Oracle Sales Product Information Master Integration


The Oracle Sales Product Information Master (SPIM) Integration is used to synchronize products and product structures from Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ. Synchronization from Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ can be configured as follows based on your business needs:

In addition to setting when synchronization occurs, customers can synchronize standard products or both standard products and hierarchical product structures.

Batch Synchronization

Batch synchronization from the Oracle Sales Product Information Master to Oracle CPQ is performed in scheduled batches, typically once every 24 hours. At the scheduled time:

Additional mapping can be added for custom attributes.

Complex structures created in Oracle Sales can also be synchronized to Oracle CPQ on a scheduled basis. When the Unified BOM Sync is enabled, Oracle Sales product structures are synchronized to the Oracle CPQ BOM Item Definition table.

Note: By default, the frequency of the parts synchronization is scheduled to occur daily (i.e. every 24 hours) and the batch download size is set to 100,000 exported items. Customers can submit a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to change the synchronization frequency and/or batch download size.

Near Real Time Synchronization

This service provides synchronization of a given product or product structure, without waiting for a scheduled batch synchronization to occur. Oracle Sales products and product structures are synchronized to Oracle CPQ.

The Oracle Sales "Upsert Product in CPQ" action synchronizes products when an appropriate Oracle Sales Routine trigger occurs. The Oracle Sales Integration Maps use pre-defined mapping for Standard Part Attributes and additional mapping can be added for custom attributes. The CPQ Upsert BOM Item List REST API can create, update, or delete CPQ BOM hierarchies using a list format, instead of the hierarchical JSON format. ClosedView PTO Model Structure Example

For example, an Oracle Sales product manager creates the PTO Model structure.

Near Real Time Sync

The corresponding structure is added to the CPQ BOM Item Definition data table BOM Item Tree using the Upsert BOM Item List REST API.

BOM Tree

One-Time Parts Sync and One-Time BOM Sync

This feature introduces a "One Time Sync" option for parts and Bill of Materials (BOMs) to address situations where data might have been missed or needs to be updated immediately.

One-Time Parts Sync:

One-Time BOM Sync:

One Time Sync


  • When running either the parts or BOM sync, providing both a list of IDs and a "from date" will result in an error. Only choose one of these options to specify the items to be synchronized.

  • The log file name will identify if a specific run occurred as part of the recurring synchronization or it was a one-time sync triggered by a user.

  • Unlike batch synchronization, the One-Time BOM Sync is NOT triggered after the One-Time Part Sync.

Synchronization Status Details in CPQ

ClosedAccessing Synchronization Details

The Parts Administration page provides integration information and provides access to synchronization details and controls. To access the Parts Administration page navigate to the CPQ to the Admin Home page, and then click Parts in the Products section.

When CPQ is integrated with the Oracle Sales Product Master, "UnifiedProducts" is listed as the Item Master on the Parts Administration page.

SPIM Integration Parts Administration

Note: If you don't find the Item Master section on the Parts Search for Admin page, contact My Oracle Support to enable the Oracle Sales Product Information Master (SPIM) parts integration. You will need to provide your Oracle Sales site URL in the request.

  • CPQ administrators can still import and add new CPQ parts, but parts originated in CPQ are not synchronized with Oracle Sales.
  • For parts synchronized from the Oracle Sales Product Master, CPQ administrators can only view and provide translations for the integrated items. Synchronized parts can only be modified and deleted in the Oracle Sales application.
  • When Oracle Sales Product Information Master (SPIM) integration is enabled, existing CPQ parts that have the same part number as an Oracle Sales Product Master part will be synchronized, and thus become read-only in CPQ.
  • If a new part is added to the Oracle Sales Product Master and the part number matches an existing CPQ part, it will be synchronized, and thus become read-only in CPQ after the next synchronization.

To access synchronization details and controls, click the Integration button on the Parts Administration page. Synchronization details are displayed for both parts/items and BOM hierarchies/structures.

ClosedParts Synchronization Status and Details

The Part Sync section shows the overall part synchronization status and lists details for the last five of part synchronization jobs.

Parts Synchronization Details

Schedule Details

Current Sync Status

Indicates whether the synchronization scheduling is active, complete, or paused.

