BOM Item Administration REST APIs
These REST APIs are used to create and manage BOM items definitions, BOM mapping rules, and simple configurators for BOM items.
BOM Item Definitions
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a BOM item definition. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups |
Endpoint Parameters |
None |
HTTP Method |
Response Body Parameters |
bomPrice |
This field is used to associate BOM prices to configuration attribute values using BOM Mapping. |
defaultQuantity |
The default quantity of the BOM item. |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. |
isIncludedInBasePrice |
Indicates whether the item is included in the base price. Note: The |
isManuafacturingItem |
Indicates whether the item is a manufacturing item. Manufacturing items are only used when Oracle CPQ submits a Manufacturing BOM to a back-end fulfillment system. Note: Manufacturing Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
isOptional |
Indicates whether the BOM item is optional. Notes:
isRootModel |
Returns true when rootVariableName and variableName are the same. |
isSalesItem |
Indicates whether the item is a sales item. Note: Sales Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
itemIdentifier |
The BOM item ID. |
itemType |
The BOM item type: "Standard Item" or "Option Class" (see Option Class BOM Item Type for more information). |
label |
The display name. |
modelPath |
The path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. The format for a Model path is as follows: prodFamVarName:prodLineVarName:modelVarName |
parentVariableName |
The variable name of the hierarchical parent BOM item. Null for the root Item. If defined, the parent BOM item definition must exist, otherwise it is a validation error. |
partNumber |
Contains either the part number of a BOM item or the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. |
rootBomItemLabel |
Label of the Root BOM Item of this item's hierarchy. |
rootBomItemPartNumber |
Part Number value from the Root BOM Item. |
rootVariableName |
The variable name of the root BOM item. |
sequenceNumber |
The BOM item sequence number. |
variableName |
The natural key column of this table. |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the newly created BOM item definition. |
{ "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 20, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB6", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Hybrid SUV Subscription", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Hybrid SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "20", "effectiveFrom": null }
{ "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 20, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB6", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": true, "label": "Hybrid SUV Subscription", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Hybrid SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "20", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] }
Create a BOM Item Mapping for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a BOM item mapping for a parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/bomItemMappings |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1 - additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10 |
The value of additional configurable attributes. Note: Each additional attribute is an individual parameter. |
additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1 - additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10 |
The variable name of additional configurable attributes. Note: Each additional attribute is an individual parameter. |
configurationAttributeValue |
The value of the configurable attribute. | |
configurationAttributeVariableName |
The variable name of the configurable attribute. | |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. | |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. | |
parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName |
The variable name of the BOM mapping configuration rule. | |
variableName |
The variable name of the BOM item mapping. | |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the newly created BOM item mapping. | |
links |
Auto-generated links to |
{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "varioTabletSpecial", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null }
{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-special", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a hierarchical BOM structure and BOM item mappings. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/actions/createBomItemTree |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
bomItem |
The root BOM item definition and root BOM item mappings. |
children |
Child BOM item definitions and BOM item mappings. | |
Response Body Parameters |
bomItem |
Includes the root BOM item definition, root BOM item mappings and _state items for the root BOM item definition. |
children |
Includes BOM item definitions, BOM item mappings and _state items for the child BOM items. |
_state |
Contains error information for the BOM item treeThe format of that looks like:
{ "bomItem": { "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": null, "sequenceNumber": 6000, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "vario6000", "modelPath": "varioTablets:tablets:vario6000", "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet 6000", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "vario6000", "partNumber": "Vario 6000", "itemIdentifier": "6000", "effectiveFrom": null, "bomItemMappings": { "items": [{ "bomItemVariableName": "vario6000", "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:vario6000:vario6000BOMMapping", "variableName": "vario6000-mapping" } ] }, "children": { "items": [{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "vario6000", "sequenceNumber": 6001, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "vario6000-base", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet Base", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "vario6000", "partNumber": "VT6000", "itemIdentifier": "6001", "effectiveFrom": null, "bomItemMappings": { "items": [{ "bomItemVariableName": "vario6000-base", "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:vario6000:vario6000BOMMapping", "variableName": "varioTablet6000-base" } ] } } ] } } }
{ "processedBomItem": { "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": null, "sequenceNumber": 6000, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "vario6000", "modelPath": "varioTablets:tablets:vario6000", "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet 6000", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "treeHasError": true, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "vario6000", "partNumber": "Vario 6000", "itemIdentifier": "6000", "effectiveFrom": null, "bomItemMappings": { "hasMore": false, "items": [{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "vario6000", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:vario6000:vario6000BOMMapping", "variableName": "vario6000-mapping", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeValue": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "bomItemVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": { "hasError": false }, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": { "hasError": false } } } } ] }, "children": { "hasMore": false, "items": [{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "vario6000", "sequenceNumber": 