Price Item REST APIs
The new Price Item endpoints support pricing products and BOM items from the Product Workbench. A Price Item can represent a single product/part or a product structure/BOM.
Price Items
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified price item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
bomItemName |
The BOM item name |
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name | |
chargeGroups |
The collection of charge groups for this price item. | |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
id |
The unique ID of the Price Item. | |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | |
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | |
partDisplayNumber |
The part display number. | |
partNumber |
The part number | |
pricedChargeGroupCount |
The number of charge groups that have prices defined. | |
serviceDuration |
The service duration of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | |
serviceDurationPeriod |
The service duration period code of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | |
serviceDurationType |
Service duration type. |
{ "partNumber": "part10", "partDisplayNumber": "Part Display 10", "chargeGroupCount": 1, "chargeGroups": { "items": [{ "id": "3022871540", "label": "Default Price Model", "defaultGroup": true, "charges": { "items": [{ "rangeFrom": 0, "primaryCharge": true, "id": "pc-3022871540-0", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "value": 1352.33 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "value": 1000.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "value": 2.5 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "value": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 10 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "value": 92.0 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false }, "id": "part-8523091" }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of price items. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/pricingSetup/priceItems |
Endpoint Parameters |
Search criteria is required to specify returned results: For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
A collection of price items for the specified search criteria. |
count |
The number of resource instances returned in the current range. | ||
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
hasMore |
Indicates whether more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in the response. If the value is true, then there are more resources to retrieve from the server. The default value is false. | ||
items |
An array of price items | ||
bomItemName |
The BOM item name | ||
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name | ||
chargeGroups |
The collection of charge groups for this price item. | ||
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
id |
The unique ID of the Price Item. | ||
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | ||
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | ||
partDisplayNumber |
The part display number. | ||
partNumber |
The part number | ||
pricedChargeGroupCount |
The number of charge groups that have prices defined. | ||
serviceDuration |
The service duration of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | ||
serviceDurationPeriod |
The service duration period code of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | ||
serviceDurationType |
Service duration type. | ||
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | ||
limit |
The actual paging size used by the server. | ||
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | ||
offset |
The offset value used in the current page. | ||
totalResults |
Captures the total count of the resource instances, which not only includes the instances in the current range, but all instances on the server that satisfy the request. |{"bomItemVariableName":{$in:["xfinityTVService","xfinityInternetService"]}}&onlyData=true&expand=all
{ "items": [{ "partNumber": "Xfinity Internet Service", "bomItemVariableName": "xfinityInternetService", "bomItemName": "Xfinity Internet Service", "chargeGroupCount": 1, "chargeGroups": { "items": [{ "id": "3023453554", "label": "Default Price Model", "defaultGroup": true, "charges": { "items": [{ "pricingType": "Recurring", "pricePeriod": "Monthly", "priceUOM": "BND", "rangeFrom": 0, "type": "price", "id": "pc-3023453554-0", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "value": 20.14 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "value": 12.45 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 45 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false }, "id": "bom-xfinityInternetService" }, { "partNumber": "Xfinity TV Service", "bomItemVariableName": "xfinityTVService", "bomItemName": "Xfinity TV Service", "chargeGroupCount": 1, "chargeGroups": { "items": [{ "id": "3023453554", "label": "Default Price Model", "defaultGroup": true, "charges": { "items": [{ "pricingType": "Recurring", "pricePeriod": "Monthly", "priceUOM": "BND", "rangeFrom": 0, "id": "pc-3023453554-0", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 11 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false }, "id": "bom-xfinityTVService" } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 2, "hasMore": false }
Description |
Use this endpoint to search price items. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/actions/search |
Endpoint Parameters |
None | ||
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
Search criteria is required to specify returned results: Refer to Request Body Objects for additional information |
Response Body Parameters |
