JET Transaction UI


The JET Transaction UI (also known as the JET Responsive Transaction UI) provides a modernized and fully responsive user experience for viewing and editing Transactions and sales orders on any device and in any language. CPQ’s JET Transaction UI supports virtually all of the most commonly used Legacy UI features combined with full extensibility and improved usability.

Oracle CPQ is committed to making our product accessible, which includes supporting the use of assistive technology such as keyboard access, screen readers, and screen magnifiers. See Accessibility Support.

The JET Transaction UI is an option that can easily be enabled for some or all of your users. With the addition of the JET UI, Oracle CPQ customers now have the choice between three different standard interfaces for the Transaction UI all provided by Oracle: the JET Transaction UI, the Legacy Transaction UI, and the Salesforce Lightning Transaction UI.

ClosedUser Side JET Transaction UI

The following image illustrates how layout elements are displayed on the user side Transaction page.

Transaction UI Components

Item Description


Action Bar






Help Icon


Line Item Grid


Collapse Line Items


Enhanced Action Icons

JET Transaction UI Enhancements

When customers enable the JET Responsive Layout, the new layout is generated based on the contents and layout of the Legacy Desktop Transaction. Oracle CPQ retains most of the Transaction functionality from prior releases and users gain improvements from the new JET layout components, including several Line Item Grid enhancements. Future releases will build upon the functionality of the new JET UI, prioritized based on customer feedback. Full parity of functionality is the ultimate goal of the JET Transaction UI.

ClosedAdd Favorite Products to a Transaction (Oracle CPQ 24D)

CPQ Favorites allows customers to save, share, and add favorite products to a transaction. Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D customers can retrieve and add favorite products to a transaction using Commerce REST API endpoints for modify-type actions now support adding favorites to a transaction.

Add Favorites Example

  "documents": {
    "transactionLine": {
      "items": [{
          "_favorite_id": 3023140143,
          "_sequence_number": 3

ClosedAdd Products with Fixed Structure to a Commerce Transaction (Oracle CPQ 23C)

Products with fixed structures (BOM hierarchies) can be selected and added to the quote from Quick Add, Parts Search, Multi-part search, etc. Fixed structure products are accessible via the Quick Add functionality when the following conditions are met:

  • The root BOM item and does not have a model configuration defined with it. The root BOM can have a hierarchy under it in the BOM Item Definition table.
  • The product is marked as Direct-buy in the parts definition.
  • The BOM Item Definition ModelPath is empty for the root BOM item.
  • The following BOM Item Definition values are set for the root BOM item and all its child items:
    • Optional is set to 'N'
    • ItemType is NOT set to 'Option Class'

The root item icon Root Item Icon is displayed in the Quick Add drop-down for BOM root items.

Quick Add Root BOM Item Icon

If the selected product is a root item, the associated BOM hierarchy is added to the Line Item Grid.

Root BOM added to Line Item Grid


  • The Commerce Options > Enable Fixed Product Structure expansion on Commerce transactions option must be set to Yes to support adding products with fixed structures to a transaction. This setting is enabled by default.
  • Configurable products cannot be added to a transaction when this option is enabled.
  • Administrators should redeploy the BOM Item Definition Data Table if your site has the Commerce Options > Enable Fixed Product Structure expansion on Commerce transactions option enabled, but users can't expand BOM items after adding a products with fixed structures (BOM hierarchies) to a transaction.

  • Supported capability / flows for Fixed Product structures:
    • Copy Line Items
    • Copy to Favorite
    • Add From Catalog
    • Add From Favorites
    • Add From Parts
    • Add from Multi Parts Buy
    • Import Line Item
    • Add From BML
    • Add from Quick Add
    • Revenue Line Item Import
    • Via Rest API
    • Add to Shopping Cart
    • Create Quote from Shopping Cart
  • Non-Supported flows:
    • Recommended Items

ClosedAdd Unconfigured Models to a Transaction (Oracle CPQ 24C)

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24C, Commerce will support adding unconfigured models to a transaction. When an unconfigured model is added to a transaction, the unconfigured state icon is displayed for that item in the Line Item Grid. Sales users can select an unconfigured model and then reconfigure any unconfigured models.

