Redwood Quotes List UI


The Quotes List page using Redwood design standards to enhance the user experience and align with other Oracle products. The redesigned Redwood UX supports existing functionality and provides additional usability improvements to the Quote List Page, such as, filtering, sorting, creating, and managing saved searches, etc. When enabled, the new Quotes List page replaces the existing legacy Transaction Manager. The navigation link URL for the existing legacy Transaction Manager is also updated to the new Quotes List URL.

Users click on the Quotes List icon to access the new Quotes List page.

Quotes List Page

Step Description


The navigation menu has been updated with a modern redwood design. Users will notice the updated navigation menu at the top of the page, providing seamless access to different sections.


The site default or user default saved search is displayed.


Select a Saved Search or to define criteria for a custom search.


Save the current list view to saved searches, Manage Saved Searches, Manage Columns, View Archives, or Archive All Results.

The Manage Saved Searches interface allow users to view a list of available saved searches, assign default (user and site) saved search, control (visibility and read/write) access for saved searches, and delete saved searches.


Create a new transaction.


The Results field displays the number of transactions returned for the current search.


Sort search results using the chosen column header.

The displayed columns are determined by the Manage Columns action. The default columns are the ID # and Selected Currency, the other columns are populated the Data Columns for main document (e.g. Transaction) Commerce attributes. For more information, refer to Data Columns.


Forward, Copy, Print, Email, Open Transaction, or Archive the selected transaction.

Note: Archive options are only visible for administrators

When multiple transactions are selected, users can access the results Actions to Forward or Archive multiple lines.

Actions for multiple transaction selections

Grouping Search Results

Additionally, the new Quotes List page allow users to group the data for text and menu attributes. When a user selects an available Group by option the results are returned in grouped lists. The group with the most results is expanded and displayed. The other group lists, along with the corresponding results count, are displayed below the current grouped list.

Grouping search results

Note: Multiple transactions can only be selected when Group by is set to "None".

Saved Searches

When a user navigates to the Quotes List UI, the User Default Saved Search is displayed. If a user default is not specified the Site Default Saved Search is displayed. Commerce Text and Single Select Menu attributes mapped in the Data Columns can be used as filter inputs to the search. The user can specify criteria for the attributes, sort results using the column headers, and group results so that the search returns only those records that satisfy the criteria. Search results will be returned based on user permissions. In the Quotes List UI, the Saved Search functions replace the View Manager functions that were provided in the legacy Transaction Manager. When the Quotes List UI is enabled, existing legacy Transaction Manager views will be available as Saved Searches in the new UI. For the process type Standard Process, the Quotes List UI provides the following default saved searches.


  • If a sales user does not have access to any field used in a saved search, then the saved search will not be visible for that user.

  • Folder structure functionality is replaced by Saved Searches. Users can create a new Saved Search to organize the trashed transactions as per their desired criteria.

Keyword Search

When enabled, keyword searches provide quick access to filter transactions by entering criteria directly in the search field. Keyword Search is enabled in the Data Column definition for the applicable Commerce attribute. In the following example Keyword Search is enabled for the Customer Company Name - Data Column definition. When search criteria is entered in the Search field, the matching transactions are returned and the keyword is highlighted in the results.

Keyword search operates by scanning through indexed columns, so in order for keyword search to work the data column must be indexed. Keyword search is only enabled for text attributes, allowing users to search for keywords within textual data. By default the Preferred keyword search method is set to “Contains” in Commerce Settings. The search method ‘contains’, allows for matching of keywords within the text. The other method available is ‘starts with’, which matches keywords at the beginning of the text.

Keyword search

Note: A keyword search is enabled in the Data Column definition for the applicable Commerce attribute. For detailed instructions, refer to Enable a Keyword Search for a Commerce Attribute.


User Actions

Unless noted otherwise, the following Quotes List actions are available for all users. For administrator functions, see the Administration section below.

ClosedView a Saved Search

To view a Saved Search:

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Click inside the Search field. The list of existing Saved Searches is displayed.

  3. Select the desired search.

Select saved serach

ClosedFilter Search Results

To filter the current search results:

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Click inside the Search field and enter text to view a list of available attributes.

    Enter text or select attribute for filtering

  3. After selecting an attribute, enter the desired search criteria, and then click Apply.

    Apply filter criteria

ClosedPerform a Keyword Search

When enabled, the keyword search provides quick access to filter transactions by entering criteria directly in the search field.

Note: A keyword search is enabled in the Data Column definition for the applicable Commerce attribute. For detailed instructions, refer to Enable a Keyword Search for a Commerce Attribute.

To filter the search results using a keyword search:

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Click inside the Search field and enter keyword text.

    When search criteria is entered in the Search field, the matching transactions are returned and the keyword is highlighted in the results.

Keyword search

ClosedCreate a Saved Search

Complete the following steps to create a Saved Search from search results.

User-defined searches (including grouped views) can be saved to a Saved Search.

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Enter the desired search criteria or keyword search.

  3. (optional) Select the applicable Group by option to apply grouping.

  4. (optional) Click on the applicable column header to sort the search results.

  5. Select Save from the Actions drop-down.

    Create a saved search

  6. Enter a Name for the search.

  7. Click Save.

ClosedManage Saved Searches

To manage saved searches:

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Select Manage Saved Searches from the Actions drop-down.