6001, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "vario6000-base", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet Base", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "vario6000", "partNumber": "VT6000", "itemIdentifier": "6001", "effectiveFrom": null, "bomItemMappings": { "hasMore": false, "items": [{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "vario6000-base", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:vario6000:vario6000BOMMapping", "variableName": "varioTablet6000-base", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeValue": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "bomItemVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": { "hasError": false }, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": { "hasError": false } } } } ] }, "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "isManufacturingItem": { "hasError": false }, "sequenceNumber": { "hasError": false }, "parentVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "itemType": { "hasError": false }, "isIncludedInBasePrice": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "isModel": { "hasError": false }, "modelPath": { "hasError": false }, "isSalesItem": { "hasError": false }, "bomPrice": { "hasError": false }, "label": { "hasError": false }, "isOptional": { "hasError": false }, "defaultQuantity": { "hasError": false }, "isRootModel": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "rootVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "partNumber": { "hasError": false }, "itemIdentifier": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false } } } } ] }, "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "isManufacturingItem": { "hasError": false }, "sequenceNumber": { "hasError": false }, "parentVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "itemType": { "hasError": false }, "isIncludedInBasePrice": { "hasError": false }, "treeHasModel": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "isModel": { "hasError": false }, "modelPath": { "hasError": false }, "isSalesItem": { "hasError": false }, "bomPrice": { "hasError": false }, "label": { "hasError": false }, "isOptional": { "hasError": false }, "defaultQuantity": { "hasError": false }, "isRootModel": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "rootVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "partNumber": { "hasError": false }, "itemIdentifier": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false } } } } }
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete the specified BOM item definition. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Status |
204 No Content |
Delete a BOM Mapping for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete a BOM item mapping for a parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/bomItemMappings/{bomItemMapVarName} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Status |
204 No Content |
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a simple configurator based on the BOM hierarchy setup. The auto-generator will create and deploy: a BOM mapping rule, configurable attributes corresponding to BOM items, and a configuration flow layout. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/actions/generateConfigurator |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
defaultEffectiveFrom |
Default Effective from Date for BOM item Configuration. |
defaultEffectiveTo |
Default Effective to Date for BOM item Configuration. |
description |
Description for BOM item Configuration. |
modelLabel |
Model name for BOM item Configuration. |
modelVariableName |
Model variable name for BOM item Configuration. |
productFamilyLabel |
Product Family name for BOM item Configuration. |
productFamilyVariableName |
Product Family variable name for BOM item Configuration. |
productLineLabel |
Product Line name for BOM item Configuration. |
productLineVariableName |
Product Line variable name for BOM item Configuration. |
Response Body Parameters |
items |
? |
{ "productFamilyVariableName": "someProductFamily", "productFamilyLabel": "Some Product Family", "productLineVariableName": "someProductLine", "productLineLabel": "Some Product Line", "modelVariableName": "someModel", "modelLabel": "Some Model", "description": "A slightly longer paragraph with some text.", "defaultEffectiveFrom": "2023-10-30 00:00:00Z", "defaultEffectiveTo": "2024-10-30 12:00:00Z" }
"items": []
Get a BOM Item Child Definition for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a BOM item child definition for the specified parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/children/{childVarName} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
childVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item child. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
bomPrice |
This field is used to associate BOM prices to configuration attribute values using BOM Mapping. |
defaultQuantity |
The default quantity of the BOM item. |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. |
isIncludedInBasePrice |
Indicates whether the item is included in the base price. Note: The |
isManuafacturingItem |
Indicates whether the item is a manufacturing item. Manufacturing items are only used when Oracle CPQ submits a Manufacturing BOM to a back-end fulfillment system. Note: Manufacturing Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
isOptional |
Indicates whether the BOM item is optional. Notes:
isSalesItem |
Indicates whether the item is a sales item. Note: Sales Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
itemIdentifier |
The BOM item ID. |
itemType |
The BOM item type: "Standard Item" or "Option Class" (see Option Class BOM Item Type for more information). |
label |
The display name. |
modelPath |
The path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. The format for a Model path is as follows: prodFamVarName:prodLineVarName:modelVarName |
parentVariableName |
The variable name of the hierarchical parent BOM item. Null for the root Item. If defined, the parent BOM item definition must exist, otherwise it is a validation error. |
partNumber |
Contains either the part number of a BOM item or the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. |
rootVariableName |
The variable name of the root BOM item. |
sequenceNumber |
The BOM item sequence number. |
variableName |
The natural key column of this table. |
{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "varioTablet", "sequenceNumber": 1101, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "varioTablet-cpu1", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Quad Core 1.9 GHz", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "CPU-100M-19", "itemIdentifier": "1101", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified BOM item definition. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the expand query parameter to return expanded items in the response. To include child data in the response, append the "?expand=all* " query parameter to the end of the URI Endpoint. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
bomPrice |
This field is used to associate BOM prices to configuration attribute values using BOM Mapping. |
defaultQuantity |
The default quantity of the BOM item. |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. |
isIncludedInBasePrice |
Indicates whether the item is included in the base price. Note: The |
isManuafacturingItem |
