Internationalization Overview
Internationalization (also referred to as I18N) ensures that a software system is able to provide support for multiple currencies, languages, and numerical/date/time formats. The following features make Oracle CPQ an internationalized software:
- Processing and storing data in any given language
- Displaying different characters
- Providing multi-byte character support
- Supporting a variety of locales: currencies, date/time formats, and numerical formats
Other languages are supported in CPQ, even though the site content has not been translated into that language. For more information, see the topic Language Support.
Admins can retrieve a specific translation of a part description using BMQL. Language parameters can be specified using a local variable or attribute variable.
If a language value is set, that value will be returned; if the value is blank, the site’s base language will be called. If the BMQL query doesn’t contain a language parameter, the user’s session language will be used.
If a translation does not exist, then the user is shown the data in the language that it was created in. All data and labels can be translated.
At least one FullAccess user must have the same language preference as the base language of the site. Only this user is allowed to provides translations of all other supported languages.
All supported languages can be enabled at once. Sales users can create Quotes in all customer languages.
Variable Names, Part Numbers and Customer ID do not support Multi-byte characters.
Default value translation occurs during the creation of the product line/model. Translations for the Name, Text, Text Area and Description fields of a product line or model are not seen by a user with different language preferences.
Example: If a Chinese user creates and saves a product line in Chinese, then that user can see the description for the product line in Chinese.
When an English user logs in and views this Product line (on either the admin or the user side), the value in the description fields will still be in Chinese.
When a second user creates a second product line in English, then the description field will be in English. If the Chinese user tries to view the second product line, he will see the description in English.