Pricing Preview REST APIs
These endpoints enable administration of Pricing Previews using REST API services. They retrieve the pricing attribute values and pricing line items associated with a Commerce transaction.
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve header level pricing attribute values for the specified transaction. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/preview/{bsId} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bsId |
The transaction Id |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
bsId |
The transaction Id |
currencyCode |
The currency code for the transaction | |
customerId |
The customer Id for the transaction | |
headerAttributeValues |
A list of header level Pricing Attributes that are present in the Pricing Portal with their values based on the provided transaction Id |
priceBookVariableName |
The variable name of the price book |
{ "currencyCode": "USD", "priceBookVariableName": "_default_price_book", "customerId": "300100122967029", "headerAttributeValues": { "_priceAsOf": "", "_buyingAccountId": "" }, "bsId": 38635017 }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve all pricing items for the specified transaction. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/preview/{bsId}/items |
Endpoint Parameters |
bsId |
The transaction Id |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
bomItemName |
The BOM item's display name |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. |
documentNumber |
The line item number |
lasModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
partNumber |
The part number |
rootBomItemName |
The root BOM item's display name |
[{ "documentNumber": 2, "partNumber": "Telehealth and Wellness", "bomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness", "rootBomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness" }, { "documentNumber": 3, "partNumber": "Online Counseling Services", "bomItemName": "Online Counseling Services", "rootBomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness" }, { "documentNumber": 4, "partNumber": "Access to Virtual Therapy", "bomItemName": "Access to Virtual Therapy", "rootBomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness" }, { "documentNumber": 5, "partNumber": "Counseling Services", "bomItemName": "Counseling Services", "rootBomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness" }, { "documentNumber": 6, "partNumber": "Mental Wellness Apps", "bomItemName": "Mental Wellness Apps", "rootBomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness" } ]
Get Transaction Line Item Pricing Items
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the line level pricing items for the specified transaction line item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/preview/{bsId}/items/{docNumber} |
Endpoint Parameters |
bsId |
The transaction Id |
docNumber |
The transaction line item number | |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters | None | |
Response Body Parameters |
bomItemName |
The BOM item's display name |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. |
documentNumber |
The line item number |
itemAttributeValues |
A list of Line level Pricing Attributes that are present in the Pricing Portal with their values based on the provided transaction id and line number |
lasModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
partNumber |
The part number |
rootBomItemName |
The root BOM item's display name |
{ "documentNumber": 6, "partNumber": "Mental Wellness Apps", "bomItemName": "Mental Wellness Apps", "rootBomItemName": "Telehealth and Wellness", "itemAttributeValues": { "_bomItemVariableName": "04881379b2350a612db0cb1bb40de11a2e53f8dfe3320d598c6c489d8b399068", "_quantity": 11, "_serviceDurationPeriod": "", "_serviceDuration": "", "_requestedAgreementNumber": "", "_requestedRatePlanNumber": "mentalWellnessAppsPlan1" } }