Indicates whether the item is a manufacturing item. Manufacturing items are only used when Oracle CPQ submits a Manufacturing BOM to a back-end fulfillment system. Note: Manufacturing Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
isOptional |
Indicates whether the BOM item is optional. Notes:
isRootModel |
Returns true when rootVariableName and variableName are the same. |
isSalesItem |
Indicates whether the item is a sales item. Note: Sales Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
itemIdentifier |
The BOM item ID. |
itemType |
The BOM item type: "Standard Item" or "Option Class" (see Option Class BOM Item Type for more information). |
label |
The display name. |
modelPath |
The path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. The format for a Model path is as follows: prodFamVarName:prodLineVarName:modelVarName |
parentVariableName |
The variable name of the hierarchical parent BOM item. Null for the root Item. If defined, the parent BOM item definition must exist, otherwise it is a validation error. |
partNumber |
Contains either the part number of a BOM item or the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. |
rootBomItemLabel |
Label of the Root BOM Item of this item's hierarchy. |
rootBomItemPartNumber |
Part Number value from the Root BOM Item. |
rootVariableName |
The variable name of the root BOM item. |
sequenceNumber |
The BOM item sequence number. |
variableName |
The natural key column of this table. |
{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": null, "sequenceNumber": 0, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "VEHICLE", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "VEHICLE", "itemIdentifier": "0", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] }
Get a BOM Item Mapping for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve BOM item mappings for a parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/bomItemMappings/{bomItemMapVarName} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
bomItemMapVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item map. | |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1 - additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10 |
The value of additional configurable attributes. Note: Each additional attribute is an individual parameter. |
additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1 - additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10 |
The variable name of additional configurable attributes. Note: Each additional attribute is an individual parameter. |
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name. | |
configurationAttributeValue |
The value of the configurable attribute. | |
configurationAttributeVariableName |
The variable name of the configurable attribute. | |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. | |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. | |
parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName |
The variable name of the BOM mapping configuration rule. | |
variableName |
The variable name of the BOM item mapping. |
{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-custom", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the hierarchical BOM structure and BOM item mappings for the specified root BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/actions/getBomItemTree |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
bomItem |
Includes the root BOM item definition, root BOM item mappings and _state items for the root BOM item definition. |
children |
Includes BOM item definitions, BOM item mappings and _state items for the child BOM items. |
_state |
Contains error information for the BOM item treeThe format of that looks like: hasError flag for error messages list of error messages, or empty list (when no error) attributes object containing a list of attributes (properties) and their current error status |
{ "bomItem": { "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": null, "sequenceNumber": 1000, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard", "treeHasModel": true, "variableName": "varioTablet", "isModel": true, "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "treeHasError": false, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet", "itemIdentifier": "1000", "effectiveFrom": null, "bomItemMappings": { "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-custom", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeValue": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "bomItemVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": { "hasError": false }, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": { "hasError": false } } } } ] }, "children": { "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "varioTablet", "sequenceNumber": 1001, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard", "variableName": "varioTablet-base", "isModel": false, "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet Base", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "GS5004", "itemIdentifier": "1001", "effectiveFrom": null, "bomItemMappings": { "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet-base", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-custom-base", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeValue": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "bomItemVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": { "hasError": false }, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": { "hasError": false } } } } ] }, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "isManufacturingItem": { "hasError": false }, "sequenceNumber": { "hasError": false }, "parentVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "itemType": { "hasError": false }, "isIncludedInBasePrice": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "isModel": { "hasError": false }, "modelPath": { "hasError": false }, "isSalesItem": { "hasError": false }, "bomPrice": { "hasError": false }, "label": { "hasError": false }, "isOptional": { "hasError": false }, "defaultQuantity": { "hasError": false }, "isRootModel": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "rootVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "partNumber": { "hasError": false }, "itemIdentifier": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false } } } }, { ... } ] }, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "isManufacturingItem": { "hasError": false }, "sequenceNumber": { "hasError": false }, "parentVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "itemType": { "hasError": false }, "isIncludedInBasePrice": { "hasError": false }, "treeHasModel": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "isModel": { "hasError": false }, "modelPath": { "hasError": false }, "isSalesItem": { "hasError": false }, "bomPrice": { "hasError": false }, "label": { "hasError": false }, "isOptional": { "hasError": false }, "defaultQuantity": { "hasError": false }, "isRootModel": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "rootVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "partNumber": { "hasError": false }, "itemIdentifier": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false } } } } }
Get All BOM Item Child Definitions for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of BOM item child definitions for the specified parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/children |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: q , fields , limit , offset , orderby , and totalResults . See Manage Collections for more information. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
links |
