Configuration Settings
Use the Configuration Options page to customize the Configuration page. There are look and feel options such as the ability to control the display of the Processing dialog as well as the number of tabs.
Configurable price options include the ability to:
- Control the display of price on all pages
- Hide the price when it is zero
- Display the sum of any recommended items.
Recommended item options include the ability to
- Control the display of items on the Model Configuration page
- Hide missing items
- Select items by default
Configuration Cache is a highly recommended (but optional) feature of CPQ.
Customers can submit a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to enable Configuration Cache.
The purpose of Configuration Cache is to store Configuration information in memory to improve performance. Since trips to the database server are avoided using the cache, this is a highly optimal solution for most implementations. When Configuration Cache functionality is enabled, all areas of the system that call Configuration methods should be quicker to access after the cache is built.
By default, the Configuration Cache is disabled for all new product families. Once enabled, Configuration changes will only be reflected once they are deployed.
When Configuration Cache is enabled, then all changes to catalog data must be deployed to ensure that the cache is synchronized with Configuration data.
If changes are made to rules, products or flows within a Product Family and the Product Family is not deployed, the user will be working off of a cache that is out of date with the actual catalog data.
For information on deploying Product Families, see the topic Setting Up Product Families.
You can customize the look and feel of your Configuration page.
Navigate to the Configuration Options page.
- Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
Click Configuration Settings in the Products section.
The Configuration Options page opens.
Configuration UI Options
Number of Configurable Attributes Needed to Trigger the Processing Dialog
Enter a positive number from 1 - 9999 -
Number of Milliseconds to Wait Before Showing the Loading Dialog for Ajax Rules
The administrator can choose to show or hide the processing dialog for AJAX rules independent of the processing dialog for the Update action in configuration by providing a positive value. A negative value in this field will disable the processing dialog for AJAX Rules.
- A positive number: How many milliseconds before the dialog appears.
- A negative number: Disables the processing dialog for AJAX rules.
- Zero (0): The dialog displays instantaneously.
Number of Tabs to Display on each Row in the Model Configuration Page
Enter a number from 0 - 9999
Configurable Price Options
Display Price on All Pages:
- Select Yes to display price on all pages
- Select No to hide the price on all pages
Hide Zero Total Price:
- Select Yes to hide if the total price is zero
- Select No to display if total price is zero
Display Total Sum of Recommended Items:
Select Yes to display the total sum of recommended items
- No to hide the total sum of recommended items
- Select Yes with Subtotal of Mandatory Items to display the total sum of recommended items along with a subtotal of mandatory items
Recommended Item Options
Display Items on End Page:
- Select Yes to display items on end page
- Select No to disable displaying items on the end page
- Select Hide to hide the item
- Select Hide Main Model to hide only the main model
Hide Missing Spares:
- Select Yes to hide missing spares
- Select No to display missing spares
Select Recommended Items by Default:
- Select Yes to select recommended items by default
- Select No to disable default selection of recommended items
Retain Selection of Optional Items on Reconfigure:
- When this option is set to Yes, the Select Recommended Items by Default setting only affects the recommended item selections for newly added items. The user's recommended item selections are retained when a model is reconfigured.
When this option is set to No, the user's recommended item selections are reset when a model is reconfigured.
When Select Recommended Items by Default is set to Yes, all recommended items are selected
When Select Recommended Items by Default is set to No, all recommended items are unselected
Sum Recommended Item Quantities:
- Select Yes to sum the recommended item quantities
Select No to disable the summing of quantities.
If this is set to No, the quantities for the same item, recommended by different rules, will not be summed and these items will appear as separate line items in the Commerce document.
Quantities are still summed if the same item is recommended multiple times by the same rule, or by different rules with the same variable name.
BOM Mapping Options Depreciated
Disable BOM-Mapping Rules During Updates
- Select Yes to disable BOM Mapping rules during the Configuration session until the Configuration is saved to a Transaction.
Select No to enable BOM Mapping Rule items and the associated part information will display in a Bill of Materials panel in configuration.
No is the default setting.
Oracle recommends setting Disable BOM-Mapping Rules During Updates to Yes when multi-node Configuration flows are used with System Configuration.
Configuration Save Options
Enable auto save of Pending Configurations
- Select Yes if you'd like enable this functionality
Select No to leave it disabled.
This option is disabled by default.
For more information, see the Pending Configurations topic.
Configuration Integration Options
Enter the Number of days to store configuration data after exporting to a partner
Configuration Debug Options
Configuration Timeout Action
- Select Kill and Log to terminate actions that exceed the timeout threshold and log details.