Add Unconfigured Model to a Transaction

Commerce REST API endpoints for modify-type actions now support adding unconfigured models to a transaction.

Add Unconfigured Model Example

  "documents": {
    "transactionLine": {
      "items": [{
          "_part_number": "part1",
          "_price_quantity": "1",
          "_price_book_var_name": "_default_price_book",
          "_sequence_number": 1,
        }, {
          "_model_path": "configvisionVehicles:consumerVehicles:sUV",
          "_price_quantity": "1",
          "_sequence_number": 2,

ClosedAllow Table Height Control for Line Item Grid (Oracle CPQ 24B)

When enabled, the Allow Table Height Control option in the Commerce Layout Editor allows sales users to define the number of rows to be visible in the Line Item Grid. When this option is enabled, sales users can specify how many line items they want to display per page. User preferences can be saved to User Personalizations.

Allow Table Height Control for LIG

The option is disabled by default.

ClosedApplied Rate Plan Selection for Transaction Lines (Oracle CPQ 24A)

When a Rate Plan is applied to a subscription type product, CPQ Pricing will apply the associated Rate Plan charges. For a given subscription/service product, the contract start date, end date, and contracted period will be applicable to all recurring and/usage charges, and pricing roll up attributes for this line item will be calculated accordingly.

Sales users can view the applied Rate Plan data for the subscription item in the Line Item Grid. Just like stand-alone charges, sales user can view associated charges from a Rate Plan in the Charge Details drawer.

Applied Rate Plan

The following text type attributes are added to the sub-document price attribute set to support Rate Plans:

  • Applied Rate Plan (_price_applied_ratePlan)
  • Applied Rate Plan Number (_price_applied_ratePlan_number)
  • Applied Rate Plan Integration ID (_price_applied_ratePlan_integrationId)

Applied Rate Plan Selection

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24A, customers can view all applicable Rate Plans and select an alternative Rate Plan. Oracle CPQ 24A introduces the Available Rate Plans menu attribute allows sales users to see the applicable Rate Plans and to select the desired Rate Plan from the available list. When a new Rate Plan is selected, the charges are updated with the selected Rate Plan values.

When multiple Rate Plans are set up for a given subscription product on a quote sourced from the Pricing Engine, sales users can now select an alternative Rate Plan from the available list. The Line Item Grid now has an Available Rate Plan drop-down to select an alternate Rate Plan.

Applied Rate Plan Selection

The Transaction Line details page also provides an Available Rate Plan drop-down to select an alternate Rate Plan. When multiple Rate Plans are set up for a given subscription product, the Available Rate Plan array set is displayed and lists the Rate Plan items.

Applied Rate Plans in Transaction Line Deatails Page

ClosedBOM Attributes for Line Item Grid (Oracle CPQ 23A)

Oracle CPQ 23A exposes the following attributes in Commerce to display BOM-related data in the Line Item Grid:

Line BOM Name (_line_bom_name) – This is the name from the BOM Item Definition table.

Line BOM Variable Name (_line_bom_variable_name) – This is the variable name from the BOM Item Definition table.

Line Item Type (_line_item_type) – This is the item type from the BOM Item Definition table.

Line Display Name (_line_display_name) – This value contains one of the following values:

Note the first value that is populated is used for the _line_display_name value.

  • DISPLAY_NAME target value from BOM Attribute mapping
  • The Name from the BOM Item Definition table
  • Model name
  • Part display name

For example, in the following configuration the DISPLAY_NAME target value from the BOM Attribute mapping is populated, so this is the value that _line_display_name will contain.

Model Configuration using Display name from Attribute Mapping

When a sales user creates a transaction from the configuration shown above, the new BOM attributes are displayed in the Line Item Grid. The new BOM-related attributes are outlined in red in the image below. The Line Display Names outlined in blue are using the DISPLAY_NAME target value from the BOM Attribute mapping. The remaining Line Display Names are populated using the Name from the BOM Item Definition table.

BOM-related fields in Line Item Grid

The new attributes will be added to existing Commerce processes and will be present when a new sub-document is created. These attributes are treated as system attributes and can be referenced in the same applicable areas as similar attributes.


