" : "false", "_reconfiguration_date" : "1970-01-01 00:00:00", "_price_unit_price_each" : "199.99", "_config_attr_info" : "", "_price_configurable_price" : "199.99", "taxExempt_l" : "false", "_date_added" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07.0", "displayedItemName_l" : "Alliance Business Software", "_document_number9" : "", "_date_modified" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07.0", "_parent_line_item" : "", "_model_segment_name" : "", "canChangeQuantity_l" : "false", "_price_subtotal" : "199.99", "_part_desc" : "Alliance Business Software", "_is_part_pricing_rule_price" : "false", "_model_id" : "", "_partner_entity_id" : "", "_config_attr_text" : "", "_id" : "36365446", "_part_units" : "", "_model_product_line_id" : "", "statusDate_l" : null, "statusPartial_l" : "false", "createdBy_l" : "Super User", "customDiscountValue_l" : null, "_last_modified_date" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07", "_price_discount_comment" : "", "_model_product_line_name" : "", "_price_override_discount" : "None", "_part_drawing_position" : "", "itemInstanceId_l" : "", "netPrice_l" : "199.99", "_model_segment_id" : "", "_model_product_line_var_name" : "", "firstRecurringInvoiceDate_l" : "", "_model_supplier_company_id" : "", "_price_discount_percent" : "0.00", "_model_segment_var_name" : "", "contractStartDate_l" : "2016-02-25 00:00:00", "unitCost_l" : "100", "_part_direct_buy" : "1", "_pricing_rule_price_each" : "0", "_model_variable_name" : "", "_part_number" : "AS00100", "_document_var_name" : "transactionLine", "_model_supplier_company_name" : "", "_bs_id" : "36365444", "_price_override_quantity" : "false", "_price_net_price" : "199.99", "netAmount_l" : "199.99", "_line_item_spare_rule_var_name" : "", "listPrice_l" : "199.99", "customDiscountType_l" : "%", "_part_custom_field12" : "", "_part_custom_field13" : "No", "taxExemptReason_l" : "", "_part_custom_field10" : "", "lastUpdatedBy_l" : "Super User", "lineNumber_l" : "", "_part_custom_field11" : "", "_part_custom_field16" : "", "_part_custom_field17" : "", "_part_custom_field14" : "LAP", "_part_custom_field15" : "", "_model_base_price" : "", "_line_item_comment" : "", "_parent_doc_number" : "", "parentLineNumber_l" : "", "_part_custom_field2" : "", "listAmount_l" : "199.99", "_model_product_line_attributes" : "", "canChangeConfiguration_l" : "false", "_part_custom_field1" : "Software", "_part_custom_field4" : "", "_part_custom_field3" : "19", "priceWithinPolicy_l" : "true", "customerItemName_l" : "", "_part_custom_field6" : "253209", "_model_name" : "", "_part_custom_field5" : "100.0", "_part_custom_field8" : "One Time", "_part_custom_field7" : "", "_price_quantity" : "1", "contractedPeriods_l" : "1", "_part_custom_field21" : "", "_part_custom_field22" : "", "transactionID_l" : "CPQ-63", "_part_custom_field23" : "", "_part_custom_field24" : "", "_part_custom_field25" : "", "_part_custom_field26" : "", "_part_custom_field27" : "", "_part_custom_field28" : "", "_part_custom_field9" : "38", "lastUpdatedDate_l" : "", "contractValue_l" : "", "_part_custom_field20" : "", "_part_base_price" : "199.99", "_is_recommended_price" : "false", "_part_custom_field19" : "", "_part_custom_field18" : "", "_part_extended_desc_1" : "", "_part_lead_time" : "N/A", "_price_override_price" : "No", "_part_extended_desc_2" : "", "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "" }, { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "" } ] }, { "_part_custom_field29" : "", "_price_book_var_name" : "_default_price_book", "_model_attributes" : "", "_model_bom" : "", "_part_supplier_company_id" : "4118171", "_price_item_price_each" : "300", "annualValue_l" : "", "_price_total_discount" : "0", "_config_attributes" : "", "_price_list_price_each" : "300", "statusQuantity_l" : null, "_part_custom_field30" : "", "requestedUnitOfMeasure_l" : "", "_original_document_number" : "-1", "status_l" : null, "requestedQuantity_l" : "1", "costAmount_l" : "167", "createdDate_l" : "2016-02-25 12:19:00", "pricePeriod_l" : "", "_part_id" : "36285591", "customDiscountAmount_l" : "0", "priceType_l" : "One Time", "_price_component_prices" : "", "_part_supplier_company_name" : "pm", "_document_number" : "3", "_is_line_item_mandatory" : "false", "_reconfiguration_date" : "1970-01-01 00:00:00", "_price_unit_price_each" : "300", "_config_attr_info" : "", "_price_configurable_price" : "300", "taxExempt_l" : "false", "_date_added" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07.0", "displayedItemName_l" : "Blue Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server Self-Support", "_document_number9" : "", "_date_modified" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07.0", "_parent_line_item" : "", "_model_segment_name" : "", "canChangeQuantity_l" : "false", "_price_subtotal" : "300", "_part_desc" : "Blue Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server Self-Support", "_is_part_pricing_rule_price" : "false", "_model_id" : "", "_partner_entity_id" : "", "_config_attr_text" : "", "_id" : "36365447", "_part_units" : "", "_model_product_line_id" : "", "statusDate_l" : null, "statusPartial_l" : "false", "createdBy_l" : "Super User", "customDiscountValue_l" : null, "_last_modified_date" : "2016-02-25 12:19:07", "_price_discount_comment" : "", "_model_product_line_name" : "", "_price_override_discount" : "None", "_part_drawing_position" : "", "itemInstanceId_l" : "", "netPrice_l" : "300", "_model_segment_id" : "", "_model_product_line_var_name" : "", "firstRecurringInvoiceDate_l" : "", "_model_supplier_company_id" : "", "_price_discount_percent" : "0.00", "_model_segment_var_name" : "", "contractStartDate_l" : "2016-02-25 00:00:00", "unitCost_l" : "167", "_part_direct_buy" : "1", "_pricing_rule_price_each" : "0", "_model_variable_name" : "", "_part_number" : "AS00105", "_document_var_name" : "transactionLine", "_model_supplier_company_name" : "", "_bs_id" : "36365444", "_price_override_quantity" : "false", "_price_net_price" : "300", "netAmount_l" : "300", "_line_item_spare_rule_var_name" : "", "listPrice_l" : "300", "customDiscountType_l" : "%", "_part_custom_field12" : "", "_part_custom_field13" : "Yes", "taxExemptReason_l" : "", "_part_custom_field10" : "", "lastUpdatedBy_l" : "Super User", "lineNumber_l" : "", "_part_custom_field11" : "", "_part_custom_field16" : "", "_part_custom_field17" : "", "_part_custom_field14" : "SVR", "_part_custom_field15" : "", "_model_base_price" : "", "_line_item_comment" : "", "_parent_doc_number" : "", "parentLineNumber_l" : "", "_part_custom_field2" : "", "listAmount_l" : "300", "_model_product_line_attributes" : "", "canChangeConfiguration_l" : "false", "_part_custom_field1" : "Software", "_part_custom_field4" : "", "_part_custom_field3" : "16", "priceWithinPolicy_l" : "true", "customerItemName_l" : "", "_part_custom_field6" : "253214", "_model_name" : "", "_part_custom_field5" : "167.0", "_part_custom_field8" : "One Time", "_part_custom_field7" : "", "_price_quantity" : "1", "contractedPeriods_l" : "1", "_part_custom_field21" : "", "_part_custom_field22" : "", "transactionID_l" : "CPQ-63", "_part_custom_field23" : "", "_part_custom_field24" : "", "_part_custom_field25" : "", "_part_custom_field26" : "", "_part_custom_field27" : "", "_part_custom_field28" : "", "_part_custom_field9" : "50", "lastUpdatedDate_l" : "", "contractValue_l" : "", "_part_custom_field20" : "", "_part_base_price" : "300", "_is_recommended_price" : "false", "_part_custom_field19" : "", "_part_custom_field18" : "", "_part_extended_desc_1" : "", "_part_lead_time" : "N/A", "_price_override_price" : "No", "_part_extended_desc_2" : "", "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "" }, { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "" } ] } ], "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "" } ] }, "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "" } ] }