A collection of price items for the specified search criteria. |
count |
The number of resource instances returned in the current range. | ||
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
hasMore |
Indicates whether more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in the response. If the value is true, then there are more resources to retrieve from the server. The default value is false. | ||
items |
An array of price items | ||
bomItemName |
The BOM item name | ||
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name | ||
chargeGroups |
The collection of charge groups for this price item. | ||
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
id |
The unique ID of the Price Item. | ||
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | ||
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | ||
partDisplayNumber |
The part display number. | ||
partNumber |
The part number | ||
pricedChargeGroupCount |
The number of charge groups that have prices defined. | ||
serviceDuration |
The service duration of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | ||
serviceDurationPeriod |
The service duration period code of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | ||
serviceDurationType |
Service duration type. | ||
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | ||
limit |
The actual paging size used by the server. | ||
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | ||
offset |
The offset value used in the current page. | ||
totalResults |
Captures the total count of the resource instances, which not only includes the instances in the current range, but all instances on the server that satisfy the request. |
{ "q": { "bomItemVariableName": { "$in": [ "ABOSampleRoot", "ABOSampleGrandChild" ] } }, "expand": "all", "onlyData": "true", "finder": "findChargeGroups;isEmpty=false" }
{ "items": [{ "partNumber": "part14", "bomItemVariableName": "ABOSampleGrandChild", "bomItemName": "Name", "pricedChargeGroupCount": 0, "chargeGroups": { "items": [{ "id": "3023046972", "label": "test1", "defaultGroup": false, "hasRatePlanSupport": true, "editRestriction": "UNRESTRICTED", "conditionType": "alwaysTrue", "linked": true, "charges": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false }, "ratePlans": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false } }, { "id": "3023059975", "label": "test2", "defaultGroup": false, "hasRatePlanSupport": true, "editRestriction": "UNRESTRICTED", "conditionType": "alwaysTrue", "linked": true, "charges": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false }, "ratePlans": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 2, "hasMore": false }, "id": "bom-3022805532-10-month", "serviceDuration": "10", "serviceDurationPeriod": "month", "serviceDurationType": "F" }, { "partNumber": "part11", "bomItemVariableName": "ABOSampleRoot", "bomItemName": "Name", "pricedChargeGroupCount": 0, "chargeGroups": { "items": [{ "id": "3023046972", "label": "test1", "defaultGroup": false, "hasRatePlanSupport": true, "editRestriction": "UNRESTRICTED", "conditionType": "alwaysTrue", "linked": true, "charges": { "items": [{ "id": 3023049988, "dateModified": "2023-10-09T18:23:25Z", "dateAdded": "2023-09-26T16:56:34Z", "chargeDefinitionId": -1, "primaryCharge": true, "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "priceType": "Recurring", "pricePeriod": "Per Month", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "tiers": [{ "rangeFrom": 0, "rangeTo": 10, "prices": [], "blockSize": 10, "blockPrices": [{ "currencyCode": "EUR", "value": 19 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 20 } ] }, { "rangeFrom": 10, "prices": [], "blockSize": 10, "blockPrices": [{ "currencyCode": "EUR", "value": 10.3 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 11 } ] } ] } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false }, "ratePlans": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false } }, { "id": "3023059975", "label": "test2", "defaultGroup": false, "hasRatePlanSupport": true, "editRestriction": "UNRESTRICTED", "conditionType": "alwaysTrue", "linked": true, "charges": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false }, "ratePlans": { "items": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 0, "hasMore": false } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 2, "hasMore": false }, "id": "bom-3022805529-1-year", "serviceDuration": "1", "serviceDurationPeriod": "year", "serviceDurationType": "V" } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 2, "hasMore": false }
Price Item Charge Groups
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a price item charge group. Note: This adds a new price model to the default price rule. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The price item Id |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
charges |
The collection of charges for this charge group. Note this is a child resource. |
conditions |
A collection of conditions applied by the Pricing Charge Group. |
conditionType |
The condition type of charge group that will be evaluated. Allowed Values: "alwaysTrue", "simple" |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. |
defaultGroup |
Indicates whether this is a default charge group. |
editRestriction |
Pricing Edit Restriction. Allowed Values: "UNRESTRICTED", "ONLY_REORDERABLE", "RESTRICTED" |
endDate |
The date after which the Price Charge Group will no longer be applicable. |
hasRatePlanSupport |
Indicates if the charge groups supports rate plans. |
id |
The identifier of the Price Item Charge Group. |
label |
The label of charge group. |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