  • The new line attributes will not be populated for lines created in versions before Oracle CPQ 23A.
  • The new BOM attributes are exposed for display purposes only. If administrator makes the Line Item Grid attributes editable, changes made to Line Item Grid values will not be impact the BOM attribute values. Best practices is to make these new BOM-related attributes non-editable.
  • For more information about BOM Mapping attribute relationships, refer to Oracle CPQ Administrator Online Help > Configuration > BOM Mapping > BOM Tables.

ClosedCharge Definition Support for Transaction Lines (Oracle CPQ 23D)

When Charge Definitions are used to provide standardized charge categories for a usage-based product, this information is displayed for the applicable charges in the Charge Details drawer. Sales users can also view Charge Definition and Rate Card data on the transaction line details page.

The Transaction Line Charge Array Set allows customers to synchronize the pricing charge schema with Commerce to enable multiple charges for transaction line items. The pricing charge schema is defined by standard and extensible custom charge attributes. The Synchronize Charge Array Set action allows administrators to synchronize the Transaction Line Charge Array Set with the pricing charge schema. Refer to Charge Array Set to view all attributes.


  • To enable multiple charges for transaction line items, refer to Synchronize Charge Array Set.
  • If the Transaction Line Charge Array Set doesn’t exist, it will be created when the Synchronize Charge Array Set action is invoked.
  • Refer to Pricing Portal > Charge Attributes for more information about pricing charge attributes.

ClosedCharge Details Support for Transaction Lines (Oracle CPQ 23C)

CPQ supports multiple charges for Add From Catalog, Quick Add, Opportunity Import, and corresponding REST APIs. In Oracle CPQ 23C, the Standard Quote Process’s pricing rollup attributes, like Price Type (rollup), Net Price (rollup), etc. are updated to incorporate Charges in the standard calculation logic.

For example, If a given subscription product line on a quote has both product pricing and multiple charges, then the Contract Value (Net Rollup) attribute will reflect the total calculated contract price value for all the price points.

The Multi-Charge indicator is displayed in the Line Item Grid for line items with multiple charges.

Mult-Charge Indicator

Sales users can select a line item with multiple charges and click on Charge Details to view the charge breakdown. The charge panel displays the charge type, price type, unit price, price period, and discount amount for all associated charges.

Charge Details

Sales users can also click View More Details to navigate to a charge’s detailed view page to modify charge item fields that are designated as negotiable in Pricing.

View More Charge Details


  • Refer to Charge Attributes administration information.
  • To enable multiple charges for transaction line items, administrators need to Synchronize Charge Array Set. If a Transaction Line Charge Array Set doesn’t exist, it will be created when the Synchronize Charge Array Set action is invoked.
  • Charge Amount calculations apply their parent line's quantity as they do not have their own quantity.
  • CPQ supports usage of charge set attributes in Document Designer documents and Workflow Steps.
  • The Commerce Standard Process supports multiple charges for transaction line items.

ClosedCollapse All By Default Option for Line Item Grid (Oracle CPQ 24B)

The Collapse All By Default option in the Commerce Layout Editor allows administrators to set default collapsed or expanded behavior for hierarchical products in the Line Item Grid. The option is disabled by default.

When Collapse All By Default is disabled, sales users can:

  • Use the Collapse All menu item to collapse all models / product hierarchies, or

  • Click on an individual Collapse icon to collapse the selected item.

Collapse product hierachies in LIG

When Collapse All By Default is enabled, sales users can:

  • Use the Expand All menu item to expand all models / product hierarchies, or

  • Click on an individual Expand icon to view all items within the selected model / product hierarchy.

Expand product hierachies in LIG

ClosedCommerce Stage Badge (Oracle CPQ 25A)

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 25A a stage badge is displayed on the transaction UI for transactions in the Quote and Agreement stages. When stages are enabled, the stage badge is displayed for both legacy and standard processes. A badge is not displayed for transactions in the "Quote" stage. The new stage badge quickly identifies subsets of transactions that are in the agreement or ordering phase of the transaction lifecycle.