ClosedCreate Transaction without Line Items

Create Transaction without Line ItemsPOST method


Use this endpoint to create a new transaction without any line items.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

HTTP Method(s)


Request Body

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, documents, partnerInfo, and revisionId.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body

The JSON transaction data of the new transaction

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Sample

ClosedDelete Archived Transactions

Delete Archived Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to delete the specified archived transactions.

Note: This action is only available for CPQ administrators with superuser access.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters


An array of archived transaction id items to be deleted.

HTTP Method


Success Response

204 No Content

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "selectionCriteria": { "ids": [19403637, 19403536, 19401289, 19397409, 19397331, 19397252, 19397175, 19396957, 19396878, 19396429, 19395774, 19395679, 19395605, 19385048, 19384977] } }

ClosedDelete Transaction Line

Delete Transaction LineDELETE method


Use this endpoint to delete the specified transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

204 No Content

ClosedDelete Transaction Lines

Delete Transaction Lines POST method


Use this endpoint to delete the specified transaction line(s) from a transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

Request Body Parameters



Required, this parameter is used for transaction level actions that support line selection. Selection items are an array of transactionLine/{docNumber} combinations.

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

HTTP Method


Response Body Parameters

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample{id}/actions/_remove_transactionLine

ClosedRequest Sample

ClosedDrop Cache (Commerce)

Drop Cache (Commerce)POST method


Use this endpoint to eliminate the cache created through REST web services. Drop Cache can improve site performance by removing cached objects that would otherwise remain in memory for the duration of the timeout specified in administration.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The cache instance ID

Response Body Parameters

The requested cache instance is cleared.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

ClosedEmail - Generate Transaction Email

Email - Generate Transaction EmailPOST method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the objects required to send a transaction email.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId. Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Specify one of the following parameters to filter the returned XSL views by the specified language:

  • languageAttributeValue - Language attribute value for the print document (from Get Sales Company User REST API)

  • languageNumber - Language attribute value for the print document (from Get Sales Company User REST API)

  • languagePreference – Language attribute value for the print document

Note: XSL views associated for Multi language templates are always returned irrespective of the language filter specified in the request payload.

Response Body Parameters


Attachments to send with the email


The list of attachments which can be merged with the proposal document


bcc email address(es)


The cache instance ID, if requested


cc email address(es)


Comments to be sent in the email body


The sender's email address


The sender's name


The proposal attachment selected by default. The default ID value for the transaction is -2.


The revision Id of the transaction


The email subject line


The recipient's email address(es)


The recipient's name


Warning messages


The list of all XSL Views selected for the Process level email action in Admin UI.

  • id - the Id for the attachment

  • isAvaialbleForMerge - This value will be true for XSL views that support merging of file attachments

  • name - the name for the attachment

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedResponse Body Sample

{ "comments": "", "attachments": null, "ccEmail": "", "availableAttachmentsForMerge": [{ "id": 3023140360, "name": "Attachment 1.pdf (Transaction - attachment 1)" } ], "subject": "", "warnings": {}, "fromEmail": "", "xslViews": [{ "id": 3023140083, "name": "english tempalte pdf output(Printer Friendly/History)", "isMergeAttachmentSupported": true }, { "id": 3023140134, "name": "English Document DOCX Ouput(Printer Friendly/History)", "isMergeAttachmentSupported": false } ], "revisionId": "46,0", "bccEmail": "", "generatedProposalAttachmentForMerge": [{ "id": -2, "name": "GENERATED PROPOSAL" } ], "toName": null, "fromName": null, "toEmail": "" }

ClosedEmail - Send Transaction Email

Email - Send Transaction EmailPOST method


Use this endpoint to collect email form data, generates the attachment, pushes the email to SMTP servers, and returns confirmation on email sent time. The email recipient receives an email with the comments in the email body and an attachment that contains the transaction information.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The email action variable name used to generate the email


An array if attachment ID items


The attachment IDs to merge


bcc email address(es)


The cache instance ID


cc email address(es)


Comments to be sent in the email body


The sender's name


The language preference for sending email


The email subject line, this parameter is required to send email


The recipient's email address(es), this parameter is required to send email


The recipient's name


Printer friendly proposals or history outputs generated from predefined XSL templates

Response Body Parameters

JSON with summary message for sending email

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "actionVariableName": "_action_process_email_print", "comments": "test comments", "ccEmail": "", "toName": "Test To Name", "subject": "Test subject", "fromName": "Test From Name", "toEmail": "", "languageCode": "en", "xslView": "3023146476", "attachmentIdsForMerge": ["-2", "3023146599", "3023146600"] }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