Auto-generated link to self. | |
items |
JSON objects containing a list child of BOM item definitions. |
{ "offset": 0, "limit": 5, "count": 5, "hasMore": true, "links": [{ "rel": "canonical", "href": "" }, { "rel": "next", "href": "" }, { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 1, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB1", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 999.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Crossover SUV Subscription", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Crossover SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "1", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 2, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB2", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Sports SUV Subscription", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Sports SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "2", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 3, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB3", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Luxury SUV Subscription", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Luxury SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "3", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 8, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SVC1", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Sirius XM Radio", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Sirius XM Radio", "itemIdentifier": "8", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 9, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SVC2", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "WiFi", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "WiFi Service", "itemIdentifier": "9", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of BOM item definitions. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups |
Endpoint Parameters |
None |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: q , expand , fields , limit , offset , orderby , and totalResults . See Manage Collections for more information. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
links |
Auto-generated link to self. | |
items |
JSON objects containing a list of BOM item definitions. |
{ "offset": 0, "limit": 5, "count": 5, "hasMore": true, "links": [{ "rel": "canonical", "href": "" }, { "rel": "next", "href": "" }, { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": null, "sequenceNumber": 0, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "VEHICLE", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "VEHICLE", "itemIdentifier": "0", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 1, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB1", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 999.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Crossover SUV Subscription", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Crossover SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "1", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 2, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB2", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Sports SUV Subscription", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Sports SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "2", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 3, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SUB3", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Luxury SUV Subscription", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Luxury SUV Subscription", "itemIdentifier": "3", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] }, { "isManufacturingItem": false, "parentVariableName": "VEHICLE", "sequenceNumber": 8, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "SVC1", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": 0.0, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Sirius XM Radio", "rootBomItemPartNumber": "VEHICLE", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootBomItemLabel": "Consumer Vehicle", "rootVariableName": "VEHICLE", "partNumber": "Sirius XM Radio", "itemIdentifier": "8", "effectiveFrom": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ] } ] }
Get All BOM Item Mappings for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of BOM item mappings for a parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/bomItemMappings |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: q , fields , limit , offset , orderby , and totalResults . See Manage Collections for more information. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
links |
Auto-generated link to self. | |
items |
JSON objects containing a list of BOM item mappings. |
{ "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": "Custom", "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": "tabletType", "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-custom", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }, { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": null, "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": null, "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-Standard", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve all product hierarchies having BOM Mapping rules mapped to the root BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/actions/getRelatedConfigurators |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
This endpoint supports the optional Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information |
Response Body Parameters |
relatedConfigurators |
List of Product Hierarchies having BOM mapping rules mapped to the Root BOM Item. |
{ "hasMore": false, "relatedConfigurators": { "items": [{ "productFamily": "Generator 2", "productLine": "Single 2", "model": "Model Single 2", "status": "In Progress", "companyId": 4118171, "statusMessage": "This configuration is in progress.", "progressPercentage": 75 }, { "productFamily": "Generator 2", "productLine": "Single 2", "model": "Model Single 2", "status": "Failed", "companyId": 4118171, "dateAdded": 1711338972000, "statusMessage": "The auto generation failed and changes have been reverted. Please try again.", "progressPercentage": 0 } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 5, "count": 1, "totalResults": 1, "hasMore": false } }
Description |
Use this endpoint to update the specified BOM item definition. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Response Body Parameters |
bomPrice |
This field is used to associate BOM prices to configuration attribute values using BOM Mapping. |
defaultQuantity |
The default quantity of the BOM item. |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. |
isIncludedInBasePrice |
Indicates whether the item is included in the base price. Note: The |
isManuafacturingItem |
Indicates whether the item is a manufacturing item. Manufacturing items are only used when Oracle CPQ submits a Manufacturing BOM to a back-end fulfillment system. Note: Manufacturing Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
isOptional |
Indicates whether the BOM item is optional. Notes:
isRootModel |
Returns true when rootVariableName and variableName are the same. |
isSalesItem |
Indicates whether the item is a sales item. Note: Sales Items must have corresponding part numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database. |
itemIdentifier |
The BOM item ID. |
itemType |
The BOM item type: "Standard Item" or "Option Class" (see Option Class BOM Item Type for more information). |