linked |
Indicates if the charge group is linked to the price item. This can be set or reset depending on whether the item needs to linked or de-linked from the charge group. |
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. |
matrixTemplateVariableName |
The dynamic matrix template variable name of the charge group. |
priceModel |
The price model object |
priceModelItem |
The price model item object | |
ratePlans |
The rate plans linked to this charge group. | |
startDate |
The date from which the Price Charge Group will be applicable. |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data for the newly added price model. |
{ "label": "APAC 1", "defaultGroup": true, "startDate": "2023-01-03T09:40:51Z", "endDate": "2023-08-03T09:40:51Z", "conditions": { "ruleExpression": "(1) AND (2 AND 3)", "simpleConditionRows": [{ "index": 1, "variableName": "volumeTierSimpleRuleCommerce", "displayName": "Volume/Tier_SimpleRule_Commerce", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "Volume_Tier" }, { "index": 2, "variableName": "quotesTrigger", "displayName": "Quotes - Trigger", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "false" }, { "index": 3, "variableName": "pricingEngineMainBoolean", "displayName": "Pricing Engine Main Boolean", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "true" } ] } }
{ "id": "3022920602", "label": "APAC 1", "conditions": { "ruleExpression": "(1) AND (2 AND 3)", "simpleConditionRows": [{ "index": 1, "variableName": "volumeTierSimpleRuleCommerce", "displayName": "Volume/Tier_SimpleRule_Commerce", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "Volume_Tier" }, { "index": 2, "variableName": "quotesTrigger", "displayName": "Quotes - Trigger", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "false" }, { "index": 3, "variableName": "pricingEngineMainBoolean", "displayName": "Pricing Engine Main Boolean", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "true" } ] }, "conditionExpression": "(1) AND (2 AND 3)" }
Add Price Item To Charge Group
Description |
Use this endpoint to associate a price item to a charge group. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/actions/addItemToChargeGroup |
Endpoint Parameters |
None | |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
partNumber |
The part number | |
priceItemId |
The price item Id | |
serviceDuration |
The service duration of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | |
serviceDurationPeriod |
The service duration period code of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | |
Response Body Parameters |
bomItemName |
The BOM item name |
bomItemVariableName |
The BOM item variable name | |
chargeGroups |
The collection of charge groups for this price item. | |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
id |
The unique ID of the Price Item. | |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | |
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | |
partDisplayNumber |
The part display number. | |
partNumber |
The part number | |
pricedChargeGroupCount |
The number of charge groups that have prices defined. | |
serviceDuration |
The service duration of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | |
serviceDurationPeriod |
The service duration period code of this price model item. This value is relevant only for parts with variable service duration type and is ignored for other types. | |
serviceDurationType |
Service duration type. |
{ "chargeGroupId": "3023059975", "bomItemVariableName": "configIntegrationRoot" }
{ "priceItemId": "bom-3022805515", "chargeGroupId": "3023059975", "bomItemVariableName": "configIntegrationRoot" }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified price item charge group. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId} |
Endpoint Parameters
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item | |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
charges |
The collection of charges for this charge group. Note this is a child resource. |
conditions |
A collection of conditions applied by the Pricing Charge Group. |
conditionType |
The condition type of charge group that will be evaluated. Allowed Values: "alwaysTrue", "simple" |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. |
defaultGroup |
Indicates whether this is a default charge group. |
editRestriction |
Pricing Edit Restriction. Allowed Values: "UNRESTRICTED", "ONLY_REORDERABLE", "RESTRICTED" |
endDate |
The date after which the Price Charge Group will no longer be applicable. |
hasRatePlanSupport |
Indicates if the charge groups supports rate plans. |
id |
The identifier of the Price Item Charge Group. |
label |
The label of charge group. |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
linked |
Indicates if the charge group is linked to the price item. This can be set or reset depending on whether the item needs to linked or de-linked from the charge group. |
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. |
matrixTemplateVariableName |
The dynamic matrix template variable name of the charge group. |
priceModel |
The price model object |
priceModelItem |
The price model item object | ||
ratePlans |
The rate plans linked to this charge group. | ||
startDate |
The date from which the Price Charge Group will be applicable. |
{ "id": "3022842665", "label": "Default Price Model", "defaultGroup": true, "charges": { "items": [{ "id": "pc-3022842664-0", "chargeKey": "___", "rangeFrom": 0, "primaryCharge": true, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 1352.33 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 1000.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.5 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 10 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 92.0 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false }, "conditions": {}, "conditionExpression": "ALWAYS_TRUE" }