ClosedeSignature - Cancel Request

eSignature - Cancel RequestPOST method


Use this endpoint to cancel a pending eSignature request.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Variable name of the eSignature attribute set

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the requested transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Request Body

{ "esigAttrSetVarName": "eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_set", "documents": { "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_recipients": "John Doe<>;", "quoteDescription": "abcquote", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_file_attachment": { "fileID": "20600546", "fileType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "isFileSaved": false, "fileName": "DocuSignTestDocument2Signers.docx" }, "criteria": { "state": true, "childDefs": [{ "name": "lineItem", "queryDef": { "state": true } } ] } } }

ClosedSample Response Body

{ "documents": { "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_recipients": "John Doe<>;", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_file_attachment": { "fileID": "20600546", "fileType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "isFileSaved": false, "fileName": "DocuSignTestDocument2Signers.docx" }, "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_envelope_id": null, "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_date_modified": "2018-03-11T20:28:44Z", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_status": { "value": "Cancelled", "displayValue": "Cancelled" }, "sub": {}, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "../rest/v18/commerceDocumentsTestMain/20905405" } ], "_state": {} }, "warnings": {} }

ClosedeSignature - Request Details

eSignature - Request Details POST method


Use this endpoint to connect and view the eSignature related details from an integrated site, such as DocuSign.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Variable name of the eSignature attribute set

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, and revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the requested transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Request Body

{ "esigAttrSetVarName": "eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_set", "documents": { "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_recipients": "John Doe<>;", "quoteDescription": "abcquote", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_file_attachment": { "fileID": "20600546", "fileType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "isFileSaved": false, "fileName": "DocuSignTestDocument2Signers.docx" }, "criteria": { "state": true, "childDefs": [{ "name": "lineItem", "queryDef": { "state": true } } ] } } }

ClosedSample Response Body

{ ... "destinationNewWindowURL": "" ... }

ClosedeSignature - Send Request

eSignature - Send Request POST method


Use this endpoint to send eSignature documents to recipients.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Variable name of the eSignature attribute set

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the requested transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Request Body

{ "esigAttrSetVarName": "eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_set", "documents": { "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_recipients": "John Doe<>;", "quoteDescription": "abcquote", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_file_attachment": { "fileID": "20600546", "fileType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "isFileSaved": false, "fileName": "DocuSignTestDocument2Signers.docx" }, "criteria": { "state": true, "childDefs": [{ "name": "lineItem", "queryDef": { "state": true } } ] } } }

ClosedSample Response Body

{ "documents": { "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_recipients": "John Doe<>;", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_file_attachment": { "fileID": "20600546", "fileType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "isFileSaved": false, "fileName": "DocuSignTestDocument2Signers.docx" }, "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_envelope_id": "5d28d6ca-0f7d-41d4-a1f1-fa12184a7b07", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_date_modified": "2018-03-11T20:16:44Z", "_eSignatureAttributeSet1_esig_status": { "value": "Pending", "displayValue": "Pending" }, "quoteDescription": "abcquote", "sub": {}, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "../rest/v18/commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction/20563735" } ], "_state": {} }, "warnings": {} }

ClosedExport Transaction Attachment

Export Transaction Attachment POST method


Use this endpoint to export an Oracle CPQ generated document.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

The JSON Transaction Data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

ClosedExport Transaction

Export Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to export an Oracle CPQ generated document.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Captures the query definition for resource requests, specifically for collection-based process actions.

Response Body Parameters

The JSON Transaction Data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "selectionCriteria": { "search": "_my_approval_search", "orderby": ["_id:desc", "searchViewName:asc"], "fields": ["_id", "_lock_status", "bs_id", "processManagerFloat"] } }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

ClosedForward Transactions

Forward Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to forward selected transactions to the specified users and/or groups.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters



The company name


The list of transactions that are forwarded to user / groups


List of sales groups to forward the transaction to


List of sales use logins to forward the transaction to

HTTP Method


Quick registration - buy type users cannot be targeted using this endpoint,

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "ids": [18007731, 18007790, 18005157], "company": "company123, "salesGroups": [group1, group2, group3], "salesUsers": [] }

ClosedGenerate Proposal

Generate Proposal POST method


Use this endpoint to generate a file of the proposal document by merging the associated printer-friendly XSL document with the current transaction details.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters







JSON data for the transaction


Printer friendly proposals or history outputs generated from predefined XSL templates


The file attachment attribute used of confirmation


The default selected attachment for an email or print action


The unique identifier for the entry of transaction data stored in the cache. This typically is obtained from first createTransaction or OpenTransaction action and passed along in subsequent Modify/Interact action to avoid reload transaction data from db.


A list of attachments available to merge for an email or print action

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "documents": {} }

ClosedResponse Sample

{ "revisionId": "11,0", "generatedProposalAttachmentForMerge": [{ "id": -2, "name": "GENERATED PROPOSAL" } ], "documents": { "_pp_id": 3023259033, "approve_reject_icon_submit_t": null, "fileAttachment_t": { "fileName": null, "fileType": null, "fileID": null, "isFileSaved": false, "fileLocation": "" }, "approval_history_submit_t": null, "approval_status_submit_t": null, "_s_signedProposalDocument_t": { "fileName": "Document (4).pdf", "fileType": "application/pdf", "fileID": "3023286673", "isFileSaved": true, "fileLocation": "" }, "_step_var_name": "pending_process", "_id": 3023286655, "_pp_name": "Admin", "transactionLine": { "totalResults": 0, "offset": 0, "limit": 10, "count": 0, "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [] } }, "xslView": "Document(Printer Friendly/History)", "availableAttachmentsForMerge": [{ "id": 3023286673, "name": "Document (4).pdf (Transaction - Signed Proposal Document)" } ], "warnings": {}, "langAttributeValue": -1, "cacheInstanceId": "hZ6d7XDIYs0q9zUuI98949xMHBJTehNxIeKirMrb9CLedxKTnU1e1MLNnJWJfnlF", "fileAttachmentAttribute": "File Attachment" }

ClosedGet Archived Transactions

Get Archived Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of archived transactions.

Note: This action is only available for CPQ administrators with superuser access.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters



The criteria object supports the following parameters to retrieve specific content and limit the size of the response.

actions, childDefs, enableHierarchy, excludeFieldTypes, expand, fields, groups, limit, offset, orderBy, q, state, and totalResults.

Refer to Criteria Object for additional information.

