Document Designer Elements


Elements hold the content of the document. Elements cannot be placed directly in the Template Flow, but must be placed either in a Section or a Header & Footer Layout. All Elements should be placed in a Section and some Elements can be placed in a Header & Footer. No Elements can be placed in a Table of Contents Layout because of the default Elements that are provided with it.

There are nine Elements types that can be added to the template:



Text Elements can hold both static text and dynamic attribute values. Text can be added to Sections, Table cells, and Headers and Footers.

After a Text Element has been dropped in the template, the Text Element dialog box will appear.

Text Element dialog box

Text can be added and formatted within the Text Element editor window. Clicking OK will save the contents of the Text Element. The Text Element editor window can be reopened by double-clicking the Text Element within the Template Flow.

Attribute values can also be added to Text Elements. For more information on adding attribute values, see the topic Document Designer and Attribute Values.

  • If administrators apply formatting (e.g. font family, font size, line spacing, indentation, and style options such as bold, italic, and underline) to a RTE or HTML attribute from within the Text Element dialog, selecting the Clear RTE/HTML Attribute Formatting checkbox will override this formatting with Text Element formatting in the output document.
  • If the content added inside an RTE or HTML attribute contains a default font family or font size, the Text Element formatting is applied. This occurs regardless of whether or not the administrator selects the Clear RTE/HTML Attribute Formatting checkbox.
  • When HTML attributes contain an image within an HTML tag that has formatting such as bold, italic, or font size, the text content may overlap the image in the output document. To correct this, try removing the formatting from the HTML tag or moving the image outside the tag.

When a Text Element is selected in the Template Flow, the following properties can be modified in the Properties pane:

Property Description


The font of all text within the Text Element. If multiple fonts are used within the Text Element, an “*” will appear in the Font drop-down. Selecting a font will overwrite all font modifications that were made within the Text Element editor window.


The size of all text within the Text Element. If multiple sizes are used within the Text Element, an “*” will appear in the Size drop-down. Selecting a size will overwrite all size modifications that were made within the Text Element editor window.


Options include Font Color, Bold, Italics, and Clear Formatting. Changing any one of these options will affect all text within the Text Element.

Keep Together

When selected, if the Text Element is long enough so that it will be split between two pages, the Text Element will be moved to a new page so that all text content appears on the same page in the output.

Line Spacing

The line spacing between all lines in the Text Element. If multiple line spacing settings are used within the Text Element, an “*” will appear in the Line spacing drop-down. Selecting a Line spacing setting will overwrite all line spacing modifications that were made within the Text Element editor window.


The space between the Text Element and other Elements (when defined for Top and Bottom) and between the Text Element and the margins of the page (when defined for Left or Right). If the Text is inside a Table cell, margins will determine the distance between the Element and the borders of the cell.


Image Elements can reference images stored in the File Manager, images stored in Commerce File Attachment attributes, or external images. Images can be added to Sections, Table cells, and Headers and Footers.

ClosedFile Manager Images

ClosedFile Attachment Attribute Images

ClosedExternal Images

ClosedMultiple Images

ClosedImage Element Properties


Table Elements can be used to organize content and present it in a logical way to the reader of the document. Tables can be placed in Sections and Headers and Footers.

When a Table Element is added to the template, by default the Table will have one row and one column. Additional rows and columns can be added by clicking the Add Row or Add Column icon (Add icon), located within the bottommost row and rightmost column, respectively, or by modifying the Row and Column fields in the Properties pane. Both rows and columns can be rearranged within a table via drag and drop.

By default, each cell in a Table will contain a Text Element. That Text Element can be modified or removed from the cell, and additional Elements can be added to the cell. Text, Image, Heading, Spacer, and XSL Snippet Elements can all be added to Table cells. Tables cannot be nested.

ClosedTable Properties

ClosedRow Properties and Actions

ClosedColumn Properties and Actions

ClosedCell Properties and Actions

ClosedMerging Cells

ClosedNested Tables

ClosedTotal Width and Auto-Adjust Table Width


Heading Elements can be used to introduce new sections of content while creating an entry for the content area in the Table of Contents. Headings can only be added to Sections.

After a Heading Element has been dropped in the template, the Heading Element editor window will appear.

Heading Element editor

The name of the Heading can contain both static text and/or attribute values. For more information on adding attribute values, see the topic Document Designer and Attribute Values. Clicking OK will save the contents of the Heading Element. The Heading Element editor window can be reopened by double-clicking on the Heading Element within the Template Flow.

When a Heading Element is selected in the Template Flow, the following properties can be modified in the Properties pane:

Property Description

Heading Style

All Heading Style Sets and Heading Styles within each Heading Style Set will appear in the drop-down.

Selecting different Heading Styles will affect the formatting of the Heading and possibly the template’s Table of Contents.

For more information on Heading Style Sets and Heading Styles, see the topic Heading Styles and Style Sets.

Reset Numbering

When selected, the number of the Heading will reset to 1 (or i, I, a, or A depending on the Number Style of the Heading style) regardless of what number Heading it is within the Template Flow.

For more information of Heading Style numbering, see the topic Heading Styles and Style Sets.

ClosedColumn Break

The column break element allows administrators to drag and drop one or more column break elements onto a section to start the content in the next column. In a section with only a single column, the column break behaves like a page break. Column break elements only display in Document Designer and are not visible to users in the output document.

The Column Break element is available in the Elements panel of Document Designer.

Column Break element

Note: A column break element can be placed in a section but not in a table cell, header, or footer.

ClosedPage Break

Page Break Elements can be added to a Section to specify when Elements should be split between different pages in the output. Page Breaks can only be added to Sections.

When a Page Break is added to the Template, all Elements below it in the Template Flow will begin on a new page in the output. Page Break Elements do not have any properties that can be modified in the Properties panel.


Spacer Elements create blank space between Elements. Spacers can be added to Sections and Header & Footers. Spacer Elements have two properties that can be modified in the Properties pane when the Spacer is selected; Height and Bind Elements.

The Height of a Spacer determines how much blank space the Spacer will create in the output. Height can be specified in inches, millimeters, centimeters, and pixels.

When Bind Elements is selected, the Element directly above and the Element directly below the Spacer in the Template Flow will appear on the same page in the output when possible. Spacers can have their height set to zero if two Elements need to appear on the same page, but no extra space is needed between them.

In the following example, a Heading Element should appear on the same page as the Text Element below it.  To ensure this, Spacer Element is placed between the Heading and Text Elements, the Height of the Spacer is set to 0 inches, and Bind Elements is selected. In this scenario, the Heading and Text Elements will appear on the same page when possible. If the text is long enough that it must move to the next page, the header will move with it.

Heading Element

ClosedXSL Snippet

XSL Snippet Elements can be used to affect the output of the document by referencing XSL variables. XSL Snippets can be added to a Section, a Table cell, or a Header & Footer. For more information on XSL Snippets, see the topic Document Designer and XSL.

ClosedEmbed Document

Embed Document Elements serve two distinct purposes:

  • To embed a PDF document from the File Manager, a File Attachment attribute, or a URL in the PDF output of a template
  • To add the contents of a Rich Text attribute to the template.

Embed Document Elements can only be added to Sections.

ClosedEmbedding a PDF Document

ClosedAdding Rich Text Attribute Contents

ClosedDynamically Embed External Documents


Refer to Supported Fonts to view a list of fonts that can be used in Text and Heading Elements:

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