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve all charge groups for the specified price item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups |
Endpoint Parameters
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item | |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
A collection of price items for the specified search criteria. |
count |
The number of resource instances returned in the current range. | ||
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
hasMore |
Indicates whether more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in the response. If the value is true, then there are more resources to retrieve from the server. The default value is false. | ||
items |
An array of price item charge groups | ||
charges |
The collection of charges for this charge group. Note this is a child resource. |
conditions |
A collection of conditions applied by the Pricing Charge Group. |
conditionType |
The condition type of charge group that will be evaluated. Allowed Values: "alwaysTrue", "simple" |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. |
defaultGroup |
Indicates whether this is a default charge group. |
editRestriction |
Pricing Edit Restriction. Allowed Values: "UNRESTRICTED", "ONLY_REORDERABLE", "RESTRICTED" |
endDate |
The date after which the Price Charge Group will no longer be applicable. |
hasRatePlanSupport |
Indicates if the charge groups supports rate plans. |
id |
The identifier of the Price Item Charge Group. |
label |
The label of charge group. |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
linked |
Indicates if the charge group is linked to the price item. This can be set or reset depending on whether the item needs to linked or de-linked from the charge group. |
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. |
matrixTemplateVariableName |
The dynamic matrix template variable name of the charge group. |
priceModel |
The price model object |
priceModelItem |
The price model item object | ||
ratePlans |
The rate plans linked to this charge group. | ||
startDate |
The date from which the Price Charge Group will be applicable. |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | ||
limit |
The actual paging size used by the server. | ||
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | ||
offset |
The offset value used in the current page. | ||
totalResults |
Captures the total count of the resource instances, which not only includes the instances in the current range, but all instances on the server that satisfy the request. |;isEmpty=false
{ "items": [{ "id": "3022842665", "label": "Default Price Model", "defaultGroup": true, "charges": { "items": [{ "id": "pc-3022842664-0", "chargeKey": "___", "rangeFrom": 0, "primaryCharge": true, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 1352.33 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 1000.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.5 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 10 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 92.0 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false }, "conditions": {}, "conditionExpression": "ALWAYS_TRUE" }, { "id": "3022884572", "label": "chargeModel2", "defaultGroup": false, "charges": { "items": [{ "id": "3022920554", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 0, "rangeTo": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "value": 22 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 1100.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.75 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 11 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "value": 34 } ] } }, { "id": "3022920573", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 1217.1 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 900.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 9 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 82.8 } ] } }, { "id": "3022920556", "priceUOM": "ea", "chargeType": "purchasePrice", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "purchasePrice_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 0, "primaryCharge": false, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 676.16 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 500.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 1.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 5 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 46.0 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 3, "hasMore": false }, "conditions": {}, "conditionExpression": "ALWAYS_TRUE" }, { "id": "3022896546", "label": "chargeModel2", "defaultGroup": false, "startDate": "2022-04-08T07:00:00Z", "endDate": "2032-04-01T06:59:59Z", "charges": { "items": [{ "id": "3022920554", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 0, "rangeTo": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "value": 22 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 1100.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.75 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 11 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "value": 34 } ] } }, { "id": "3022920573", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 1217.1 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 900.