HTTP Method


Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the requested archived transactions.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "criteria": { "orderby": ["_id:DESC"], "totalResults": true, "limit": 2, "offset": 0 } }

ClosedResponse Sample

{ "documents": { "offset": 0, "limit": 2, "count": 2, "hasMore": true, "items": [{ { "documents": { "totalResults": 3, "offset": 0, "limit": 2, "count": 2, "hasMore": true, "items": [{ "totalOneTimeListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_login": null, "lastUpdatedDate_t": "2024-05-22T21:15:00Z", "_document_var_name": "transaction", "lastPricedDate_t": "2024-05-22T21:11:00Z", "_customer_id": "300100122967029", "_customer_t_company_name": "Vision Development US)", "totalAnnualValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalContractValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_time": null, "createdDate_t": "2024-05-22", "_date_modified": "2024-06-09T15:11:09.000Z", "_last_document_number": 6, "_date_added": "2024-06-09T15:11:09.000Z", "transactionName_t": "05/22 Vision Development US)", "_id": 38780366, "_pp_id": null, "owner_t": "Albert M", "_process_var_name": "oraclecpqo", "_locked_by_user_first_name": null, "_step_var_name": "pending_process", "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_lock_status": null, "totalMonthlyListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_last_name": null, "version_t": 1, "transactionID_t": "CPQ-90124B", "_buyer_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "totalMonthlyDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_date_tx_modified": "2024-05-22T21:15:57.000Z", "_supplier_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "_locked_by_user": null, "version_number_versionTransaction_t": "1", "_currency_pref": { "id": 5190368, "currencyCode": "USD", "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "_pp_name": null, "priceWithinPolicy_t": true, "totalOneTimeDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "status_t": { "value": "CREATED", "displayValue": "Created" }, "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } }, { "totalOneTimeListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_login": null, "lastUpdatedDate_t": "2024-05-22T21:05:00Z", "_document_var_name": "transaction", "lastPricedDate_t": "2024-05-06T21:32:00Z", "_customer_id": "300100122967029", "_customer_t_company_name": "Vision Development US)", "totalAnnualValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalContractValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_time": null, "createdDate_t": "2024-05-06", "_date_modified": "2024-06-09T15:11:19.000Z", "_last_document_number": 3, "_date_added": "2024-06-09T15:11:19.000Z", "transactionName_t": "05/06 Vision Development US)", "_id": 38736262, "_pp_id": null, "owner_t": "Albert M", "_process_var_name": "oraclecpqo", "_locked_by_user_first_name": null, "_step_var_name": "pending_process", "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_lock_status": null, "totalMonthlyListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_last_name": null, "version_t": 1, "transactionID_t": "CPQ-90024B", "_buyer_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "totalMonthlyDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_date_tx_modified": "2024-05-22T21:06:23.000Z", "_supplier_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "_locked_by_user": null, "version_number_versionTransaction_t": "1", "_currency_pref": { "id": 5190368, "currencyCode": "USD", "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "_pp_name": null, "priceWithinPolicy_t": true, "totalOneTimeDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "status_t": { "value": "CREATED", "displayValue": "Created" }, "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } } ] } } "totalOneTimeListAmount_t": { "value": 5899.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_login": null, "lastUpdatedDate_t": "2024-02-02T17:47:00Z", "_document_var_name": "transaction", "lastPricedDate_t": "2024-02-02T13:28:00Z", "_customer_id": "300100122967029", "_customer_t_company_name": "Vision Development US)", "totalAnnualValue_t": { "value": 612.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalContractValue_t": { "value": 6511.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_time": null, "createdDate_t": "2024-02-02", "_date_modified": "2024-06-09T15:11:26.000Z", "_last_document_number": 6, "_date_added": "2024-06-09T15:11:26.000Z", "transactionName_t": "02/02 Vision Development US)", "_id": 38642415, "_pp_id": null, "owner_t": "Albert M", "_process_var_name": "oraclecpqo", "_locked_by_user_first_name": null, "_step_var_name": "pending_process", "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t": { "value": 5899.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_lock_status": null, "totalMonthlyListAmount_t": { "value": 306.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_last_name": null, "version_t": 1, "transactionID_t": "CPQ-89924B", "_buyer_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "totalMonthlyDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_date_tx_modified": "2024-05-17T20:49:31.000Z", "_supplier_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "_locked_by_user": null, "version_number_versionTransaction_t": "1", "_currency_pref": { "id": 5190368, "currencyCode": "USD", "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "_pp_name": null, "priceWithinPolicy_t": true, "totalOneTimeDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "status_t": { "value": "CREATED", "displayValue": "Created" }, "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t": { "value": 306.0, "currency": "USD" } }, { "totalOneTimeListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_login": null, "lastUpdatedDate_t": "2024-05-22T21:05:00Z", "_document_var_name": "transaction", "lastPricedDate_t": "2024-05-06T21:32:00Z", "_customer_id": "300100122967029", "_customer_t_company_name": "Vision Development US)", "totalAnnualValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "totalContractValue_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_time": null, "createdDate_t": "2024-05-06", "_date_modified": "2024-06-09T15:11:19.000Z", "_last_document_number": 3, "_date_added": "2024-06-09T15:11:19.000Z", "transactionName_t": "05/06 Vision Development US)", "_id": 38736262, "_pp_id": null, "owner_t": "Albert M", "_process_var_name": "oraclecpqo", "_locked_by_user_first_name": null, "_step_var_name": "pending_process", "totalOneTimeNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_lock_status": null, "totalMonthlyListAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_locked_by_user_last_name": null, "version_t": 1, "transactionID_t": "CPQ-90024B", "_buyer_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "totalMonthlyDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "_date_tx_modified": "2024-05-22T21:06:23.000Z", "_supplier_company_name": "cpq-techwriter1", "_locked_by_user": null, "version_number_versionTransaction_t": "1", "_currency_pref": { "id": 5190368, "currencyCode": "USD", "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "_pp_name": null, "priceWithinPolicy_t": true, "totalOneTimeDiscount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, "status_t": { "value": "CREATED", "displayValue": "Created" }, "totalMonthlyNetAmount_t": { "value": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } } ] } }

ClosedGet History

Get History POST method


Use this endpoint to retrieve historical changes for a transaction using criteria defined in the request body.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the Display History type action.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Used to specify query parameters for the history response

Refer to Request Body Criteria, Resources, and Sample for more information.