The following image shows the badge display for Quote, Order, and Agreement stages.

Commerce Stage Badge

Refer to Commerce Layout Editor: Layout Settings to enable the stage badge.

ClosedDisplay Status Dialog for In Progress Actions (Oracle CPQ 24D)

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D, the JET Transaction UI will display a Status dialog for in progress actions when the respective main and sub-document actions have Show Loading Dialog set to Yes. The Status dialog is shown when an enabled action is triggered, and the dialog will automatically close when the action is finished. When multiple actions are performed, the Status dialog displays all invoked actions. Actions are removed from the dialog as soon as they are completed, and the Status dialog will automatically close when the last action is finished.

Transaction UI status dialog

This feature makes the JET Transaction UI loading dialog behavior consistent with Legacy Transaction UI.

By default, Show Loading Dialog is set to Yes for main and sub-document actions. If you need to modify this setting, refer to Commerce Actions.

ClosedDisplay Volume and Tier Pricing in Transaction Charge Details (Oracle CPQ 24A)

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24A, tier and volume price structures are displayed for recurring charges when applicable. This allows sales users to clearly see how prices change based on quantity or volume, so they can communicate this information more effectively to their customers.

Sales users select the applicable line item and click Charge Details to open the charge details drawer.

Charge Details

The sales user then clicks the volume or tier pricing link to view the volume or tier pricing structure.

View Tier Pricing Details

Sales users can then update the product quantity in the line item grid to take advantage of better pricing by moving the customer to a higher tier. Pricing will be reevaluated according to the tier pricing definition and the charge value will be updated to reflect the quantity change.

ClosedHelp Icon for Line Item Grid Attributes (Oracle CPQ 24B)

When enabled, the Show help icon option in the Commerce Layout Editor displays a help icon for Commerce attributes in the Line Item Grid column header. When a user hovers over the help icon the attribute description is displayed. The option is disabled by default.

Help icon for LIG attributes

ClosedImport and Export JET Transaction Line Items to .XLSX File Format (Oracle CPQ 21B)

CPQ provides the ability to export Line Item Grid data to a Microsoft Excel (.XLSX) file on an end user's local computer. End users can export the current Transaction's line item information to run formulas and calculations on the Transaction data quickly and easily.

CPQ also provides the additional ability to import line item data from a modified CPQ-exported Microsoft Excel (.XLSX) file. This feature leverages Microsoft Excel with Oracle CPQ Commerce to add new or modify existing transaction line data. End users can perform analysis and approval activities before importing line item modifications into the CPQ Transaction. Independent line items or unconfigured Model line items can be added to the CPQ export .XLSX file. The export .XLSX file provides necessary identification data to determine modifications to a pre-existing CPQ Line Item.

Filter JET Transaction UI Lines when Exporting to .XLSX File Format

The Export Line Item action contains an additional option to allow the export of only the Line Item Grid data that is visible to the end user on the current step, taking into account Commerce access rules and Line Item filter rules.

ClosedJavaScript Wrapper Enhancements for Attribute States (Oracle CPQ 21B)

Oracle CPQ JavaScript methods for attribute states that allow administrators to hide or set attributes to read-only. Custom JavaScript methods can be used to set visible and updatable states, offering administrators greater flexibility in their custom implementations.

ClosedJET Transaction UI Action Drop-Down Menu (Oracle CPQ 18D)

JET Transaction UI action items can be displayed as Buttons or an Action Menu. If all actions are hidden because of the user profile or access rules, the Action menu will be empty.

In the following image, actions are displayed as buttons

Toolbar action buttons

In the following image, actions are displayed as an actions menu.

Drop-down actions

ClosedJET Transaction UI Error Messages (Oracle CPQ 20A)

CPQ provides several error message enhancements for the JET Transaction UI. Similar to the JET Configuration UI, the JET Transaction UI errors will now display inline and in a collapsible sticky header bar Error Panel. The Error Panel provides a consistent look and feel and improves usability.

