Styling Best Practices


Closed21A JET Configuration UI CSS Changes

Oracle CPQ 21A removed the JET toolbar wrapper around the Configuration actions conveyer belt element at the top of the JET Configuration UI. If you have created custom styling for Configuration actions inside the conveyor belt element or for the toolbar itself, refactoring is required to remove references to the (oj-toolbar) class.

Closed19B JET UI CSS Changes

Oracle CPQ 19B upgraded the JET Library to the JET v6.0.

Note: As a result of the library upgrade, some of the CSS tags changed from our previous release. If you have created custom styling prior to 19B, refactoring is required for the following objects:

19A and prior










(not present)


The default styling also updated as a result of the library upgrade. Below is a list of some of the styling that changed:

  • Tab styling changed to minimal borders, selected indicator is below the label.
  • Buttons changed to flat gray, labels no longer in bold.
  • Table cells that are read-only changed to a darker shade of pale gray.

ClosedProper formatting

ClosedProper HTML tag usage

Closed Classes, IDs, and HTML elements

ClosedSpecificity in CSS

ClosedHiding elements using CSS

ClosedAdding/editing pre-existing CSS

ClosedExternal resources & design principles


  • Before changing or adding a stylesheet: download the existing or default stylesheet to your local computer. This is helpful if you need to revert changes or refer to the standard options.
  • Document your changes and reasoning for said changes.

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