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId and revisionId.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

JSON data containing the transaction history

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Resources, Examples, and Sample

  • historyHeader - used to specify fields for the history header in the response. Available fields: dateFormat and _history_header_key
  • history - used to specify criteria for the history response. Available fields: actionName, actionVarName, changeDate, userLogin, userFirstName, userLastName, userCompany, stepVarName, saved, resetReason, performComment, reasonVarName
  • historyItem - used to specify attributes for history items included in the history response. Available fields: attrName, attrVarName, docNumber, oldValue, newValue

  • history

    "q": "{\"userLogin\":{\"$eq\" : \"superuser\"}}"

    "q": "{ $or: [ { \"userLogin\": { $eq: \"superuser\" }}, { \"actionVarName\": { $eq: \"_update_line_items\" }} ] }"

    "q": "{\"actionVarName\":{\"$exists\" : true}}"


  • historyItem

    "q": "{\"attrVarName\":{\"$eq\" : \"autoUpdateHidingConditionSubDoc\"}}"

    "q": "{\"attrName\":{\"$eq\" : \"Price Book Custom Field Text\"}}"

{ "cacheInstanceId": "-1", "criteria": { "childDefs": [{ "name": "historyHeader", "queryDef": { "fields": [ "dateFormat", "_history_header_key" ], "childDefs": [{ "name": "history", "queryDef": { "limit": 1000, "offset": 0, "fields": [ "_history_key", "actionName", "actionVarName", "changeDate", "userLogin", "userFirstName", "userLastName", "userCompany", "stepVarName", "saved", "resetReason", "performComment", "reasonVarName"], "childDefs": [{ "name": "historyItem", "queryDef": { "limit": 1000, "offset": 0, "fields": ["attrName", "attrVarName", "docNumber", "oldValue", "newValue", "_history_item_key"] } } ] } } ] } } ] } }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

{ "revisionId": "6,1", "documents": { "_id": 3023033799, "historyHeader": { "hasMore": false, "items": [{ "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a", "_history_header_key": 1, "history": { "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false, "items": [{ "_history_key": 3023040162, "actionName": "Save", "actionVarName": "saveWithAdvancedValidation", "changeDate": "06/13/2023 6:30 p", "userLogin": "superuser", "userFirstName": "Super", "userLastName": "User", "userCompany": "cpqqa212", "stepVarName": "start_step", "saved": null, "resetReason": null, "performComment": "-N/A-", "reasonVarName": null, "historyItem": { "offset": 0, "limit": 2, "count": 2, "hasMore": true, "items": [{ "attrVarName": "_price_net_price", "newValue": "3", "_history_item_key": "_price_net_price2", "docNumber": 2, "oldValue": "1", "attrName": "Net Price" }, { "attrVarName": "_transaction_total", "newValue": "2269", "_history_item_key": "_transaction_total1", "docNumber": 1, "oldValue": "2267", "attrName": "Transaction Total (Net)" } ] } } ] } } ] } } }

ClosedGet Transaction

Get Transaction GET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports optional excludeFieldTypes and expand parameters.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction.

Attributes returned are based on the user's access. If an attribute is defined to be not accessible by the user within Commerce (for example, it is marked as Hide in the Document Views tab of the attribute), the JSON response will not include the attribute-value pair for that attribute.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedGet Transaction Comment

Get Transaction Comment GET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified transaction comment.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


Unique row number to be used as row identifier for the comment.
Query Parameters

This endpoint supports optional excludeFieldTypes parameter.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Response Body Parameters


The commerce transaction Id.


The currency preference.


The sub-document number.


Unique row number to be used as row identifier for the comment.


The date of the comment


Name of the person who created this comment.


The comment text


Determines if this comment should be visible to customer/buyer persona.


The sequence number


Captures the current state of the resource row. Of available properties, only those that are applicable and whose values are known in the current context are included.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedGet Transaction Comments

Get Transaction Comments GET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve comments for the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: excludeFieldTypes, fields, limit, offset, orderby, q, and totalResults.
Refer to Manage Collections for additional information

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the requested transaction comments.


The commerce transaction Id.


The currency preference.


The sub-document number.


Unique row number to be used as row identifier for the comment.


The date of the comment


Name of the person who created this comment.


The comment text


Determines if this comment should be visible to customer/buyer persona.


The sequence number


Captures the current state of the resource row. Of available properties, only those that are applicable and whose values are known in the current context are included.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedGet Transaction Line

Get Transaction LineGET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports optional excludeFieldTypes and expand parameters.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction line.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedGet Transaction Line Available Rate Plans

Get Transaction Line Available Rate PlansGET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of Available Rate Plans for the specified transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: excludeFieldTypes, fields, limit, offset, orderby, q, and totalResults.
Refer to Manage Collections for additional information.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The response contains a collection of the available rate plans for the specified transaction line.

ClosedGet Transaction Line Available Rate Plan

Get Transaction Line Available Rate PlanGET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified transaction line available rate plan.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number


Unique row number to be used to specify the rate plan.
Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the optional excludeFieldTypes parameter, refer to Manage Collections for additional information.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The response contains the available rate plan integration Id, available rate plan name, available rate plan number, and transaction currency preference.

ClosedGet Transaction Line Charge

Get Transaction Line ChargeGET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified transaction line charge .

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number


Unique row number to be used as a charge identifier in an charge set.
Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the optional excludeFieldTypes parameter, refer to Manage Collections for additional information.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction line charge set.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedGet Transaction Line Charges

Get Transaction Line ChargesGET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve all charges for the specified transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: excludeFieldTypes, expand, fields, limit, offset, orderby, q, and totalResults.

Refer to Manage Collections for additional information

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The response contains a collection of charge sets for the specified transaction line.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedGet Transaction Lines

Get Transaction LinesGET Method


Use this endpoint to retrieve all transaction lines for the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters:excludeFieldTypes, expand, fields, limit, offset, orderby, q, and totalResults.

Refer to Manage Collections for additional information

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction lines.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedGet Transactions

Get TransactionsGET Method


This operation retrieves all transactions.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: excludeFieldTypes, expand, fields, limit, offset, orderby, q, and totalResults.


  • When using the "q" parameter, Transactions attributes must be defined as Data Columns.

    Additionally, query any strings cannot exceed the Data Column 100 character limit.

  • Refer to Manage Collections for additional information

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedGroup (Aggregate) Transactions

Group (Aggregate) Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to return a list of transactions grouped by the column specified in the request body.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Captures information to aggregate transactions.


Captures the query definition for the current resource request.