JET Transaction UI Error Message Enhancements

ClosedJET Transaction UI Table Columns (Oracle CPQ 20C)

Reset and Reorder Viewed Columns for JET Transaction UI Tables

CPQ allows end users to re-order JET Transaction UI Line Item Grid and Transaction Array columns. In addition to the reorder options, the Manage Columns window provides a reset function to return the table column display options to their default settings. If enabled, the user's column order settings are persistent for the user across sessions.

To use the reorder and reset default functions, select Manage Columns from the JET Transaction UI Line Item Grid and Transaction Array View menu.

Manage Columns

The Manage Columns window provides the Reset to Default function and displays the new reorder options to the right of the "Shown" column panel.

Reset to Default and Manage Columns

The user preferences are reset when:

  • a Commerce deployment is performed, as it can apply changes to the Line Item Grid, attributes, or user access to attributes.

  • the user's browser storage is cleared or a security setting blocks local storage (the settings are saved locally in the user's browser cache).

Manage Viewed Columns for JET Transaction UI Tables

CPQ provides a new Manage Columns dialog for JET Transaction UI tables, such as the Line Item Grid and Transaction Arrays. Previously, users could only show or hide columns one column at a time, which was very time-consuming for tables with a large number of columns. The Manage Columns dialog allows users to quickly hide or show multiple columns.

Users select Manage Columns from the View menu to select columns for the JET Transaction UI table.

Manage Viewed Columns for JET Transaction UI Tables

  • To show columns, use the shuttle controls to move columns from the Hidden list to the Shown list.

  • To hide columns, use the shuttle controls to move columns from the Shown list to the Hidden list.

    Manage columns dialog

Required attributes are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the Hidden and Shown lists.

ClosedJET Transaction UI Table Error Messages (Oracle CPQ 20C)

ClosedJET UI HTML Help Messages (Oracle CPQ 20A)

ClosedJET Transaction UI Table Resize Columns (Oracle CPQ 20B)

The column resize dialog is now available for all JET UI tables. The dialog provides a user-friendly method to resize columns, is much easier for tablet and phone displays, and allows users to enter a precise column width.

Users can right-click on the column header, select Resize, and then enter the column width. For tablet and phone displays, users tap and hold the column header to access the Resize option.

Resize column

The Resize Column dialog allows users to specify the exact column width.

Resize column dialog

ClosedJET UI Inline Rich Text Editor (Oracle CPQ 20C)

Oracle CPQ 20C introduces a new inline editor for rich-text editable attributes (RTE). The new JET editor includes more text formatting options than the legacy editor. Features include undo/redo, images, links, table tools, and functions with the browser's native spell check. See JET Inline Rich Text Editor for more information.


  • Templates selected to display as the default value are supported.
  • JET Transaction UI inline editor user-defined RTE templates cannot be shared with other users.
  • Some of the formatting options will be hidden if the layout width of a Rich Text attribute is not wide enough to display the toolbar for the JET Inline Rich Text Editor. To view all functions the user must maximize the editor screen to a full-page view. Placing an RTE attribute into a multi-column layout can cause this issue, therefore it is recommended that RTE attributes are placed in single column layouts.

  • To deactivate the JET Inline Rich Text Editor, site administrators can submit a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support.

ClosedLine Item Grid Checkbox Selection (Oracle CPQ 20B)

Selection Checkboxes are available for the JET Transaction UI Transaction Arrays. The selection checkboxes are displayed at the start of each array row. In addition, the Transaction Array table footer indicates the number of currently selected rows.

For example, the following image displays a Transaction with two rows selected. Note the number of items selected displays under the Transaction Array.

Checkbox Selection for Line Items

Users can also click the checkbox in the first column header to select or deselect all lines across all pages. In this example "All selected" displays under the Line Item Grid, indicating line items from all pages are selected.

ClosedLine Item Grid Column Freeze/Unfreeze and Hide/Unhide Menu Actions (Oracle CPQ 20B)

Freeze/Unfreeze and Hide/Unhide actions are available from the context menu on the Line Item Grid column headers.

  • To freeze a column, right-click on the column header and then select Freeze from the context menu.
  • To unfreeze a column, right-click on a frozen column header and then select Unfreeze from the context menu.

Enhanced Context Menu Actions for Line Item Grid Columns

Users can also quickly Hide a column or Unhide All columns from the context menu.