Sync Frequency

Indicates how often synchronization will occur, the default value is 24 hours.

Sync Status

Indicates whether the previous parts synchronization was successful.

Last Data Sync Date

The date and time when the previous parts synchronization finished.

Part Sync Request

The following details are displayed for the for the last five of part synchronization jobs.

Request Date

The date and time when the applicable parts synchronization job started.

Completion Date

The date and time when the applicable parts synchronization job finished.

Current Status

Indicates whether the applicable parts synchronization job was successful.

Failed Records

The number of parts that failed to synchronize in the applicable parts synchronization job.

  • "0" is displayed when all parts are successfully synchronized.
  • If part synchronization failures occur, administrators can click the applicable log link to view the synchronization log.
  • When enabled, BOM Sync will be initiated after Parts Sync regardless of part synchronization failures.


Provides synchronization details for the applicable synchronization job.

Click the Sync Control Pause button to suspend the currently scheduled synchronization. When the synchronization is resumed:

  • A new part synchronization will begin immediately. Either a full synchronization or delta synchronization will occur.
  • The next part synchronization will initiate after a pre-defined interval, measured from the time the previous synchronization was initiated.

ClosedUnified BOM Synchronization Status and Details

When the Unified BOM Sync is enabled BOM synchronization details and controls are displayed below the part synchronization section on the integration page.

BOM Synchronization Details

If required, Oracle CPQ administrators can click the BOM Sync Request Start button to initiate a synchronization before the scheduled synchronization. If there is an active parts synchronization administrators will be prompted to wait for competition of the current synchronization before initiating a new BOM synchronization.

BOM Sync Request

Sync Status

Indicates whether the previous BOM synchronization was successful.

Last Data Sync Date

The date and time when the previous BOM synchronization finished.

The following details are displayed for the for the last five of BOM synchronization jobs.

Request Date

The date and time when the applicable BOM synchronization job started.

Completion Date

The date and time when the applicable BOM synchronization job finished.

Current Status

Indicates whether the applicable BOM synchronization job was successful.

Failed Records

The number of BOM items that failed to synchronize in the applicable BOM synchronization job.

  • "0" is displayed when all BOM items are successfully synchronized.
  • If BOM synchronization failures occur, administrators can click the log link to view the synchronization log.
  • When enabled, BOM Sync will be initiated after Parts Sync regardless of part synchronization failures.


Provides synchronization details for the applicable synchronization job.

ClosedSynchronization Behavior



Set Up Oracle Sales Product Information Master (SPIM) Integration

The following procedures will establish Oracle Sales Product Information Master (SPIM) as the Products Source for an Oracle Sales – Oracle CPQ Products Integration.

ClosedVerify Current Parts Source in Oracle CPQ

Complete the following steps to verify the current parts source.

  1. Log into Oracle CPQ as a parts administrator or as a Full Access user.

  2. Navigate to the Admin Home page.

  3. Click Parts in the Products section. The Parts Search for Admin page appears.

  4. The Item Master field shows the current parts source. If you see "UnifiedProducts" as the item master (source), your CPQ site is integrated with the Oracle Sales Product Master.

Note: If you don't find the Item Master section on the Parts Search for Admin page, contact My Oracle Support to enable the Oracle Sales Product Information Master (SPIM) parts integration. You will need to provide your Oracle Sales site URL in the request.

ClosedSet Up Fusion CRM Integration

Create an Oracle CPQ CRM Integration to establish a connection between Oracle CPQ and an Oracle Sales environment.

  1. Log into Oracle CPQ as an administrator or as a Full Access user.

  2. Navigate to Admin > Integration Platform > Integration Center.

  3. Click Create Integration, select CRM, and then enter the following parameters:

    • Vendor: Fusion

    • Name: Fusion

    • Variable Name: fusion

    • Endpoint URL: the web address for the integrated Oracle Sales site

    • Username and Password: user credentials of a Fusion Integration user with the sales administrator role

    • (optional) Scope: the value used for accessing the public key of the OAuth Provider

    • Enable Integration: check to enable the Oracle Fusion CRM integration

      Note: Once the CRM Integration is active, unselecting the Enable Integration checkbox disables any integrations which use it. Run-time integrations will not execute and some administrative features may not be available.
  4. Click Save.