Response Body Parameters

JSON data containing the grouped transactions

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Request Body

{ "aggregate": { "attr": "processManagerSSM", "limit": 20 }, "criteria": { "fields": ["_customer_id", "_id", "_date_modified"], "limit": 100, "totalResults": true, "q": "{'_customer_id':{$ne:'account112'}}", "orderby": ["_date_modified"] } }

ClosedSample Response Body

{ "groups": [{ "groupName": "", "totalCount": 808, "nextlink": { "rel": "next", "href": "{\"_customer_id\":{\"$ne\":\"account112\"},\"processManagerSSM\":{\"$exists\":false}}&fields=_customer_id,_id&totalResults=true" } }, { "groupName": "value1", "totalCount": 3, "nextlink": { "rel": "self", "href": "{\"_customer_id\":{\"$ne\":\"account112\"},\"processManagerSSM\":\"value1\"}&fields=_customer_id,_id&totalResults=true" } }, { "groupName": "value2", "totalCount": 2, "nextlink": { "rel": "self", "href": "{\"_customer_id\":{\"$ne\":\"account112\"},\"processManagerSSM\":\"value2\"}&fields=_customer_id,_id&totalResults=true" } } ], "primaryResults": { "totalResults": 808, "offset": 0, "limit": 100, "count": 100, "hasMore": true, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "_customer_id": "SpecialAccount6", "_id": 15555314, "links": [{ ... ], }, { "_customer_id": "SpecialAccount6", "_id": 15556582, "links": [{ ... ] }, ... ] } }

ClosedInteract - Transaction

Interact - TransactionPOST method


Use this endpoint to modify transaction attribute values, and optionally triggers auto-update rules without committing or retrieving the latest data from the database. Since this action does not save the transaction to the CPQ database, it does not affect how other users see the transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters



Used to select specific items for deletion.


The attribute that the user is currently editing. The format matches that of the triggerAttrVarName parameter. If the value of the focus param is empty string, the user will be considered to be focused on no attribute


Allows users to invoke the interact service without prior initiation of a cache instance on the server. Additionally, administrators can pass a new parameter, "refreshCache" = true, to reload the current cache and discard the changes.


The attribute which trigger the interact action. When the trigger attribute is in current document, it is the variable name of the attribute.

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, and revisionId.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

The requested cached transaction is returned

Modify Item in Cache

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

Interact with an item within transaction 18330547

ClosedRequest Sample

Retrieve a cache instance, modify the "_price_quantity" for transaction line 2, and save the updates to cache using "transactionLine/2/_price_quantity" as the triggering attribute

{ "cacheInstanceId": "E9JuyC9QCgTDS9edghTNxRGOVUm34EMR7RJt9alFbkGTN0X5byTjHGRu1CxrSl1p", "triggerAttrVarName": "transactionLine/2/_price_quantity", "documents": { "transactionLine": { "items": [{"_price_quantity": "100", "_document_number": "2"}] } } }

Re-Sequence Line Items via Interact

This action re-sequences Transaction Lines via the interact action.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

ClosedInteract - Transaction Line

Interact - Transaction LinePOST method


Use this endpoint to modify transaction line attribute values, and optionally trigger auto-update rules without committing or retrieving the latest data from the database. Since this action does not save the transaction line to the CPQ database, it does not affect how other users see the transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters



Used to select specific items for deletion.


The attribute that the user is currently editing. The format matches that of the triggerAttrVarName parameter. If the value of the focus param is empty string, the user will be considered to be focused on no attribute


Allows users to invoke the interact service without prior initiation of a cache instance on the server. Additionally, administrators can pass a new parameter, "refreshCache" = true, to reload the current cache and discard the changes.


The attribute which trigger the interact action. When the trigger attribute is in current document, it is the variable name of the attribute.

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, and revisionId.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

The requested cached transaction is returned

ClosedLock Transaction

Lock Transaction POST method


Use this endpoint to lock a single transaction to prevent other users from editing it.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, and revisionId.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedMy Approval Search

My Approval Search POST method


Use this endpoint to retrieve a user's pending approvals waiting in a queue when there are quotes they need to approve.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters


Captures the query definition for resource requests.

Refer to Criteria Object for additional information.

HTTP Method


Response Body Parameters

The file URL to retrieve the exported transactions zip file.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "criteria": { "fields": [ "projectName", "_id", "_lock_status", "_currency_pref", "mainMathInput_Float1" ], "orderby": [ "_currency_pref:DESC", "projectName:ASC" ], "limit": 10, "offset": 20 } }

ClosedResponse Sample

ClosedOpen Transaction

Open Transaction POST method


Use this endpoint to open a previously saved transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, errorCriteria, revisionId, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Success Response

The JSON data for the requested transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedOpen Transaction Line

Open Transaction LinePOST method


Use this endpoint to display the Line Items Details for a specified transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Required, use to specify the transaction line to open. This action only accepts a single line selection.


Use this parameter to navigate between line item detail pages. Supported values are: first, prev, next, and last.

When query parameters are provided, the navigation flow is within the filtered and/or sorted line items.

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, documents, errorCriteria, revisionId, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the parent transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "selections": ["transactionLine/3"] }

ClosedRequest Body Sample with Selection Navigation

ClosedOrders - Cancel Sales Order

Orders - Cancel Sales Order POST method


Use this endpoint to cancel a sales order or order lines in an external order management system.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedOrders - Reject Sales Order

Orders - Reject Sales Order POST method


Use this endpoint to reject an external order management system sales order.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedOrders - Start Sales Order

Orders - Start Sales Order POST method


Use this endpoint to create a sales order for submission to an external order management system.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedOrders - Update Sales Order

Orders - Update Sales Order POST method


Use this endpoint to update an external order management system sales order.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedPipeline Viewer - Transaction

Pipeline Viewer - TransactionPOST method


Use this endpoint to display the rules that are in effect for the current Commerce process. This operation returns both transaction and transaction line items.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Optional, only valid cache instance ids are supported The "-1" value is not supported

Response Body Parameters

Pipeline Viewer rules and impacted main document and sub-document attributes and actions.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "bDYxrCAnUwiVpYXUGDoT1GilCF0CFMPEGTcuKCPER3QFuxHJf33AYtAU1atZItpt" }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

{ "pipelineViewerRules": [{ "name": "Hide Level 2 Reason Approver", "type": "Hiding Rule", "components": { "mainDoc": { "attributes": [{ "name": "Hiding Attribute 1", "variableName": "hidingAttribute1" }, { ... } ], "actions": [{ "name": "Hiding Action 1", "variableName": "hidingAction1" }, { ... } ] }, "subDoc": { "attributes": [{ "name": "Hiding Attribute 10", "variableName": "hidingAttribute10" }, { ... } ], "actions": [{ "name": "Hiding Action 10", "variableName": "hidingAction10" }, { ... } ] } } }, { "name": "Hide Level 3 Reason Approver", "type": "Hiding Rule", "components": { "mainDoc": { ... }, "subDoc": { ... } } } ] }

ClosedPipeline Viewer - Transaction Line

Pipeline Viewer - Transaction LinePOST method


Use this endpoint to display rules that are in effect for the current Commerce process. This action returns only transaction line items.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Optional, only valid cache instance ids are supported. The "-1" value is not supported.