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 9 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 82.8 } ] } }, { "id": "3022920556", "priceUOM": "ea", "chargeType": "purchasePrice", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "purchasePrice_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 0, "primaryCharge": false, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 676.16 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 500.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 1.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 5 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 46.0 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 3, "hasMore": false }, "conditions": { "ruleExpression": "(1)", "simpleConditionRows": [{ "index": 1, "variableName": "volumeTierSimpleRuleCommerce", "displayName": "Volume/Tier_SimpleRule_Commerce", "operator": "EQUAL_TO", "value": "Volume_Tier" } ] }, "conditionExpression": "(1)" } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 3, "hasMore": false }
Link or Unlink a Charge Group with a Price Item
Description |
Use this endpoint to link or unlink the charge group with the price item by setting the linked property. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
linked |
Indicates if the charge group is linked to the price item. This can be set or reset depending on whether the item needs to linked or de-linked from the charge group. |
Success Response |
204 |
{ "linked": true }
Price Item Charge Group Charges
Add Price Item Charge Group Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a price item charge group charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/charges |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the charge definition |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the charge definition |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge | |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data for the newly added price item charge. |
{ "primaryCharge": false, "chargeDefinitionCode": "ONE_TIME_SALES_PRICE", "priceType": "One Time", "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "pricePeriod": null, "usageUOM": null, "testCA1_c": "value1", "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "dynamicPricingType": "static", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 25 } ], "blockPrices": null, "blockSize": "1", "rateCardVariableName": null }
{ "createdBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "id": 3023213982, "dateModified": "2024-06-21T16:18:49Z", "dateAdded": "2024-06-21T16:18:49Z", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 25 } ], "chargeDefinitionId": 3023071962, "primaryCharge": false, "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "priceType": "One Time", "dynamicPricingType": "static", "blockSize": 1, "testCA1_c": "value1" }
Delete Price Item Charge Group Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete the specified price item charge group charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/charges/{id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Success Response |
204 |
Get Price Item Charge Group Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified price item charge group charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/charges/{id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters | None | |
Response Body Parameters |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the charge definition |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the charge definition |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge |
{ "id": "3022920573", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "customBoolean": true, "customDecimal": 14.4, "customString": "foo2", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 1217.1 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 900.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 9 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 82.8 } ] } }
Get Price Item Charge Group Charges
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve all charges for the specified price model item. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/charges |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item | |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
count |
The number of resource instances returned in the current range. | |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
hasMore |
Indicates whether more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in the response. If the value is true, then there are more resources to retrieve from the server. The default value is false. | ||
items |
An array of price items | ||
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | ||
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | ||
dateAdded |
Creation date of the charge definition |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the charge definition |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | ||
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge | ||
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. | ||
limit |
The actual paging size used by the server. | ||
links |
The link relations associated with the resource instance. | ||
offset |
The offset value used in the current page. | ||
totalResults |
Captures the total count of the resource instances, which not only includes the instances in the current range, but all instances on the server that satisfy the request. |