Hide a Column and Unhide All columns

ClosedLine Actions for Line Item Grid Lines (Oracle CPQ 24B)

When the Display Actions on Line option in the Commerce Layout Editor option is enabled, sales users can invoke available actions for the applicable line item using a single click action. This option is disabled by default.

Line actions for LIG lines

ClosedLine Item Grid Default Collapsed Mode for Hierarchical Products (Oracle CPQ 23D)

Hierarchical models and products are displayed in collapsed mode by default. Sales users can identify collapsed items, and then select an individual item or use the Expand All option to view all items within the model or product hierarchy. When a sales user selects the Expand All option, their viewing preference is persistent and will be saved to their Line Item Grid personalization as well. A checkmark has been added to the view menu drop-down to indicate the selected preference.

Expand Hierarchy

By defaulting to the Collapsed mode for the hierarchical items in the Line Item Grid, sales users can interact with the products at the root level and when needed, see more details of the product hierarchy by Expanding the line item hierarchy.

ClosedLine Item Grid Display Indicator Icons for Editable Fields (Oracle CPQ 20C)

Administrators can choose to display indicator icons for easier recognition of editable Line Item Grid fields. Previously, display indicator icons only displayed when a field was selected for editing. Read-only fields will not display these indicators.

Indicator Icons for Editable Line Item Grid Fields

See the Commerce Layout Editor > Edit Line Item Grid for instructions to display indicator icons for editable Line Item Grid fields.

ClosedLine Item Grid Expand and Collapse All Models (Oracle CPQ 20B)

CPQ provides Expand All and Collapse All actions available from the Line Item Grid's View menu for all models within the Line Item Grid. This functions across all pages of the Line Item Grid. The expanded/collapsed state is also persistent for the user across sessions.

Expand and Collapse All Models in the Line Item Grid

ClosedLine Item Grid Freeze Columns with the Sticky Header Enabled (Oracle CPQ 20B)

CPQ provides consistent behavior of the Transaction UI sticky headers while using frozen columns. Column Freeze settings are retained across logins on the same browser.

ClosedLine Item Grid Personalization (Oracle CPQ 23D)

Oracle CPQ provides sales users with the flexibility of selecting columns, arranging columns, and applying filters in the Line Item Grid. Previously, Line Item Grid personalization was not retained when users cleared their cache, changed browsers, or switched between devices. Sales users can save Line Item Grid personalization, and then apply their saved Line Item Grid personalization to subsequent user sessions. Refer to Personalize Line Item Grid for more information.

ClosedLine Item Grid Wrap Text Option (Oracle CPQ 20C)

To improve usability, CPQ provides a new View menu option to wrap cell content for the JET Line Item Grid. Rows will expand as needed to fit additional lines of content.

To wrap cell content, select Manage Columns from the JET Transaction UI Line Item Grid View menu.

Wrap Text Option for Line Item Grid

ClosedOracle Sales Custom Variable Name Conventions in Commerce (Oracle CPQ 23D/24C)

In Oracle CPQ 23D, CPQ adopted Oracle CX Sales variable naming conventions for custom items. When an administrator creates a new custom Commerce item, the "_c" suffix is appended to the variable name. The new naming convention for custom variable names provides more consistency for integrations with Oracle Sales.

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24C, customers can submit a service request to disable the "_c" suffix on variable names for custom Commerce entities (Actions, Analytics, Attributes, Data Columns, Integrations, Library Functions, Rules, Steps, etc.). The "_c" suffix is enabled by default for standard and legacy Commerce processes.

  • Customers can submit a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to disable the "_c" suffix on variable names for custom Commerce entities
  • When the "_c" is disabled, the "_c" variable name suffix will not be required for newly created custom Commerce entities.
  • Disabling the "_c" variable name suffix for custom Commerce entities will not change existing variable names.
  • The "_c" suffix setting will not impact existing variable names when cloning a Commerce process or migrating Commerce items. Target variable names will be the same as the variable names from the source Commerce process.

