An Overview of SOAP APIs and Web Services 1.0

As provided in the Oracle CPQ 25A Deprecation Annoucements, we have announced the deprecation of the SOAP v1 Web Services for Oracle CPQ. If you are currently using SOAP v1, we recommend administrators plan the transition to REST Web Services. The end of life and removal of this functionality will occur in Oracle CPQ 25C.


The system allows the FullAccess user to setup all their products, configuration, and Commerce Processes details. The FullAccess user is able to define and change details of their products, rules to be applied on configuring a product and finally create and update their Commerce Processes, which form the basis of a particular commerce transaction. An application wanting to consume services can use SOAP messages to interact with Oracle CPQ and take advantage of its features.

The Oracle CPQ system supports SOAP API for the purpose of uploading large amounts of system data. System data can be sent through a client program to the Oracle CPQ system.

For sending information to Oracle CPQ system:

  1. Data is sent from a client program to an Oracle CPQ API server and modifies data on your system.
  2. The client program should get the result of the API call with a status field, including pass or fail.

Using a SOAP API, you can perform many useful tasks, such as updating parts and commerce information. You don't have to use FTP clients or the Oracle CPQ interface to upload and download data.


ClosedWhich version of Web Services do I have?

As provided in the Oracle CPQ 25A Deprecation Annoucements, we have announced the deprecation of the SOAP v1 Web Services for Oracle CPQ. If you are currently using SOAP v1, we recommend administrators plan the transition to REST Web Services. The end of life and removal of this functionality will occur in Oracle CPQ 25C.

Oracle CPQ uses Web Services versions 1.0 and 2.0. Different features are available depending on which version of Web Services you are using.

  • Existing customers using Oracle CPQ version 2014 R2 or earlier have access to Web Services version 1.0.
  • Web Services 2.0 was introduced with Oracle CPQ version 2014 R2.

To discover which version of Web Services you are using:

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Web Services under Integration Platform.

    The Web Services version number is shown under Web Service Version, on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

    Web Service Version,

    If you have a new installation of Oracle CPQ, or have upgraded to 2014 R2, version 2.0 will be listed.

Even if your installation has been using Web Services 1.0, you can use the features of Web Services 2.0 concurrently.

ClosedSession ID Authentication

Oracle CPQ offers sophisticated category identification and session id authentication for all SOAP APIs. The SOAP Header requires a category element to identify the module, including commerce, security, Data Tables, and so on, to which the API call is being made. There is also a session id validation mechanism providing enhanced security to API calls.

ClosedWhich modules support SOAP calls?


SOAP requests must include "Agent" information.

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