label |
The display name. |
modelPath |
The path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. The format for a Model path is as follows: prodFamVarName:prodLineVarName:modelVarName |
parentVariableName |
The variable name of the hierarchical parent BOM item. Null for the root Item. If defined, the parent BOM item definition must exist, otherwise it is a validation error. |
partNumber |
Contains either the part number of a BOM item or the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. |
rootBomItemLabel |
Label of the Root BOM Item of this item's hierarchy. |
rootBomItemPartNumber |
Part Number value from the Root BOM Item. |
rootVariableName |
The variable name of the root BOM item. |
sequenceNumber |
The BOM item sequence number. |
variableName |
The natural key column of this table. |
Response Body Status |
204 No Content |
{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "varioTablet", "sequenceNumber": 1111, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "varioTablet-cpu3", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Quad Core 2.80 GHz", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": null, "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "CPU-920-28", "itemIdentifier": "1111", "effectiveFrom": null }
Description |
Use this endpoint to update the hierarchical BOM structure and BOM item mappings for the specified root BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/actions/updatetBomItemTree |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
bomItem |
The root BOM item definition and root BOM item mappings. |
children |
Child BOM item definitions and BOM item mappings. | |
_sync_action |
The desired action type:
Response Body Parameters |
bomItem |
Includes the root BOM item definition, root BOM item mappings and _state items for the root BOM item definition. |
children |
Includes BOM item definitions, BOM item mappings and _state items for the child BOM items. |
_state |
Contains error information for the BOM item tree. The format of that looks like:
{ "bomItem": { "isManufacturingItem": true, "sequenceNumber": 1000, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "varioTablet", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": "2023-02-03T21:19:21.000Z", "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet", "itemIdentifier": "1000", "effectiveTo": "2023-03-03T21:19:21.000Z", "children": { "items": [{ "_sync_action": "create", "bomPrice": 19.99, "defaultQuantity": 1, "effectiveFrom": "2022-02-03T21:19:21.000Z", "effectiveTo": "2023-03-03T21:19:21.000Z", "isIncludedInBasePrice": true, "isManufacturingItem": true, "isOptional": false, "isRootModel": false, "isSalesItem": true, "itemIdentifier": "childItem new", "itemType": "item", "label": "new child item", "modelPath": "", "parentVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "part1", "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "sequenceNumber": 1, "variableName": "childItemNew" }, { "_sync_action": "delete", "variableName": "childItem" } ] }, "_sync_action": "update" } }
{ "processedBomItem": { "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": null, "sequenceNumber": 1000, "isIncludedInBasePrice": false, "itemType": "Standard Item", "variableName": "varioTablet", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "Vario Tablet", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": true, "effectiveTo": "2023-03-03T21:19:21.000Z", "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet", "itemIdentifier": "1000", "effectiveFrom": "2022-02-03T21:19:21.000Z", "bomItemMappings": { "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": "Custom", "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": "tabletType", "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-custom", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeValue": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "bomItemVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": { "hasError": false }, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": { "hasError": false } } } }, { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": "Standard", "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": "tabletType", "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-Standard", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeValue": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "configurationAttributeVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "bomItemVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": { "hasError": false }, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": { "hasError": false }, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": { "hasError": false } } } } ] }, "children": { "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "isManufacturingItem": true, "parentVariableName": "varioTablet", "sequenceNumber": 1, "isIncludedInBasePrice": true, "itemType": "item", "variableName": "childItemNew", "modelPath": null, "bomPrice": null, "isSalesItem": true, "isOptional": false, "label": "new child item", "defaultQuantity": 1.0, "isRootModel": false, "effectiveTo": "2023-03-03T21:19:21.000Z", "rootVariableName": "varioTablet", "partNumber": "part1", "itemIdentifier": "childItem new", "effectiveFrom": "2022-02-03T21:19:21.000Z", "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "bomItemMappings", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "children", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "isManufacturingItem": { "hasError": false }, "sequenceNumber": { "hasError": false }, "parentVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "itemType": { "hasError": false }, "isIncludedInBasePrice": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "modelPath": { "hasError": false }, "isSalesItem": { "hasError": false }, "bomPrice": { "hasError": false }, "label": { "hasError": false }, "isOptional": { "hasError": false }, "defaultQuantity": { "hasError": false }, "isRootModel": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "rootVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "partNumber": { "hasError": false }, "itemIdentifier": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false } } } }, {... } ] }, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "_state": { "hasError": false, "messages": [], "attributes": { "isManufacturingItem": { "hasError": false }, "sequenceNumber": { "hasError": false }, "parentVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "itemType": { "hasError": false }, "isIncludedInBasePrice": { "hasError": false }, "variableName": { "hasError": false }, "modelPath": { "hasError": false }, "isSalesItem": { "hasError": false }, "bomPrice": { "hasError": false }, "label": { "hasError": false }, "isOptional": { "hasError": false }, "defaultQuantity": { "hasError": false }, "isRootModel": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveTo": { "hasError": false }, "rootVariableName": { "hasError": false }, "partNumber": { "hasError": false }, "itemIdentifier": { "hasError": false }, "effectiveFrom": { "hasError": false } } } } }
Update the BOM Item Mapping for a Parent BOM Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to update a BOM item mapping for a parent BOM item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/{bomItemVarName}/bomItemMappings |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1 - additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10 |
The value of additional configurable attributes. Note: Each additional attribute is an individual parameter. |
additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1 - additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10 |
The variable name of additional configurable attributes. Note: Each additional attribute is an individual parameter. |
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name. | |
configurationAttributeValue |
The value of the configurable attribute. | |
configurationAttributeVariableName |
The variable name of the configurable attribute. | |
effectiveFrom |
The effective from date. | |
effectiveTo |
The effective to date. | |
parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName |
The variable name of the BOM mapping configuration rule. | |
variableName |
The variable name of the BOM item mapping. | |
Response Body Status |
204 No Content |
{ "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName10": null, "configurationAttributeValue": "Standard", "effectiveTo": null, "configurationAttributeVariableName": "tabletType", "bomItemVariableName": "varioTablet", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue7": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue10": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue4": null, "parentBOMMappingRuleVariableName": "varioTablets:tablets:customTablet:defaultBOMMappingRule", "variableName": "varioTablet-Standard", "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue5": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName8": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName9": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue2": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName6": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue3": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName7": null, "effectiveFrom": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName4": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeValue1": null, "additionalConfigurationAttributeVariableName5": null }
Description |
Use this endpoint create, update, or delete CPQ BOM hierarchies. This endpoint uses a list format, instead of the hierarchical JSON format. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/actions/upsertBomItemList |
Endpoint Parameters |
bomItemVarName |
The variable name of the BOM item. |
Request Header |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
documents |
BOM Item definition for BOM item list upsert requests |
deleteMissing |
BOM Items and BOM Item Mappings not included in the payload should be deleted. | |
bomItems |
A flattened list of BOM item definitions. | |
Response Body Parameters |
Request Header
Prefer: respond-async
{ "documents":{ "deleteMissingItems":true, "bomItem":{ "items":[// entries can be in any order { "<root bom>" }, { "<child bom>" } ] } } }
{ "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": " /rest/v18/bomItemSetups/actions/upsertBomItemList" }, { "rel": "related", "href": " /rest/v18/asyncTasks/3022899700/status" } ] }
Get Async Task Status Examples
URI Endpoint Sample /rest/v18/asyncTasks/3022899700/status
Sample In Progress Task Response Body
{ "progress": "processing", "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": " /rest/v18/asyncTasks/3022899700/status" } ], "completed": false, "requestStatus": "202" }
Sample Completed Task Response Body
{ "progress": "succeeded", "links": [{ "rel": "related", "href": " /rest/v18/asyncTasks/3022899700/response" }, { "rel": "self", "href": " /rest/v18/asyncTasks/3022899700/status" } ], "completed": true, "requestStatus": 200 }
Description |
Use this endpoint to validate parts for BOM mapping implementations. It will validate that the part exists and that the part's "Direct Buy" value is not set to "Buy Parent Part". If the part is being used in the root BOM item, this service will validate that the part is not used by any other root BOM items. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/bomItemSetups/actions/validatePartForBOM |
Endpoint Parameters |
None |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
isRoot |
This parameter will be included for all BOM items to indicate if the current item is a model. |
partNumber |
Contains either the part number of a BOM item or the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. |
Success Response |
200 |
{ "partNumber": "part11", "isRoot": false }
BOM Mapping Rules
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a BOM Mapping Rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family. |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the following information for the specified BOM Mapping Rule: action type, BOM variable name, condition expression, condition type, date added, date modified, description, detail type, end date, id, label, order number, process variable name, reference type, rule type, start date, status, and variable name. |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the following information for the specified BOM Mapping Rule: order number, BOM variable name, end date, display value, Id, rule type, process variable name, and lookup codes. The response also contains links to lookup values, conditions, and the parent Model. For more information see Lookup Codes. |
{ "label": "Bom Mapping Rule 149510", "variableName": "bomMappingRule149510", "description": "149510 Simple Bom MappingRule", "startDate": "2022-04-04T19:05:29.000Z", "endDate": "2092-12-12T01:01:01.000Z", "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active" }, "detailType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Table Based" }, "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "simple" }, "conditions": { "items": [{ "operator1": { "lookupCode": "5", "displayValue": ">" }, "operator2": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "<" }, "attributeId": 21635397, "value1": "1.23", "value2": "5.55", "ruleConditionIndex": 1 } ] }, "actionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Simple" }, "conditionExpression": "1", "bomVariableName": "bug34136359", "processVariableName": "test" }
{ "orderNumber": 4, "bomVariableName": "bug34136359", "endDate": "2092-12-12T01:01:01.000Z", - "refType": { "lookupCode": "4", "displayValue": "Model", "id": 3022732073, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "description": "149510 Simple Bom MappingRule", "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:18:17.000Z", - "detailType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Table Based", "id": 3022732067, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "ruleType": { "lookupCode": "23", "displayValue": "Bom Mapping Rule", "id": 3022732081, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "processVariableName": "test", "id": 3022780161, "conditionExpression": "1", "variableName": "bomMappingRule149510", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:18:17.000Z", "label": "Bom Mapping Rule 149510", - "actionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Standard", "id": 3022732055, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Simple", "id": 3022732060, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "startDate": "2022-04-04T19:05:29.000Z", - "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active", "id": 3022732076, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "conditions": { "hasMore": false, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], - "items": [ - { "value2": "5.55", "value1": "1.23", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:18:17.000Z", "ruleConditionIndex": 1, "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:18:17.000Z", "attributeId": 21635397, - "operator2": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "<", "id": 3022732109, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "operator1": { "lookupCode": "5", "displayValue": ">", "id": 3022732113, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "id": 3022780163, "ruleId": 3022780161, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] } ] }, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ] }