{ "items": [{ "id": "3022920554", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 0, "rangeTo": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "customBoolean": false, "customDecimal": 102.3, "customString": "foo1", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "value": 22 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 1100.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.75 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 11 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "value": 34 } ] } }, { "id": "3022920573", "priceUOM": "ea", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 10, "primaryCharge": true, "customBoolean": true, "customDecimal": 14.4, "customString": "foo2", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 1217.1 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 900.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 2.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 9 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 82.8 } ] } }, { "id": "3022920556", "priceUOM": "ea", "chargeType": "purchasePrice", "priceType": "oneTime", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "chargeKey": "purchasePrice_oneTime_monthly_ea", "dynamicPricingType": "tiered", "rangeFrom": 0, "primaryCharge": false, "customBoolean": true, "customDecimal": 54.7, "customString": "foo3", "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "ALL", "calculatedValue": 676.16 }, { "currencyCode": "JPY", "calculatedValue": 500.0 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "calculatedValue": 1.25 }, { "currencyCode": "GBP", "calculatedValue": 0.0 }, { "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 5 }, { "currencyCode": "CNY", "calculatedValue": 46.0 } ] } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 3, "hasMore": false }
Update Price Item Charge Group Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to update the specified price item charge group charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/charges/{id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the charge definition |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the charge definition |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge | |
Success Response |
204 |
{ "primaryCharge": false, "chargeDefinitionCode": "ONE_TIME_SALES_PRICE", "priceType": "One Time", "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "pricePeriod": null, "usageUOM": null, "testCA1_c": "value1", "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "dynamicPricingType": "static", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 10 } ], "blockPrices": null, "blockSize": "1", "rateCardVariableName": null }
Update Price Item Charge Group Charges
Description |
Use this endpoint to update price item charge group charges. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/charges |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
The array of pricing patch operations. |
op |
The operation to be performed. Allowed values: "add", "remove", and "replace". | |
path |
The JSON pointer string for "path" property. | |
value |
The target value. Refer to Add Price Item Charge Group Charge for more information. | |
Success Response |
204 |
[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/3022886543" }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/3022886543", "value": { "chargeLabel": "Purchase Fee", "chargeType": "purchaseFee", "priceUOM": "ea", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "priceType": "oneTime", "rangeFrom": 0, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 3600 }, { "currencyCode": "EUR", "value": 2000 } ] } } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/", "value": { "id": "-123", "chargeLabel": "Installation Fee", "chargeType": "installationFee", "priceUOM": "ea", "pricePeriod": "monthly", "priceType": "oneTime", "rangeFrom": 0, "prices": { "items": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 200 } ] } } } ]
{ "items": [{ "_proxy_id": "-123", "id": "3022886546" } ] }
Price Item Charge Group Rate Plans
Add Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan
Description |
Use this endpoint to create a price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
charges |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
description |
Description of the pricing rate plan | |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
name |
Name of the pricing rate plan | |
orderNumber |
The position in a ordered list of rate plan |
priceModelItemId |
The unique identifier of the price model item | |
ratePlanNumber |
Unique variable name of the pricing rate plan |
startDate |
The date from which the rate plan will be applicable |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data for the newly created rate plan. |
{ "name": "Winter Rate Plan", "ratePlanNumber": "winterRatePlan" }
{ "createdBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "dateAdded": "2024-06-21T18:02:19Z", "dateModified": "2024-06-21T18:02:19Z", "name": "Winter Rate Plan", "ratePlanNumber": "winterRatePlan", "priceModelItemId": 3023213659, "chargeCount": 1, "orderNumber": 1 }
Delete Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete the specified price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Success Response |
204 |
Get Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters | None | |
Response Body Parameters |
chargeCount |
The count of charges directly associated with this price model item |
charges |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the rate plan |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the rate plan |
description |
Description of the pricing rate plan | |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
name |
Name of the pricing rate plan | |
orderNumber |
The position in a ordered list of rate plan |
priceModelItemId |