Response Body Parameters

Pipeline Viewer rules and impacted sub-document attributes and actions

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "bDYxrCAnUwiVpYXUGDoT1GilCF0CFMPEGTcuKCPER3QFuxHJf33AYtAU1atZItpt" }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

{ "pipelineViewerRules": [{ "name": "Hiding: Unhide Rules- Hiding Panel Subdoc", "type": "Hiding Rule", "components": { "mainDoc": { "attributes": [], "actions": [] }, "subDoc": { "attributes": [ "Hiding Tab 3 Attribute 1 Subdoc [hidingTab3Attribute1Subdoc]", "Hiding Tab 1 Attribute 2 Subdoc [hidingTab1Attribute2Subdoc]", "Hiding Tab 2 Attribute 2 Subdoc [hidingTab2Attribute2Subdoc]", "Hiding Tab 1 Attribute 1 Subdoc [hidingTab1Attribute1Subdoc]" ], "actions": [] } } }, { "name": "Composite Sub Hiding", "type": "Hiding Rule", "components": { "mainDoc": { ... }, "subDoc": { ... } } }, { "name": "Constrain Commerce BOM Attribute Mapping Rules - Float to Float", "type": "Constraint Rule", "components": { "mainDoc": { ... }, "subDoc": { ... } } } ] }

ClosedPrint - Generate Transaction Document for Print

Print - Generate Transaction DocumentPOST method


Use this endpoint to retrieve the objects required to print a transaction document.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The file attachment attribute used for confirmation


Language attribute value for the print document

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Success Response

Returns the transaction, email fields, XSL views, attachments, available attachments for merge, generated proposal attachment for merge, and the cache instance ID (if requested)

Response Body Parameters


The list of attachments which can be merged with the proposal document


The cache instance ID, if requested


The transaction document


The proposal attachment selected by default. The default ID value for the transaction is -2.


The string parameter that contains the revision information.


Warning messages


An array of printer friendly documents (generated from predefined XSL templates) that are available for print.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "K6TWnFB0UYyYqSNVnEwJtjs8eLRHl1uNeIZU8hM55EMa8FTeOSAmFO8De40hzJZl", "criteria": { "state": true, "fields": [], "childDefs": [ { "name": "lineItem", "queryDef": {} } ], "expandedDomains": [] }, "delta": true, "documents": {} }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

ClosedPrint Transaction

Print Transaction DocumentPOST method


Use this endpoint to print the generated transaction document.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


The print preparation action variable name


The attachment IDs to merge


The cache instance ID


The language preference selected by user


Indicates if the print document is saved to the transaction, valid values are {true, false}

Note: If this value conflicts with the setting in the print action (e.g. the "Save Document Upon Printing - Desktop", an error is returned.


Indicates if quote has to be updated with print document attachment file, valid values are {true, false}


Printer friendly proposals or history outputs generated from predefined XSL templates

Success Response

Application/PDF format summary message for printing transaction

The response is in application/PDF format by default. To receive the response in JSON format, the "Accept: application/json" header is required.

Response Body Parameters


The Base64 encoded binary document value


The file content type


The file name used when saving to the transaction file attachment attribute, or when downloading the file


Used for confirmation


The cache instance ID

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "actionVariableName": "_action_process_print", "languagePreference": "en", "xslView": 3023147879, "attachmentIdsForMerge": ["3023197953", "-2"] }

ClosedPublish Quote

Publish QuotePOST method


Use this endpoint to notify the self service channel that the quote is ready for review for customer/buyer.

Note: Customer Id, [Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Contact Email Address] or Contact Party Number should be populated otherwise the integration associated with this action will fail.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters The JSON data for the approved quote.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "UNnWLpELVUzsZUBCqVXkbae4qBV2NRUYyausULaJ739PvjIuUwuWd2G06eb9YHdC", "documents": { "_s_transactionComments_t": { "items": [{ "_row_number": -1, "_s_commentor": "James Horton (Sales Rep)", "_s_customerComment": "Please review the published quote and take an appropriate action.", "_s_commentDate": "2024-02-29T21:15:00-08:00", "_s_isInternalComment": false } ] } } }

ClosedResponse Sample

This response is truncated to highlight relevant attributes.

{ "revisionId": "18,0", "documents": { ... "_s_isPublished_t": true, "priceExpirationDate_t": "2024-11-27T13:44:00Z", "_s_customerStatus_t": { "displayValue": "Acceptance", "value": "acceptance" }, "_s_customerVisibilityIdentifier_t": { "displayValue": "HEADER_PRODUCTS_PRICES", "value": "3" }, "_s_assignedTo_t": { "displayValue": "Buyer", "value": "BUYER" }, "_stage": { "displayValue": "Quote", "value": "QUOTE" }, "_step_var_name": "awaitingCustomerAcceptance", "transactionLine": { ... "items": [{ ... } ] } }, "warnings": {}, "destinationURL": "" }

ClosedReconfigure Transaction

Reconfigure Transaction POST method


Use this endpoint to edit a configuration after its been added to the transaction.

Note: Reconfiguration updates are not automatically applied to Commerce when invoking the Reconfiguration or Save Reconfiguration REST APIs. The Reconfigure Inbound REST API should be invoked to save reconfiguration updates to Commerce.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Required, used to specify the transaction line to reconfigure

This action only accepts a single line selection

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The response contains the Destination URL, which can be used to launch the product catalog page to select and configure a product.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

{ "documents": {"displayHistoryLanguage": "en"}, "selections": ["transactionLine/2"] }

ClosedResponse Body Sample

ClosedReconfigure Transaction - Inbound

Reconfigure Transaction - InboundPOST method


Use this endpoint when saving the reconfiguration of a transaction.

Note: Reconfiguration updates are not automatically applied to Commerce when invoking the Reconfiguration or Save Reconfiguration REST APIs. The Reconfigure Inbound REST API should be invoked to save reconfiguration updates to Commerce.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, selectionMode, selections, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The response contains the cache instance Id, revision Id, and warnings.