Delete a BOM Mapping Rule (POST Method)
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete the specified BOM Mapping Rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules/{rule_Id}/actions/delete |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
rule_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Success Response |
204 OK |
Delete a BOM Mapping Rule (DELETE Method)
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete the specified BOM Mapping Rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductRamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules/{ruleId} |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
rule_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Status |
204 No Content |
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified BOM Mapping Rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules/{ruleId} |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
ruleVarName |
The variable name of a BOM Mapping Rule |
rule_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the following information for the specified BOM Mapping Rule: order number, BOM variable name, end date, display value, Id, rule type, process variable name, and lookup codes. The response also contains links to lookup values, conditions, and the parent Model. For more information see Lookup Codes. |
{ "orderNumber": 1, "bomVariableName": "varioTablet", "endDate": null, "refType": { "lookupCode": "4", "displayValue": "Model", "id": 38731888, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "description": null, "dateAdded": "2022-09-02T13:17:47.000Z", "detailType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Table Based", "id": 38731882, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "ruleType": { "lookupCode": "23", "displayValue": "Bom Mapping Rule", "id": 38731896, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "processVariableName": "oraclecpqo", "id": 38736550, "conditionExpression": null, "variableName": "vario6000BOMMapping", "dateModified": "2022-09-02T13:17:47.000Z", "label": "Vario 6000 BOM Mapping", "actionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Standard", "id": 38731870, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Always True", "id": 38731877, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "startDate": null, "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active", "id": 38731891, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "conditions", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }
Get a BOM Mapping Rule Condition
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified BOM mapping Rule condition. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules/{rule_Id}/conditions/{condition_Id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
rule_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule |
condition_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule condition |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the following information for the specified BOM Mapping Rule condition: rule conditions, attribute Ids, operators, date added, date modified, and lookup codes. The response also contains links to lookup values, conditions, and the parent BOM Mapping Rule. For more information see Lookup Codes. |
{ "value2": null, "value1": "1", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:12:08.000Z", "ruleConditionIndex": 1, "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:12:06.000Z", "attributeId": 21635397, - "operator2": { "lookupCode": "0", "displayValue": "None", "id": 3022732108, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "operator1": { "lookupCode": "4", "displayValue": "=", "id": 3022732112, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "id": 3022780152, "ruleId": 3022780150, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] }
Get All BOM Mapping Rule Conditions
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of conditions for the specified BOM Mapping Rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules/{rule_Id}/conditions |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
rule_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications.q , expand , fields , limit , offset , orderby , and totalResults , for more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
A list of BOM Mapping Rules conditions containing the following information: rule conditions, attribute Ids, operators, date added, date modified, and lookup codes. The response also contains links to lookup values, conditions, and the parent BOM Mapping Rule. For more information see Lookup Codes. |
{ "hasMore": false, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], - "items": [ - { "value2": null, "value1": "1", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:12:08.000Z", "ruleConditionIndex": 1, "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:12:06.000Z", "attributeId": 21635397, - "operator2": { "lookupCode": "0", "displayValue": "None", "id": 3022732108, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "operator1": { "lookupCode": "4", "displayValue": "=", "id": 3022732112, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "id": 3022780152, "ruleId": 3022780150, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of BOM Mapping Rules for the specified Model. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications.q , expand , fields , limit , offset , orderby , and totalResults , for more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
A list of BOM Mapping Rules containing the following information: order number, BOM variable name, end date, display value, Id, rule type, process variable name, and lookup codes. The response also contains links to lookup values, conditions, and the parent Model. For more information see Lookup Codes. |
{ "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [{ "orderNumber": 1, "bomVariableName": "varioTablet", "endDate": null, "refType": { "lookupCode": "4", "displayValue": "Model", "id": 38731888, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "description": null, "dateAdded": "2017-11-13T13:30:01.000Z", "detailType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Table Based", "id": 38731882, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "ruleType": { "lookupCode": "23", "displayValue": "Bom Mapping Rule", "id": 38731896, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "processVariableName": "oraclecpqo", "id": 36594469, "conditionExpression": null, "variableName": "defaultBOMMappingRule", "dateModified": "2019-10-04T12:39:45.000Z", "label": "Default BOM Mapping Rule", "actionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Standard", "id": 38731870, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Always True", "id": 38731877, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "startDate": null, "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active", "id": 38731891, "links": [{ "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "kind": "", "rel": "child", "name": "conditions", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] } ] }