- Select Log Only to log actions that exceed the timeout threshold.
- Select No Action to not log or terminate actions that exceed the timeout threshold. Enter the minutes value to set the Timeout Threshold for long running actions.
The default setting is Log Only, and the Timeout Threshold is set to 2 minutes.
Single Select Pick List Options
Number of results to display in Single Select Pick List Attribute - This setting allows administrators to limit the number of results returned for Single Select Pick List options. The current default value is 1,000 results, but administrators can now decrease this value if users are experiencing unresponsive browser issues or significant performance deterioration.
Options - JET Configuration UI
- Enable Pagination for Vertical Arrays Depreciated
Beginning in Oracle CPQ 21B, pagination is automatically enabled for Vertical and Horizontal Arrays. - Pagination Size for Vertical Config Arrays Enter the number of records per page for Vertical Arrays.
- Pagination Size for Horizontal Config Arrays Enter the number of records per page for Horizontal Arrays
Table Height (Number of Rows) for Recommended Items and BOM Tables.
This setting defines the number of rows for recommended items, mandatory items, and BOM items. -
Display Editable Field Icons in Arrays Select Yes to display indicator icons for editable JET Configuration Array items.
- Enable Pagination for Vertical Arrays Depreciated
System Configuration Options
Set the Number of descendant models to initialize - This setting allows administrators to limit the number of descendant models that have an initial configuration applied.
Set the Depth of descendant models to initialize - This setting allows administrators to limit the depth of descendant models that have an initial configuration applied.
Enable cascading configuration of newly added descendant models - When enabled, this setting automatically applies default values for descendant models during reconfiguration and from favorites. New models added to a System Configuration are immediately configured using default and rule-defined values.
Total number of descendant models to configure - This setting allows administrators to limit the number of descendant models to configure for cascading configuration of newly added models. *The default value is 20
Limit number of cascaded descendant models (depth) - This setting allows administrators to limit the depth of descendant models to configure for cascading configuration of newly added models. *The default value is 6
Options - BOM Conversion Errors
- Select Yes to display errors that are caused by invalid BOM JSON from advanced rules.
Select No to hide errors that are caused by invalid BOM JSON from advanced rules. *default value
Options - BOM Exchange Rates
Select Yes to apply exchange rates after the execution of all BOM mapping rules.
Select No to apply currency conversion at the time of creation of a BOM.
Options - Layout Attributes Caching
Select Yes to cache layout attributes on deploy. Sending only cached layout attributes significantly reduces the payload for the Get Configuration Layout Attribute Data REST API.
Setting this option to 'Yes' will deploy all product families.
Select No to include all layout attributes in the payload for the Get Configuration Layout Attribute Data REST API .*default value
Options - Unified Products Sync
- REST Notification Name: The name that will identify the export completion notification from Oracle Sales. This name must match the name of the Web Service defined in Oracle Sales.
Mapping ID: The Oracle Sales Integration Map Number that is used to map Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ part attributes when synchronizing parts. The Mapping ID for the default mapping, which maps standard parts attributes, is DATAINTG-100.
Oracle Sales administrators can modify or clone the default mapping.
- The default mapping can be modified to map an additional Oracle Sales standard or custom part attribute to a CPQ custom part attribute.
- The default mapping must be cloned if you want to map an additional Oracle Sales standard or custom part attribute to a CPQ standard part attribute.
- When the default mapping is cloned, a new Mapping ID will be generated.
Enable Unified BOM Sync: This option to enable synchronization of Oracle Sales complex structures to Oracle CPQ BOM hierarchies.
Refer to BOM Synchronization Behavior before enabling Unified BOM Sync.
Options - Configuration Flows
In previous releases when a user configured a multi-node model Configuration flow, added it to a transaction, reconfigured the configured model, and tapped "Next" until they hit the end node, it would "lock-in" the nodes of the flow. This means even if the user returned to earlier upstream nodes and changed attributes to values that would send them down a different set of configuration flow nodes, they would still only be able to navigate between the nodes that were previously "locked-in".
This setting allows administrators to choose between legacy behavior and a newer behavior that does not "lock in" the nodes of a multi-node flow on reconfiguration.
Select Yes to lock in nodes of the Configuration flow. *default value
Select No to allow users to navigate between any nodes in the Configuration flow.
Click Apply to save your changes and remain on the current page.
Click Update to save your changes and return to the Admin Home Page.
Click Back return to the Admin Home Page without saving any changes.