ClosedReconfigure Transaction Line

Reconfigure Transaction LinePOST method


Use this endpoint to edit a configuration after its been added to the transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The response contains the "Destination URL", which can be used to launch the product catalog page to select and configure a product.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Body Sample

"documents": {"_price_quantity": "20"}

ClosedResponse Body Sample

ClosedReconfigure Transaction Line - Inbound

Reconfigure Transaction Line - Inbound POST method


Use this endpoint when saving the reconfiguration of a transaction line.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, , revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The response contains the cache instance Id, revision Id, and warnings.

ClosedRefresh Transaction

Refresh Transaction POST method


Use this endpoint to refresh the current transaction with last saved data; the refresh action removes the existing values and replaces with the last saved data.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters This operation supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, and revisionId.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON data for the requested transaction, or a subset of transaction items, depending on the input request.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Request Body

{ "cacheInstanceId":"-1" }

ClosedRequest Quote Revision

Request Quote RevisionPOST method


Use this endpoint to request a quote revision for the specified transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the quote to be revised.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "cacheInstanceId": "UNnWLpELVUzsZUBCqVXkbae4qBV2NRUYyausULaJ739PvjIuUwuWd2G06eb9YHdC", "documents": { "_s_transactionComments_t": { "items": [{ "_row_number": -1, "_s_commentor": "Adam Jones", "_s_customerComment": "Please increase the discount percentage.", "_s_commentDate": "2024-02-29T21:15:00-08:00", "_s_isInternalComment": false } ] } } }

ClosedResponse Sample

This response is truncated to highlight relevant attributes.

{ "revisionId": "18,0", "documents": { ... "_s_isPublished_t": true, "priceExpirationDate_t": "2024-11-27T13:44:00Z", "_s_customerStatus_t": { "displayValue": "Acceptance", "value": "acceptance" }, "_s_customerVisibilityIdentifier_t": { "displayValue": "HEADER_PRODUCTS_PRICES", "value": "3" }, "_s_assignedTo_t": { "displayValue": "Buyer", "value": "BUYER" }, "_stage": { "displayValue": "Quote", "value": "QUOTE" }, "_step_var_name": "awaitingCustomerAcceptance", "transactionLine": { ... "items": [{ ... } ] } }, "warnings": {}, "destinationURL": "" }

ClosedRestore Archived Transactions

Restore Archived Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to restore the specified archived transactions.

Note: This action is only available for CPQ administrators with superuser access.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters


An array of archived transaction id items to be restored.

HTTP Method


Response Body Parameters

204 No Content

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "selectionCriteria":{ "ids":[18007731,18007790,18005157] } }

ClosedSave Transaction

Save Transaction POST method


Use this endpoint to save the current state of the transaction (which may have been edited in the UI) to the CPQ database.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body

The JSON data for the saved transaction.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample


ClosedSave Transaction Line

Save Transaction Line POST method


Use this endpoint to save the current state of the line item to the database.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.


The variable name of the sub-document.


The sub-document number

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body

The JSON data for the saved transaction.

ClosedSave Transaction Version

Save Transaction VersionPOST method


Use this endpoint to invoke a special Save action used to save a transaction version.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, skipIntegration, and skipRules.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body

The JSON data for the saved transaction version.

ClosedSelf-Service Checkout

Self-Service CheckoutPOST method


Use this endpoint to update the quote to a closed phase when an order corresponding to this quote is placed using an external system. By default, this action will put the Quote in Canceled step and External Order status.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selectionMode, selections, skipIntegration, and skipRules.
Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information

Response Body Parameters

The JSON data for the quote using self-service checkout.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "documents": { ... } }

ClosedResponse Sample

This response is truncated to highlight relevant attributes

{ "revisionId": "18,0", "documents": { ... "_s_isPublished_t": true, "priceExpirationDate_t": "2024-11-27T13:44:00Z", "_s_customerStatus_t": { "displayValue": "External Order", "value": "externalOrder" }, "_s_customerVisibilityIdentifier_t": { "displayValue": "HEADER_PRODUCTS", "value": "2" }, "_s_assignedTo_t": { "displayValue": "Buyer", "value": "BUYER" }, "_stage": { "displayValue": "Quote", "value": "QUOTE" }, "_step_var_name": "canceled", "_pp_name": "Sales User", "transactionLine": { ... "items": [{ ... } ] } }, "warnings": {}, "destinationURL": "" }

ClosedSubmit Transaction for Approval

Submit Transaction for ApprovalPOST method


Use this endpoint to submit the specified transaction for approval. If no approvals are needed for this transaction, it is automatically approved.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, deleteRows, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The pending approval object.

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedSubmit - Approve Transaction

Submit - Approve TransactionPOST method


Use this endpoint to approve the transaction submitted for approval.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Comment provided for approval.


Approval reason.

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedSubmit - Reject Transaction

Submit - Reject TransactionPOST method


Use this endpoint to reject the transaction submitted for approval.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Comment provided for rejecting request.


Rejection reason.

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedSubmit - Request Transaction Approval

Submit - Request Transaction ApprovalPOST method


Use this endpoint to request approval for a transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters


Comment provided when requesting approval.


Reason for requesting approval

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedSubmit - Revise Transaction

Submit - Revise TransactionPOST method


Use this endpoint to revise the transaction submitted for approval.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters



Comment provided for revision.


Revision reason.

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body The JSON Transaction data

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedSample Response Body

ClosedUnlock Transactions

Unlock Transactions POST method


Use this endpoint to unlock the specified Transactions in a Commerce process that are locked for editing.

This endpoint is not available / supported for Partner organization users.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.

Request Body Parameters


An array of transaction Ids to archive.

HTTP Method


Success Response


ClosedURI Endpoint Sample

ClosedRequest Sample

{ "selections": [3022127625, 3022127628, 3022127629] }

ClosedUpdate Transaction Lines

Update Transaction Line POST method


This operation modifies transaction line details and updates the existing transaction.

URI Endpoint


Endpoint Parameters


The stage variable identifies where a transaction is within the Commerce process flow. (Documents, Quotes, Agreements, or Orders)


The variable name of the commerce process, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The variable name of the main document, note the first letter must be capitalized.


The commerce transaction Id. This is the unique identifier for a transaction within an Oracle CPQ site.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional parameters: cacheInstanceId, criteria, delta, documents, revisionId, selections, selectionMode, and skipIntegration.

Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information.

Response Body

JSON data for the transaction, including the updated transaction line

ClosedURI Endpoint Sample


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