BOM Item Definition Table


The BOM Item Definition Table stores the BOM hierarchical relationships used in the fulfillment system, along with item variable references, which recursively link child items to parent items. In addition to the hierarchical information, BOM definition tables also store other information from the fulfillment BOM, such as:

The BOM Item Definition table is the key component of BOM Mapping and is the only required table for all use cases. For examples of when these tables are used, refer to BOM Mapping Use Cases.

ClosedBOM Item Definition Table Schema

Default table name: Oracle_BomItemDef






Display Name

Description / Comments






Variable Name

The primary key column of this table.

Cannot be empty.






Sequence Number

BOM item sequence.






Item ID

BOM item ID.

Item Id as stored in EBS.







Display name.






Item Type

BOM item type.

To enable inherited parent hierarchies for child BOM items, refer to Option Class BOM Item Type.






Part Number

Contains either the part number of a BOM item or a Model path (i.e. the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy)

The format for a Model path is as follows: productFamilyVariableName:productLineVariableName:modelVariableName






Default Quantity

The default quantity of the BOM item.







Indicates whether the BOM item is optional.

Valid values: Y or N.


  • Only "Optional" parts can be deleted from a Transaction
  • When an "Optional" part is deleted all child items of that part are also deleted. This includes models that are defined as child items of the part.






Effective From

The effective from date. Formatted as







Effective To

The effective to date. Formatted as







Sales Item

Indicates whether the item is a sales item. Oracle CPQ uses sales items to create a BOM instance during Configuration, sales items are used for quotes, and the BOM instance used during reconfiguration contains sales items. In other words, only sales items are used inside CPQ.

Valid values: Y or N.

Note: Sales Items must have corresponding Part Numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database.






Parent Variable Name

The variable name of the hierarchical parent BOM item. Null for the root Item. A recursive key to BomItemDef.VariableName of the parent BOM item definition.

If defined, the parent BOM item definition must exist, otherwise it is a validation error.






Root Variable Name

The variable name of the root BOM item.

A recursive key to BomItemDef.VariableName of the root BOM item definition. For a root BOM Item, the variable name and the root variable name are equal.

Orphan records of dirty root BOM item variable names are ignored.






Manufacturing Item

Indicates whether the item is a manufacturing item. Manufacturing items are only used when Oracle CPQ submits a Manufacturing BOM to a back-end Fulfillment system. Administrators use the BML getbom function to create a Manufacturing BOM from the saved Configuration in a quote.

Valid values: Y or N.

Note: Manufacturing Items must have corresponding Part Numbers defined in the Oracle CPQ Parts Database.






Included In Base Price

Indicates whether the item is included in the base price. Valid values: Y or N.

Note: The "IncludedInBasePrice" property is not applicable to the root BOM item.

    ModelPath String   Model Path

The path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. The format for a Model path is as follows:


    BomPrice Float   BOM Price

This field is used to associate BOM prices to Configuration attribute values using BOM Mapping

Closed"Option Class" BOM Item Type

Beginning in Release 18B, Oracle CPQ supports the "Option Class" BOM item type to enable inherited parent hierarchies for child BOM items. Option Class items are only added if they contain a descendant BOM item (child, grandchild, etc.) that is not an Option Class item.

The following image displays a Configuration page for a cable channel provider that offers different channel options as part of their Sports Channel and Entertainment Channel plans.

Buside example for "Option Class" BOM Item Type

When the user selects the Baseball channel and creates a transaction, the parent items (I.e. "Channels" and "Sports Channels") are automatically added as Line Items to the Transaction. The parent items are also added to the BOM Instance, which is sent to the Fulfillment System, to complete the order.

Buyside Line Item Grid example for "Option Class" BOM Item Type

For parent items the Item Type is set to "Option Class", the Item Type for child items can be set to anything other than "Option Class". The BOM parent items will only be added to the BOM Instance when a nested child item is selected. During table-based BOM mapping, "Option Class" items are not added to the BOM instance unless they have a descendant that is not an "Option Class" item.

Advanced BML BOM Mapping rules can be used to add "Option Class" items that do not have a descendant that is not an "Option Class" item.

BOM Item Definition data table with Option Class and Standard Item BOM Item Types


ClosedDownload a Sample Data Table for BOM Item Definition

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click BOM in the Products section.

    The  BOM Administration Platform page opens.

  3. Click BOM Tables in the BOM Declaration section.

    The Bills of Materials Tables page opens. This page is used access to BOM Mapping tables, shows mapping status, and activate tables.

  1. Click BOM Item Definition.

    The Edit BOM Table Definition page for the BOM Item Definition table appears.

    Edit BOM Table Definition page

  2. Click Download Sample Datatable.

ClosedMap a BOM Item Definition Table

A BOM Item Definition Data Table must be uploaded to Oracle CPQ prior to mapping.
  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click BOM in the Products section.

    The  BOM Administration Platform page opens.

  3. Click BOM Tables in the BOM Declaration section.

    The Bills of Materials Tables page opens. This page is used access to BOM Mapping tables, shows mapping status, and activate tables.

  1. Click BOM Item Definition.

    The Edit BOM Table Definition page for the BOM Item Definition table appears.

  2. Select the appropriate table in the Table Name drop-down menu.

    If the selected Data Table column names and data types match the default, the column mapping is automatic. If the column names and data types do not match, map the columns manually. Select the appropriate columns from the Column Mapping drop-down menus.

    4. Click Save, when column mapping is complete.

Edit BOM Table Definition page correlations

ClosedDefine Any Child Item in the BOM Hierarchy as a Model

Oracle CPQ parts can be added as a child item in the BOM hierarchy. This capability supports models as child items in the BOM hierarchy. Administrators can accomplish this using either the BOM Item Definition table or the Save BOM BML function.

Note: To add a child model to a BOM using a BOM Mapping Rule, administrators must add the child model to the BOM Item Mapping table. If adding a child model to a BOM using the Save BOM BML function, this step is not necessary.

The PartNumber column in the BOM Item Definition table can contain either the part number of a BOM item or the path to a model in the BOM hierarchy. As shown in the following figure, the format for defining the path to a model is as follows: productFamilyVariableName:productLineVariableName:modelVariableName

 PartNumber column in the BOM Item Definition table containing BOM iitem part numbers and paths to models in the BOM hierarchy.


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