ClosedPipeline Viewer Support (Oracle CPQ 18D)

Oracle CPQ supports for the JET Transaction UI Pipeline Viewer. The Commerce Pipeline Viewer allows administrators to debug and troubleshoot Commerce rules and AJAX formulas impacting the current Transaction. When an administrator clicks Pipeline Viewer, the Pipeline Viewer window opens and displays active Commerce rules, the rule types, and identifies which main document (Transaction) or sub-document (Transaction Line) attributes and actions are impacted. Transaction attributes and actions are listed in the Main Doc column and are displayed in blue type. Transaction Line attributes and actions are listed in the Sub Doc column and are displayed in purple italic type.

ClosedProgress Indicator During Queue Processing (Oracle CPQ 20B)

Similar to the JET Configuration UI, the JET Transaction UI now displays a Progress Indicator in the page header. This provides an immediate visual indication that the user's action has had an effect. When the user performs an action, an animated icon displays beside the page title notifying the user that the action is in process.

Progress Indicator During Queue Processing

A tooltip note is available on this icon to provide more details.

Progress Indicator During Queue Processing tooltip

Some or all actions may be temporarily disabled while the system is processing, but the user is able to continue working during this time. Once completed, the indicator changes to show that the processing is complete.

Action complete

ClosedQuick Add Enhancements (Oracle CPQ 18D)

CPQ provides the following enhancements for the Quick Add window:

  • Keyboard access to navigate through fields
  • Resize Quick Add window functionality
  • UI buttons to add items, delete items, and close the Quick Add window.

Refer to the Quick Add topic for Quick Add information.

ClosedRate Card Support for Transaction Lines (Oracle CPQ 23D)

When enabled, the Pricing Rate Cards can be used to capture complex usage pricing for subscription products. The Rate Card data will be synchronized from CPQ Pricing to the charge array set and can be included in output documents to fully communicate to the customer the pricing that will be applied to consumption-based services. If Rate Card charges are applied to a subscription product from the Product Workbench or a Pricing Engine Price Model, a "View Rate Card" link is displayed in the Transaction's Charges Details drawer to allow sales to view the Rate Card data for the applicable line item.

Transaction Charge Details Drawer

This allows sales user to view the custom dynamic pricing matrix used in determining the invoice amounts to be billed on a periodic basis.

Rate Card Charge

Note: Rate Card data is read-only in Oracle CPQ 23D and cannot be modified from the Transaction UI.

ClosedSales Agreement Pricing and Authoring in Commerce (Oracle CPQ 24B/24D)

  • Oracle CPQ 24B introduced Price Agreements in CPQ Pricing Engine to define customer-specific Sales Agreement pricing for products or services. When products or services belonging to a pre-existing agreement are added, the Price Agreement pricing and information is applied on these quote lines.

  • Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D, CPQ sales users can author and negotiate a new sales agreement within CPQ using a productized CPQ quote for agreement, without a dependency or integration with Oracle Sales Contracts.

  • Refer to Sales Agreements in Oracle CPQ for more information.

ClosedSelect Alternate Address from JET Transaction UI (Oracle CPQ 18D)

CPQ allows the selection of an alternate address from the JET Transaction UI. Users can select an alternate address for a JET Transaction from the available customer addresses in integrated CRM systems.

Note: To display Select Alternate Address action, the Select an Alternate Address action must be included on the JET Transaction layout. For JET Transaction layout administration information, refer to the Commerce Layout Editor topic.

When the Customer ID field associated with a Transaction has multiple addresses in an integrated CRM, the Select An Alternate Address action can be displayed on the JET Transaction UI.

Select Alternate Address from JET Transaction UI

When a user clicks Select An Alternate Address, the Select Alternate Address dialog opens. If an alternate address is selected, the Transaction is updated with the alternate billing and shipping information.

Select Alternate Address dialog

For Retrieve and Select Alternate Address REST API information, refer to the REST APIs for Commerce Transactions topic.

ClosedSimple and Advanced Filters (Oracle CPQ 18D)

The Simple and Advanced Filters provide the functionality previously available from the Query By Example (QBE) filter. Just as with the QBE filter, users can define filter criteria for multiple column items using the Advanced Filter. In addition to defining a multiple column filter, the Advanced Filter allows users to specify if the results match any or match all filter criteria. The Simple Filter searches all columns and then filters results based on a user-defined keyword or phrase.