  3. The following functions can be performed from this interface:

    • Select the User Default Saved Search

    • Administrators can select the Site Default Saved Search

      Note: An updated Default Saved Search does not take effect until the user logs out, closes and re-opens their browser, and then logs in again. Alternatively, the updated Default Saved Search is available if the user logs in from a different browser.

    • Click the visibility icon to allow other users to view the associated saved search.

      • The Visible icon 'Visible' icon is displayed for searches that are visible or unhidden for other users.

      • The Hidden icon 'Hidden' icon is displayed for searches that are hidden from other users.

    • Check the Share option to allow other users to modify the associated saved search.

      Uncheck the Share option to make the associated saved search read-only.

    • Click the Delete icon Delete icon to delete the associated saved search.

Manage saved seaches



ClosedEnable Redwood Quotes List UI

Complete the following steps to enable the Quotes List UI for a Commerce Process.

Note: If your Commerce Process was created using a Blank Process, you must have at least one saved search in the legacy Transaction Manager before enabling the new Quotes List UI. If the new Quotes List UI is enabled without any saved searches, you will not be able to create saved searches in the Quotes List UI.

  1. Navigate to the Admin page.

  2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

  3. Click on the Name link for the applicable.

  4. Select the Redwood option for the Quotes List Layout setting.

    Select Redwood option

  5. Click Apply or Update.


  • The new Quotes List UI is not visible until the Commerce process is deployed (or redeployed).

  • If your site uses Top Navigation or Side Navigation, you must also deploy Navigation Menus to update the link to the new Quotes List UI.

ClosedEnable Keyword Search for a Quote List Attribute

Complete the following steps to enable Keyword Search for a Commerce attribute Data Column definition.

  1. Navigate to the Admin page.

  2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

  3. Select Data Columns from the Navigation menu for the applicable Commerce process, then click List.

  4. Click on the applicable Attribute link.

    If you need to add a new Data Column, refer to Add a Data Column.

  5. Check the Keyword Search Enabled option.

  6. Click Update.

    Note: Keyword search is not enabled on the Quotes List UI until the Commerce process is deployed (or redeployed).

ClosedTransaction Archives

Implementations with large numbers of transactions may choose to allow the site’s administrator to archive transactions. For example, if a company has a large amount of transactions that were never finalized, never turned into revenue, and will not be modified in the future, it may choose to archive these transactions to reduce clutter and server storage.

Note: Only administrators can archive transactions.

When transaction archiving is enabled, administrators can select transactions for archiving. Archiving a transaction, and then a subsequent archive cleanup, completely wipes the transaction from the server so that it can never be accessed again and there is no record of the transaction.

Archive Cleanup

Transactions that are archived will not immediately be wiped from the server. They will not be cleaned-up and erased forever until a certain number of days have passed.

Note: The default setting for cleaning up archived Transactions is 30 days after the transaction was archived. Open a ticket on My Oracle Support to change this setting,

ClosedArchive Transactions

Archive a Transaction

When transaction archiving is enabled, administrators can perform the following steps to archive a single transaction.

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Click on the applicable line ellipsis, and then select Archive from the Actions drop-down.

Archive transaction

Archive Multiple Transactions

When transaction archiving is enabled, administrators can perform the following steps to archive multiple transactions.

Note: Multiple transactions can only be selected when Group by is set to "None".

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Select the desired transactions.

  3. Select Archive from the multiple items Actions drop-down.

Archive multiple transactions

ClosedArchive All Results

When transaction archiving is enabled, administrators can archive all search results. This action archives all search results at once rather than archiving only the transactions visible on a single page.

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.

  2. Select Archive All Results from the Actions drop-down.

    Archive all results

  3. Click Yes in the Confirmation pop-up.

ClosedManage Transaction Archives  View, restore, or permanently delete archived transactions

Perform the following steps to access and manage transaction archives:

  1. Navigate to the Quotes List page.
  2. Select View Archives from the Actions drop-down.

    View archives

    A list of archived transactions appears.

    Note: The default setting for cleaning up archived Transactions is 30 days after the transaction was archived. Open a ticket on My Oracle Support to change this setting,

    Archived transaction list

Delete Archived Transactions

To permanently delete selected archived transactions, select the desired transaction(s) then click Delete

Note: Use caution when deleting archived transactions. Transactions deleted from the archive are immediately removed from the database and cannot be restored.

Restore Archived Transactions

To restore archived transactions that have not been permanently deleted, select the desired transaction(s) then click Restore .



Note: Use caution when deleting archived transactions. Transactions deleted from the archive are immediately removed from the database and cannot be restored.

Note: An updated Default Saved Search does not take effect until the user logs out, closes and re-opens their browser, and then logs in again. Alternatively, the updated Default Saved Search is available if the user logs in from a different browser.


  • Transaction data is stored indefinitely unless archived. This includes file attachments, which are treated the same as transaction data.

  • If Transaction archiving is disabled on your site open a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to enable Transaction archiving.
  • The default setting for cleaning up archived Transactions is 30 days after the Transaction was archived. Open a ticket on My Oracle Support to change this setting,