Refer to Oracle Fusion CRM Integration for more information.

ClosedSet Up Notification Web Service in Oracle Sales

Complete the following steps to create an Oracle Sales web service to send an export completion notification to Oracle CPQ.

  1. Log into Oracle Sales as a user with the Sales Administrator role.

    Note: You must have "Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator" privileges to perform this procedure. Contact your helpdesk to request access.

  2. Choose Configuration and then Sandboxes from the upper left navigation menu.

  3. Click Create Sandbox.

    • Enter the Name for the Sandbox.

    • Select Yes for the Publishable option.

    • Select the Active checkbox for the Application Composer tool.

    • Click Create.

  4. Click on the applicable the sandbox link.

  5. Click Application Composer.

  6. Choose Common Setup and then Web Services from the left navigation menu.

  7. Click on the 'Add Web Service' icon.

    1. In the Select Connection Type dialog, select the REST option and click OK.

      • Enter and record the Name for the web service notification.

        Note: This name must match the REST Notification Name in Set Up Products Synchronization in Oracle CPQ.

      • In the URL field, enter the following URL:


        Where "siteName" is the domain name for the integrated Oracle CPQ site.

      • In the Authentication Scheme section, select the None option.

      • In the Select and Configure Methods against Resource section, select the POST check box.

      • In the Request Payload section, select the Code Sample option and add {} to the multi-line text box.

      • In the Response Payload section, select the Code Sample option and add {} to the multi-line text box.

      • Click Save and Close.

  8. Click Publish.

ClosedSet Up Products Synchronization in Oracle CPQ

Complete the following steps to set product synchronization options in Oracle CPQ.

  1. Log into Oracle CPQ as a parts administrator or as a Full Access user.

  2. Navigate to the Admin Home page.

  3. Click Configuration Settings in the Products section.

  4. Configure the Unified Products Sync options.

    1. Enter the REST Notification Name.

      Note: The REST Notification Name must match the web service notification Name defined in Set Up Notification Web Service in Oracle Sales.

    2. Mapping ID: The Oracle Sales Integration Map Number that is used to map The REST Notification Name must match the web service notification Name defined in Set Up Notification Web Service in Oracle Sales. to Oracle CPQ part attributes when synchronizing parts. The Mapping ID for the default mapping, which maps standard parts attributes, is DATAINTG-100.

      • Oracle Sales administrators can modify or clone the default mapping.

      • The default mapping can be modified to map an additional Oracle Sales standard or custom part attribute to a CPQ custom part attribute.

      • The default mapping must be cloned if you want to map an additional Oracle Sales standard or custom part attribute to a CPQ standard part attribute.

      • When the default mapping is cloned, a new Mapping ID will be generated.

  5. Enable Unified BOM Sync: This option to enable synchronization of The REST Notification Name must match the web service notification Name defined in Set Up Notification Web Service in Oracle Sales. complex structures to Oracle CPQ BOM hierarchies.

    Note: Refer to BOM Synchronization Behavior before enabling Unified BOM Sync.

  6. Click Apply.

ClosedSet Up Data Integration Mapping in Oracle Sales

Refer to the Set Up Data Integration Mapping procedures in the How do I get started with the Revenue Transformation Solution?  Oracle Sales Playbook to set up product integration in Oracle Sales.

ClosedCreate and Map CPQ BOM Tables

CPQ BOM tables and mapping are required to enable synchronization of Oracle Sales product structures and components to CPQ.

Complete the following procedure to create and map CPQ BOM tables.