The unique identifier of the price model item | |
ratePlanNumber |
Unique variable name of the pricing rate plan |
startDate |
The date from which the rate plan will be applicable |
{ "dateAdded": "2024-06-20T19:29:37Z", "dateModified": "2024-06-20T19:29:47Z", "description": "", "name": "tbRate", "ratePlanNumber": "tbRate", "priceModelItemId": 3023213659, "chargeCount": 1, "orderNumber": 1, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" }, { "rel": "child", "href": "" } ] }
Get Price Item Charge Group Rate Plans
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve all rate plans associated to the specified price item charge group. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
A collection of rate plans for the specified price model item. |
chargeCount |
The count of charges directly associated with this price model item | |
charges |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the rate plan |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the rate plan |
description |
Description of the pricing rate plan | |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
name |
Name of the pricing rate plan | |
orderNumber |
The position in a ordered list of rate plan |
priceModelItemId |
The unique identifier of the price model item | |
ratePlanNumber |
Unique variable name of the pricing rate plan |
startDate |
The date from which the rate plan will be applicable |
{ "items": [{ "dateAdded": "2024-06-20T19:29:37Z", "dateModified": "2024-06-20T19:29:47Z", "description": "", "name": "tbRate", "ratePlanNumber": "tbRate", "priceModelItemId": 3023213659, "chargeCount": 1, "orderNumber": 1, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" }, { "rel": "child", "href": "" } ] } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 1, "hasMore": false, "links": [{ "rel": "canonical", "href": "" }, { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ] }
Update Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan
Description |
Use this endpoint to update the specified price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
charges |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
description |
Description of the pricing rate plan | |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
name |
Name of the pricing rate plan | |
orderNumber |
The position in a ordered list of rate plan |
priceModelItemId |
The unique identifier of the price model item | |
ratePlanNumber |
Unique variable name of the pricing rate plan |
startDate |
The date from which the rate plan will be applicable |
Success Response |
204 |
{ "name": "Summer Promo", "ratePlanNumber": "summerRatePlan", "description": "" }
Update Price Item Charge Group Rate Plans
Description |
Use this endpoint to update price item charge group rate plans. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
The array of pricing patch operations. |
op |
The operation to be performed. Allowed values: "add", "remove", and "replace". | |
path |
The JSON pointer string for "path" property. | |
value |
The target value. Refer to Add Rate Plan for more information. | |
Success Response |
204 |
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/ratePlan2", "value": { "name": "Rate Plan 2", "orderNumber": "1" } }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/summerRatePlan", "value": { "name": "Summer Promo", "orderNumber": "2" } }
Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charges
Add Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to add a charge to a price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber}/charges |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge | |
Response Body Parameters |
JSON data for the newly added rate plan charge. |
{ "primaryCharge": false, "chargeDefinitionCode": "recurringSalesPrice_c", "priceType": "Recurring", "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "pricePeriod": "Per Month", "usageUOM": null, "testCA1_c": "value1", "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "dynamicPricingType": "static", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 12 } ], "blockPrices": null, "blockSize": "1", "rateCardVariableName": null }
{ "createdBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "id": 3023214017, "dateModified": "2024-06-21T18:04:10Z", "dateAdded": "2024-06-21T18:04:10Z", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 12 } ], "chargeDefinitionId": 3023154269, "primaryCharge": false, "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "priceType": "Recurring", "pricePeriod": "Per Month", "dynamicPricingType": "static", "blockSize": 1, "testCA1_c": "value1" }
Delete Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to delete the specified price item charge group rate plan charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber}/charges/{id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Success Response |
204 |
Get Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve the specified price item charge group rate plan charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17//pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber}/charges/{id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters | None | |
Response Body Parameters |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the charge definition |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the charge definition |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge |
{ "createdBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "id": 3023213670, "dateModified": "2024-06-20T19:35:21Z", "dateAdded": "2024-06-20T19:35:21Z", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 99 } ], "chargeDefinition": "Recurring Sales Price", "chargeDefinitionCode": "recurringSalesPrice_c", "chargeDefinitionId": 3023154269, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ], "primaryCharge": false, "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "priceType": "Recurring", "pricePeriod": "Per Month", "dynamicPricingType": "static", "blockSize": 1, "testCA1_c": "value1" }
Get Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charges
Description |
Use this endpoint to retrieve all charges for the specified price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber}/charges |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
(Optional) This endpoint supports the following query specifications: For more information, see Manage Collections. |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
None |
Response Body Parameters |
A collection of charges for the specified price model item rate plan. |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dateAdded |
Creation date of the charge definition |
dateModified |
Last modified date of the charge definition |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge |
{ "items": [{ "createdBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "id": 3023213661, "dateModified": "2024-06-20T19:29:47Z", "dateAdded": "2024-06-20T19:29:47Z", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 16 } ], "chargeDefinition": "One-time Price", "chargeDefinitionCode": "ONE_TIME_SALES_PRICE", "chargeDefinitionId": 3023071962, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ], "primaryCharge": true, "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "priceType": "One Time", "dynamicPricingType": "static", "blockSize": 1 }, { "createdBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "emailId": "" }, "id": 3023213670, "dateModified": "2024-06-20T19:35:21Z", "dateAdded": "2024-06-20T19:35:21Z", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 99 } ], "chargeDefinition": "Recurring Sales Price", "chargeDefinitionCode": "recurringSalesPrice_c", "chargeDefinitionId": 3023154269, "links": [{ "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "parent", "href": "" } ], "primaryCharge": false, "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "priceType": "Recurring", "pricePeriod": "Per Month", "dynamicPricingType": "static", "blockSize": 1, "testCA1_c": "value1" } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 1000, "count": 2, "hasMore": true, "links": [{ "rel": "canonical", "href": "" }, { "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "next", "href": "" } ] }
Update Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charge
Description |
Use this endpoint to update the specified price item charge group rate plan charge. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17//pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber}/charges/{id} |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
blockPrices |
The block price |
blockSize |
The block size |
chargeDefinition |
Display name of the charge definition | |
chargeDefinitionCode |
The unique code of the charge definition |
chargeDefinitionId |
ID of the charge definition |
chargeType |
Display label of charge type |
createdBy |
The details of the user who created the record. | |
dynamicPricingType |
The dynamic pricing type of the charge. Allowed Values: "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered" |
endDate |
The date at which the charge will end |
id |
The unique identifier of the charge |
integrationId |
Integration ID |
lastModifiedBy |
The details of the user who modified the record. |
pricePeriod |
The billing period |
prices |
An array of the prices (currency code and value) |
priceType |
Display label of price type |
pricingMatrixVariableName |
Pricing matrix variable name (Preview only. Not available for use.) |
primaryCharge |
Indicates whether this is the primary charge |
rateCardName |
Rate card name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
rateCardVariableName |
Rate card variable name (Preview only. Not available for use) |
startDate |
The date from which the charge will be applicable |
templateVariableName |
The pricing matrix template variable name |
tiers |
An array of the range from, range to, and prices | |
usageUOM |
The unit of measure for the charge | |
Success Response |
204 |
{ "primaryCharge": false, "chargeDefinitionCode": "recurringSalesPrice_c", "priceType": "Recurring", "chargeType": "ORA_SALE", "pricePeriod": "Per Month", "usageUOM": null, "testCA1_c": "value1", "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "dynamicPricingType": "static", "prices": [{ "currencyCode": "USD", "value": 132 } ], "blockPrices": null, "blockSize": "1", "rateCardVariableName": null }
Update Price Item Charge Group Rate Plan Charges
Description |
Use this endpoint to update charges for the specified price item charge group rate plan. |
URI Endpoint |
/rest/v17/pricingSetup/priceItems/{priceItemId}/chargeGroups/{chargeGroupId}/ratePlans/{ratePlanNumber}/charges |
Endpoint Parameters |
priceItemId |
The unique identifier of the price item |
chargeGroupId |
The unique identifier for the price item charge group |
ratePlanNumber |
The variable name of the pricing rate plan |
HTTP Method |
Request Body Parameters |
The array of pricing patch operations. |
op |
The operation to be performed. Allowed values: "add", "remove", and "replace". | |
path |
The JSON pointer string for "path" property. | |
value |
The target value. Refer to Add Rate Plan Charge for more information. | |
Success Response |
204 |
[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/3023213670" } ]