User Integration
In CRM integration, users can be synced between Oracle CPQ and the CRM system to allow sales users to move between the two products with ease and consistency using Single Sign-On (SSO). User syncs between Oracle CPQ and a CRM system are always initiated on the CRM side. Depending on the CRM being integrated with, user integration SSO is accomplished through SAML 2.0 authentication (Oracle Sales and Oracle On Demand) or OAuth 2.0 authentication (for example, Salesforce).
Refer to the User Integration page for Partner login information and functionality.
- User Integration and OAuth Credentials - This section provides information about generating and revoking tokens for sites with OAuth functionality enabled.
User Integration Without OAuth Credentials - This section provides information using CRM authentication instead of OAuth.
Oracle Sales Cloud and Oracle On Demand Users Integration
For more information on SAML 2.0, see the topic Single Sign-On. Users integration implementation steps for each Oracle CRM are in each product’s Oracle CPQ integration implementation guide.
See the topic Oracle Sales Integration for more information and for the implementation guide.
Talk to your Oracle CPQ application sales representative for more information on Oracle On Demand integration and for the implementation guide.
Salesforce Users Integration
For more information on OAuth 2.0, see the topic OAuth 2.0 Secure Login Functionality. See the topic Salesforce Integration for the CPQ-Salesforce Implementation Guide, which contains users integration setup steps.
Allow Partner Organization Users to Authenticate with OAuth Provider for CPQ REST APIs
When an external OAuth Provider is configured in Oracle CPQ's Integration Center, the OAuth Provider can be used to authenticate Partner Organization users for inbound CPQ REST API calls. Beginning in Oracle CPQ 22D, Partner Organization and Host Company users register their logins for external OAuth via the User Integration page. This allows partner organization users to use OAuth to access information in Oracle CPQ from external systems such as customer portals.
Refer to Register a User Login for External OAuth for procedure details.