Pending Configurations


Incomplete Configurations can happen if you are accidentally logged out of your session, if you lose a network connection, or if you're timed out.

You have the option to auto save pending Configurations. This functionality is designed to save incomplete Configurations.

The Pending Configurations button—to resume working on unfinished Configurations—appears at the top of the workspace. Clicking the link takes the user to a Configurations list page, where they can select a Configuration to continue working on.

Pending Configurations

ClosedWhat Does Incomplete Mean?

You will start in the exact same Configuration Flow, in the exact same state.

ClosedWhen are Configurations Saved?

Configuration drafts are saved every time an attribute is updated.

ClosedHow are Configurations Saved?

There is one draft, per user, per model that is saved. If you configure two different models, you will see two models appear as a pending Configuration. These drafts are not automatically cleared by the application. Users will either need to move the Configuration forward or delete the drafts.

How are Configurations Saved?

If a user logs back in and begins to configure a model from the home page, before they click the Pending Configurations link, the new Configuration will become the new draft and the user will lose the previous draft. Also, if a user proceeds to Commerce, or invokes a Commerce action (such as Add to Cart, Add to Favorites, Add to Quote, and so on), they will no longer have a draft of the Configuration.


ClosedManaging Pending Configurations

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Configuration Options page.
    1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
    2. Click   Configuration Settings in the Products section.

      The Configuration Options page opens.

  2. In the Configuration Save Options section, Select Yes if you'd like enable this functionality and No to leave it disabled.

    Configuration Save Options

    This feature is disabled by default.


  • If there are multiple Configuration Flows running and the end user clicks Previous, they will lose their Configuration Flow and will have to re-populate their changes.

  • Pending Configurations is not a substitute for Favorites functionality. For more information, see the topic Favorites List.


  • An AJAX call saves as the user makes any change to an attribute. When a disconnection occurs, the configuration will have been saved up to the most recent state.

  • Oracle CPQ doesn't support drafts for uncached segments.

  • Drafts persist until a user configures the same model, or the pending configuration is added to a Quote, or the product is deployed.

  • Using CDATA tags in a Configuration HTML attribute will prevent Pending Configurations from saving, if saving Pending Configurations is enabled on the site. CDATA tags are automatically added to the default of the attribute if a <script> tag is used when editing via the Edit HTML window. Whether the HTML contains a CDATA tag because of this, manual addition in the default, or being set by a rule, the CDATA tag should not be used if Pending Configurations are required to be saved.

Pending configurations will work with active constraints.

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