Description |
Use this endpoint to update the specified BOM Mapping Rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v18/allProductFamilySetups/_allProductFamilies/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}/bomMappingRules/{rule_Id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
prodFamVarName |
The variable name of a Product Family |
prodLineVarName |
The variable name of a Product Line |
modelVarName |
The variable name of a Model |
rule_Id |
The Id of a BOM Mapping Rule |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the updated parameters |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data containing the following information for the specified BOM Mapping Rule: order number, BOM variable name, end date, display value, Id, rule type, process variable name, and lookup codes. The response also contains links to lookup values, conditions, and the parent Model. For more information see Lookup Codes. |
BOM Mapping Rule with an 'Always True' Condition
Request Body Sample - Always True Condition
{ "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "3" } }
Response Body Sample - Always True Condition
{ "orderNumber": 3, "bomVariableName": "bug34136359", "endDate": null, + "refType": { ¿ }, "description": null, "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:12:06.000Z", + "detailType": { ¿ }, + "ruleType": { ¿ }, "processVariableName": null, "id": 3022780150, "conditionExpression": null, "variableName": "simpleCondition", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:27:24.000Z", "label": "simple condition", + "actionType": { ¿ }, + "conditionType": { ¿ }, "startDate": null, - "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active", "id": 3022732076, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "conditions": { "hasMore": false, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "items": [] }, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ] }
BOM Mapping Rule with a 'Simple' Condition
Request Body Sample - Simple Condition
{ "label": "Bom Mapping Rule 149510", "variableName": "bomMappingRule149510", "description": "149510 Simple Bom MappingRule", "startDate": "2022-04-04T19:05:29.000Z", "endDate": "2092-12-12T01:01:01.000Z", "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active" }, "detailType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Table Based" }, "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "simple" }, "conditions": { "items": [{ "operator1": { "lookupCode": "5", "displayValue": ">" }, "operator2": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "<" }, "attributeId": 21635397, "value1": "1.23", "value2": "5.55", "ruleConditionIndex": 1 } ] }, "actionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Simple" }, "conditionExpression": "1", "bomVariableName": "bug34136359", "processVariableName": "test" }
Response Body Sample - Simple Condition
{ "orderNumber": 4, "bomVariableName": "bug34136359", "endDate": "2092-12-12T01:01:01.000Z", - "refType": { "lookupCode": "4", "displayValue": "Model", "id": 3022732073, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "description": "149510 Simple Bom MappingRule", "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:18:17.000Z", - "detailType": { "lookupCode": "3", "displayValue": "Table Based", "id": 3022732067, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "ruleType": { "lookupCode": "23", "displayValue": "Bom Mapping Rule", "id": 3022732081, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "processVariableName": "test", "id": 3022780161, "conditionExpression": "1", "variableName": "bomMappingRule149510", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:21:29.000Z", "label": "Bom Mapping Rule 149510", - "actionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Standard", "id": 3022732055, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "conditionType": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Simple", "id": 3022732060, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "startDate": "2022-04-04T19:05:29.000Z", - "status": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "Active", "id": 3022732076, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "conditions": { "hasMore": false, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], - "items": [ - { "value2": "5.55", "value1": "1.23", "dateModified": "2022-06-15T16:21:29.000Z", "ruleConditionIndex": 1, "dateAdded": "2022-06-15T16:21:29.000Z", "attributeId": 21635397, - "operator2": { "lookupCode": "1", "displayValue": "<", "id": 3022732109, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, - "operator1": { "lookupCode": "5", "displayValue": ">", "id": 3022732113, - "links": [ - { "rel": "domain", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "canonical", "href": "" } ] }, "id": 3022780166, "ruleId": 3022780161, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" }, - { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ] } ] }, - "links": [ - { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ] }
Oracle CPQ uses the following lookup codes for the Configuration Product Administration web services. The lookup lists lookup codes and display values for:
- Attribute: array types, categories, data types, display types, menu types, and reference types.
- Configuration condition operators.
- Configuration Rule: action types, condition types, detail types, reference types, statuses, and rule types.
Lookup Type | Lookup Code | Display Value |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_ARRAY_TYPE | 0 | Non Array Type |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_CATEGORY | 2 | Configurable |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_CATEGORY | 5 | Rule Information |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_CATEGORY | 8 | Persisted System |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_CATEGORY | 9 | Signed Punchin |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 3 | Single Select Menu |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 4 | Multi Select Menu |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 5 | Radio Button Horizontal |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 6 | Checkbox Horizontal |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 7 | Radio Button Vertical |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 8 | Checkbox Vertical |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 10 | Boolean Checkbox |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 11 | Single Select Pick List |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_DISPLAY_TYPE | 12 | Single Select Pick List Grid |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_REF_TYPE | 1 | All Product Families |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_REF_TYPE | 2 | Product Family |
BM_CONFIG_ATTR_REF_TYPE | 3 | Product Line |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_ACTION_TYPE | 3 | BulkTableLookup |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_REF_TYPE | 1 | All Product Families |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_REF_TYPE | 2 | Product Family |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_REF_TYPE | 3 | Product Line |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_STATUS | 2 | Internal |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_STATUS | 3 | Inactive |
BM_CONFIG_RULE_TYPE | 23 | Bom Mapping Rule |
Note: BOM Mapping Rule REST APIs do not support BOM Mapping Rules with Advanced Conditions or Advanced Actions.