Simple Filter

The Simple Filter supports quick text or numeric searches, such as Part Number searches. The Simple Filter Icon is located in the toolbar above the associated table for JET UI pages.

Simple filter icon

ClosedUse the JET UI Simple Filter

To use the Simple Filter, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the table toolbar Simple Filter icon.

    Simple filter icon

    The keyword entry field appears in the table toolbar.

    Simple filter keyword/text field

  2. Type the desired keyword or phrase and then press <Enter> or <Return> to filter results.

    If the keyword is present in any column, the resulting lines are returned.

  3. To deactivate the filter, click on the active Simple Filter icon. Active filter icon

Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filters supports use cases where multiple criteria are required to focus on a subset of lines. A wide range of operators and the Match all or Match any option expand the user's ability to fine tune their filtering. The Advanced Filter icon is located in the toolbar above the associated table for JET UI pages.

Advanced filter icon

ClosedUse the JET UI Advanced Filter

To use the Advanced Filter, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the table toolbar Advanced Filter icon.

    Advanced Filter icon

    The Advanced Filter window opens.

    Advanced filter example

  2. Define the filter criteria:
    1. If required, click the Add Row icon. Add row icon
    2. In the first column, select the desired table column names.
    3. In the second column, select the applicable operator.
    4. In the third column, define the criteria for the column filter.
    5. To delete a row, click the Delete Row icon. Delete icon
    6. Select Match all or Match any.
  3. Click OK to filter results.

    The resulting lines are returned.

  4. To modify the filter criteria, select Edit Filter.
  5. To deactivate the filter, click on the active Advanced Filter icon. Active Advanced filter icon

ClosedTransaction Line Details Page Navigation (Oracle CPQ 22C)

CPQ provides navigation functionality for the JET UI Commerce Line Item Details page. Users can now navigate between different line items without navigating back to the Transaction UI. The line item order will reflect user filters and sorting applied to the Line Item Grid. The Open Transaction Line REST API will also support navigation parameters. When a sales user opens the details page for a transaction line item, a navigation toolbar is displayed in the page header row.

Line Item Details Page Navigation bar

Note: The line item details page navigation references the users cache for filters and sorting applied to the Line Item Grid. When using collaborative quoting, additional line items that are added by other users are not visible until the current user refreshes their cache. Therefore, to support navigation to additional line items added by other collaborative users, the navigation arrows are not grayed out when a user is on the first or last line item.

ClosedView File Attachments in Line Item Grid Lines

Administrators can enable Editability for File Attachment attributes in the Line Item Grid in the Commerce Layout Editor. When enabled, sales users can add and delete a file attachment to a Line Item Grid line item. The attached filename is displayed in the File Attribute type field when an attachment has been added. To add an attachment, click inside the File Attribute type field, click Choose File, then locate and select the desired file.

Select LIG line attachment

To remove an attachment, click on the filename, and then select Remove.

Remove LIG line attachment

JET Transaction UI Key Changes, Limitations, and Known Issues

The following list provides descriptions of key changes, limitations, and known issues present in the JET Transaction UI.

ClosedSupport for Previous Functionality

ClosedPlanning for JET Transaction UI Adoption

ClosedView JET Transaction UI Limitations


ClosedEnable the JET Responsive Layout

ClosedAccess JET Responsive Layouts

ClosedDisplay Editable Line Item Grid Fields Icons

ClosedPersonalize Line Item Grid

ClosedJET Responsive Layout Migration



  • Custom JavaScript is compatible with the JET Transaction UI; however, admin users may need to resolve conflicts when first implementing the JET Transaction UI.
  • The JET Transaction UI Line Item Grid includes native support for hierarchical display of models with System Configuration and BOM. As a result, the read-only BOM table (ROBOM) is not needed and should not be used in the implementation. If it is used, it may cause CSS conflicts with the JET Transaction UI.
  • The default recommended page size for the Line Item Grid is 500 items per page. If you require more items per page, you must open a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to have the maximum number increased.

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