Extract Data REST API
The Extract Data REST API sends bulk transaction and transaction line data to the Fusion Analytics Warehouse (FAW) to produce advanced reports and dashboards.
{ "processName": "transaction_bmClone_2", "documentName": "quote", "attributes": "ID|subtotal|_bill_to_address|addFromCatalogSaveFromForm|addFromCatalogAdvancedModifyInput|addFromCatalogAdvancedModifyOutput|addFromCatalogFormulaInput|addFromCatalogFormulaOutput", "modifiedDate": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "parURL": "your storage parURL", "timeoutHours": "24" }
{ "Task Id": 3022955677, "Message": "Extract request submitted successfully" }
Get Site Status for Data Extract
{ "Task ID": 3022955677, "Total Rows Extracted": 1896, "Task Status": "Completed", "Start Time": "2023-03-01 13:51:38.0", "End Time": "2023-03-01 13:52:01" }
{ "taskId": 3023103675, "taskStatus": "Cancellation Requested", "startTime": "2023-03-23 15:00:37.0" }
Data Stores
{ "items": [{ "id": 36893204, "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transaction-DOCUMENT", "dataStoreType": "DOCUMENT", "label": "Transaction", "description": "Main (Header Level) Commerce Document - serves as Quote/Order depending on step in process flow", "additional": { "processVarName": "oraclecpqo", "processTypeLabel": "Standard Process", "documentVarName": "transaction", "processType": "0", "isStandardComponent": "true", "isMainDoc": "true" } }, { "id": 36893248, "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-oRCL_charges-DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "dataStoreType": "DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "label": "Prices", "description": "All prices including Product Price for OM Integration", "additional": { "arraySetVarName": "oRCL_charges", "processVarName": "oraclecpqo", "processTypeLabel": "Standard Process", "documentVarName": "transactionLine", "isStandardComponent": "true", "processType": "0", "parentDataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT" } }, { "id": 36995759, "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-_chargeSet-DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "dataStoreType": "DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "label": "Charge Set", "description": "", "additional": { "arraySetVarName": "_chargeSet", "processVarName": "oraclecpqo", "processTypeLabel": "Standard Process", "documentVarName": "transactionLine", "isStandardComponent": "true", "processType": "0", "parentDataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT" } }, { "id": 37165040, "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-_availableRatePlanSet-DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "dataStoreType": "DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "label": "Available Rate Plan Set", "description": "This array set fetches the list of available Rate Plans.", "additional": { "arraySetVarName": "_availableRatePlanSet", "processVarName": "oraclecpqo", "processTypeLabel": "Standard Process", "documentVarName": "transactionLine", "isStandardComponent": "true", "processType": "0", "parentDataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT" } }, { "id": 36893226, "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT", "dataStoreType": "DOCUMENT", "label": "Transaction Line", "description": "Line Level Document - Captures pricing and data at the line level", "additional": { "processVarName": "oraclecpqo", "processTypeLabel": "Standard Process", "documentVarName": "transactionLine", "processType": "0", "isStandardComponent": "true", "isMainDoc": "false" } } ] }
{ "items": [{ "id": 36893314, "attributeVarName": "_document_number", "label": "Document Number", "description": "Unique doc number to be used as document identifier in a process", "isPrimaryKey": "true", "type": { "lookupCode": "CmTextAttribute", "displayValue": "Text" }, "additional": { "isStandardComponent": "true" } }, { "id": 36894810, "attributeVarName": "annualValue_l", "label": "Annual Value (Net)", "description": "The annual contract value of the recurring charges on this line.", "type": { "lookupCode": "CmCurrencyAttribute", "displayValue": "Currency" }, "additional": { "isStandardComponent": "true" } }, { "id": 36893336, "attributeVarName": "_price_book_var_name", "label": "Price Book Variable Name", "description": "Variable Name of the Price Book used to get the price for this line item", "type": { "lookupCode": "CmTextAttribute", "displayValue": "Text" }, "additional": { "isStandardComponent": "true" } }, { "id": 36894832, "attributeVarName": "cancelReason_l", "label": "Cancel Reason", "description": "The reason why the customer canceled this line.", "type": { "lookupCode": "CmMenuAttribute", "displayValue": "Menu" }, "additional": { "isStandardComponent": "true" } }, { ... }, { "id": -1, "attributeVarName": "_bs_id", "label": "BsId", "description": "BsId", "isPrimaryKey": "true", "type": { "lookupCode": "CmNumberAttribute", "displayValue": "Integer" }, "additional": { "isStandardComponent": "true" } } ], "additional": { "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT" } }
Request Body Sample for a Main Document
{ "parURL": "https://objectstorage.regionexample.oraclecloud.com/parURLExamplecpq/b/bucket-20231120-1151/o/", "timeoutHours": "", "dataStores": [{ "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transaction-DOCUMENT", "attributes": "_document_number|_customer_t_first_name|_customer_t_last_name|_id" } ] }
Request Body Sample for a Sub-Document
{ "parURL": "https://objectstorage.regionexample.oraclecloud.com/parURLExamplecpq/b/bucket-20231120-1151/o/", "timeoutHours": "", "dataStores": [{ "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT", "attributes": "_document_number}annualValue_l|_price_book_var_name" }, { "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-_availableRatePlanSet-DOCUMENTARRAYSET", "attributes": "_document_number|_availableRatePlanSet_rate_plan_name|_availableRatePlanSet_rate_plan_number" } ] }
{ "Task Id": 3022955677, "Message": "Extract request submitted successfully" }