  1. Log into Oracle CPQ as a parts administrator or as a Full Access user.

  2. Navigate to Admin > BOM > BOM Tables.

  3. Check the Select All checkbox and click Save.

  4. Complete the following to download each of the table definitions:

    1. Click on the applicable BOM table link.

    2. Click the Download Sample link.

    3. Click Cancel to return to the Bills of Materials Tables page.

  5. Navigate to Admin > Data Tables.

  6. Add a BOM Tables data folder.

    1. From the Admin Toolbar, click on the Add Folder icon.

    2. Enter BOM Tables for the folder Name.

    3. Click inside the Variable Name field.

    4. Click OK.

  7. Complete the following to import and deploy each of the data table definitions downloaded in Step 4:

    1. Select Import from the from the side navigation panel menu drop-down.

    2. Drag the applicable Zip file into the "Drop files here or click to upload .csv .txt or .zip" area.

    3. Select BOM Tables from the Destination Folder drop-down.

    4. Click Import and wait for the Import dialog to close.

    5. Double-click on the newly created data table.

    6. Click on the Schema tab.

    7. Check the Index and Key checkboxes for the VariableName row.

    8. Click Deploy.

    9. Click OK and wait for the Deploy dialog to close.

  8. Navigate to Admin > BOM > BOM Tables.

  9. Complete the following to map each of the BOM data tables imported in Step 7:

    1. Click on the applicable BOM table link.

    2. Select the matching BOM data table from the Table Name drop-down.

    3. If Column Mappings are all automatically mapped, click Save and then click Cancel.

    4. If Column Mappings are not mapped; select the matching data table columns from the unmapped Column Mapping drop-down, click Save and then click Cancel.

  10. Check Select All in the Active column, and then click Save.

ClosedBOM/Structure Attribute Mapping

The following table shows the mapping between Oracle Sales and the CPQ BOM Item Definition table fields.

SPIM Attribute

SPIM Example

Mapping Action

CPQ Attribute

CPQ Example/Comments































Equivalent PIM attribute does not exist.


Not Mapped


Note:This value will be set to “N”.

Equivalent PIM attribute does not exist.


Not Mapped


Note:This value will be set to “N”.


true / false




Equivalent PIM attribute does not exist.


Not Mapped


Note:This value is set to “Y” for Root models, and “N” for all child models.


true / false










Model / Standard / Option Class



Model / Standard / Option Class


FOS-Home Appliances> Lighting equipment OC> Exhaust Fan



Exhaust Fan

Equivalent PIM attribute does not exist.


Not Mapped


Note:This value will be left empty.


Exhaust Fan



Exhaust Fan


10 / 20 / 30



10 / 20 / 30

Equivalent PIM attribute does not exist.


Not Mapped


Note: This value will be set to 0,0


ClosedInitiate a One-Time Parts Sync

Complete the following steps to initiate a One-Time Parts Sync:

  1. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Parts.

  2. Click Integration.

  3. Specify only one of the following for the parts to be synchronized:

    Note: When running the One-Time Parts Sync, only specify one of these options. An error will occur is you provide both part numbers and a "From Date".

    • Parts: enter a list of comma-separated part numbers.

    • From Date: enter a select the applicable date.
  4. Click Run.


  • The log file name will identify if a specific run occurred as part of the recurring synchronization or it was a one-time sync triggered by a user.

  • Unlike batch synchronization, the One-Time BOM Sync is NOT triggered after the One-Time Part Sync.

ClosedInitiate a One-Time BOM Sync

Complete the following steps to initiate a One-Time BOM Sync:

  1. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Parts.

  2. Click Integration.

  3. Specify only one of the following for the BOMs to be synchronized:

    Note: When running the One-Time BOM Sync, only specify one of these options. An error will occur is you provide both Bill Sequence Ids and a "From Date".

    • BOM enter a list of comma-separated Bill Sequence IDs.

      How to Get the Bill Sequence IDs:

      • If the BOMs you are trying to sync failed in the past as part of the recurring sync, you can get the Bill Sequence IDs from the corresponding Recurring Sync Log.

      • If Bill Sequence IDs of the BOM is not available in the log file, you can get it using the Fusion Product Structures API:
        https://<FA POD NAME>/crmRestApi/resources/latest/productStructures

    • From Date: enter a select the applicable date.
  4. Click Run.


  • The log file name will identify if a specific run occurred as part of the recurring synchronization or it was a one-time sync triggered by a user.

  • Unlike batch synchronization, the One-Time BOM Sync is NOT triggered after the One-Time Part Sync.



Refer to the following documents for more information focused on Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ integration implementation.

Note: Refer to Partner Parts Integration for information about Oracle Product Information Management (PIM) integration.


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