Commerce Deployment Center


Navigation: Admin Home Page > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition > Deployment Center

For undeployed processes, "Deploy" is only event available. After deployment, other events displayed. You can verify a successful deploy when you Review the confirmation email. A confirmation email is sent to the email address specified for a deploy; it indicates whether a deploy happened successfully or not. It also contains the details of what was deployed.

ClosedEvent Types available for Scheduled Deployments

ClosedDeployment Status Messages


ClosedDeploying a Commerce Process

  1. Select the Process you want to deploy using the Select column.
  2. Click Open under Quick Links.

    A new window opens.

  3. Click Deploy.

ClosedScheduling a Deployment

  1. Under the Send Confirmation Email To section, select:
    • Do not send email and click Add Event.
    • Email to and enter the email address of the person you want to receive the deployment confirmation email and click Add Event.
    • Enter the desired date and time (in mm/dd/yyyy hr:mm AM/PM format) in the Scheduled Time field to schedule a deploy time. Click Add Event.
  1. Click Add Event to display the name, status and the Schedule Time details for the new event. If desired, you can cancel the scheduled deployment by selecting the new event and clicking Delete.

    You cannot remove an event if the deployment has already started.
  2. Click Generate Schema and WSDL to generate the Schema and WSDL.
  3. Click Refresh to display the updated information on the page.


Use caution when deleting a Commerce Process, because the deleted data cannot be recovered. Upon deletion, all documents, workflow and steps contained within the Process are also deleted.


  • When performing a Mass Update, users can filter which steps the update applies to.
  • Deploy dates and times are recorded in the Last Deployed column on the Process List page. Processes that have not been deployed have a blank timestamp in the Last Deployed column.
  • Deploys should take place when there is little activity on your site, like weekends or after-business hours.
  • For more information on closing a Commerce Process, see the topic Commerce Process.
  • After a Commerce Process is deployed, some administrative functionality becomes hidden from view.

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