SOAP Users API with Web Services 1.0


You can generate a skeleton input for each operation in the users WSDL, which contains 4 operations:

For each operation, there are 3 fields that are always required in the header:

ClosedUsers SOAP API Details


ClosedAccessing User WSDL and Generating Skeleton Input

  1. Navigate from Admin Home Page > Integration Platform > Web Services.
  2. Click the Users tab.
  3. Select an API from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter a User Login.
  5. Click Generate Input to retrieve the skeleton.

Sample Users APIs

ClosedaddUsers - Input SOAP XML

You'll need to use a generic user login, or even your own, to generate the input XML. You can replace the username, password, and other user details.

ClosedupdateUsers - Input SOAP XML

ClosedgetUser - Input SOAP XML

ClosedresetPasswords - Input SOAP XML


SOAP requests must include "Agent" information.

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