Oracle Fusion Pricing to Oracle CPQ Synchronization


Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D, Oracle provides customers a mechanism to automatically synchronize base price lists from Oracle Fusion Pricing into CPQ Pricing Engine. The Oracle Fusion Pricing to Oracle CPQ Synchronization ensures that CPQ has the most up-to-date pricing information from Oracle Fusion Pricing, minimizes the risk of pricing discrepancies, and eliminates manual data entry and redundant data uploads. This feature enables the transfer of pricing elements like price models, price model items, charges, and rate plans directly from Fusion Pricing to CPQ. The synchronization process leverages CPQ Bulk Data Services APIs, ensuring efficient and reliable data transfer.

Streamlined Price List Synchronization from Fusion Pricing to CPQ

Oracle CPQ 25A introduces significant enhancements to the integration of Fusion Pricing to CPQ Pricing Engine, streamlining price list synchronization and improving user experience. Here's what's new:

These enhancements empower businesses to:

Increase efficiency: Reduce time spent managing price list synchronization through simplified access and advanced scheduling.

Gain greater control: Tailor synchronization schedules to meet specific business needs.

You can now synchronize prices from Fusion Price Lists to CPQ. Support for this integration is provided by an Oracle Fusion Pricing pages for scheduling integration executions and monitoring the progress and completion of integration instances. In addition, seeded mappings of attributes between the two applications are provided for turn-key integration support.

The following objects in Fusion Pricing will be synchronized with CPQ:


  • When Oracle Fusion Pricing to Oracle CPQ Synchronization is implemented, the Fusion Pricer tab is not displayed in the CPQ Pricing Integration. Synchronization tasks are scheduled and maintained in Oracle Fusion Pricing.

  • Charges for component items are not synchronized in Oracle 24D

  • However, component item charges are synchronized to CPQ in Oracle 25A

  • Dynamic pricing is not supported (Matrix pricing > Rate Card)

  • To remove a price from synchronization, you should update the end date in Fusion instead of deleting it from the price list.



Synchronize Prices from Oracle Fusion Pricing to Oracle CPQ

Complete the following tasks prior to setting up Oracle Fusion - Oracle CPQ Price List Integration.

ClosedEnable Charge Definitions

CPQ provides an easy method of uptaking Charge Definitions - especially if charges have already been defined in the productized Charge object. CPQ provides a way to automatically generate your Charge Definitions from existing Charge attributes if you have already defined charges.

Complete the following steps to enable Charge Definitions.

  1. Navigate to CPQ Admin > Pricing Portal > Pricing Options.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Set the Enable Charge Definitions option to On.
  4. Click Save or Update.
  5. If you have not yet defined any pricing in CPQ using the new productized Charge feature,
    click Proceed to complete the enabling of Charge Definitions.


    If you have defined Charges pricing in CPQ, complete the following:

    1. Select Generate Charge Definitions Only to automatically create the Charge Definitions from the combinations of Price Type and Charge Type that you have already used.
    2. Review and verify the Charge Definitions that have been automatically created before taking the next step.
    3. Once you are satisfied with the Charge Definitions you will be using, click Proceed and the Charge Definitions will be automatically populated on each existing pricing charge.

      Enable Charge Definitions Pop-Up

ClosedEstablish Common Lookup Codes and Charge Definitions

You need to make sure that common lookups and charge definitions are created in Oracle CPQ and Oracle Fusion Pricing.

Note: For details on Fusion Pricing Lookups, refer to: Oracle Help Center / Administering Pricing / Manage Pricing Lookups

Complete the following steps:

  1. Set up common Price Type Pricing Lookups:

    1. In the Fusion Application:

      • Navigate to the FSM task: Manage Pricing Lookups.

      • Search for the lookup code: ORA_QP_PRICE_TYPES.

      • Copy the lookup codes for all the price types. For example,

        • One Time lookup code. (e.g. ONE_TIME)

        • Recurring lookup code. (e.g. RECURRING)

        • Usage lookup code. (e.g. ORA_USAGE)

    2. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Pricing Portal > Pricing Lookups > Price Types.

    3. For the Fusion price types you identified, edit or add the corresponding Lookup Values.

    4. Update the lookup value Integration ID with the corresponding lookup code from Fusion.

      For example:

      • One Time Integration ID: ONE_TIME

      • Recurring Integration ID: RECURRING

      • Usage Integration ID: ORA_USAGE

  2. Set up common Charge Type Pricing Lookups:

    Note: Fusion Pricing has charge type and charge sub type lookups, but CPQ only has charge types. The combination of price type and charge type must be unique when creating a charge definition in CPQ. Hence when creating charges and rate plans in Fusion price lists that you want to sync to CPQ, you have to make sure that you only use one sub type for a charge type.

    1. In the Fusion Application:

      • Identify all the charge types that you are using in the price lists you want to sync with CPQ.

      • Navigate to the FSM task: Manage Pricing Lookups.

      • Search for the lookup code: ORA_QP_CHARGE_TYPES

      • Copy the lookup codes for the charge types that you identified above.

        For example, Sales Price - Charge Sub Type lookup code (e.g. ORA_QP_CHARGE_TYPES_ORA_SALE)

    2. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Pricing Portal > Pricing Lookups > Charge Types

    3. For the Fusion charge types you identified, edit or add the corresponding Lookup Values.

    4. Update the lookup value Integration ID with the corresponding lookup code from Fusion.

      For example, Sales Price Integration ID: ORA_QP_CHARGE_TYPES_ORA_SALE

  3. Set up common Price Period Pricing Lookups:

    1. In the Fusion Application:

      • Identify all the Price Periodicities in the price lists you want to sync. You can find them by going through the charges for your price list items.

      • Navigate to the FSM task: Manage Units of Measure.

      • Look for the price periodicity you want to sync and copy the UOM Code.

    2. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Pricing Portal > Pricing Lookups > Price Periods.

    3. For the Fusion price periods you identified, edit or add the corresponding Lookup Values.

    4. Update the lookup value Integration ID with the corresponding lookup code from Fusion.

  4. Set up common Usage Units of Measure Pricing Lookups:

    1. In the Fusion Application:

      • Identify all the usage uoms in the price list item rate plans. You can find them by going through the rate plans for your price list items.

      • Navigate to the FSM task: Manage Units of Measure.

      • Look for the usage uom you want to sync and copy the UOM Code.

    2. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Pricing Portal > Pricing Lookups > Price Periods.

    3. For the Fusion usage UOMs you identified, edit or add the corresponding Lookup Values.

    4. Update the lookup value Integration ID with the corresponding lookup code from Fusion.

  5. Set up common Charge Definitions:

    1. In the Fusion Application:

      • Identify all the charge definitions used in your Fusion pricing. You can find them by going through your charges and rate plans.

      • Navigate to the FSM task Manage Pricing Charge Definitions.

      • Search for the charge definitions used in your pricing. For each definition, note the charge definition code, price type and charge type.

    2. Navigate to CPQ > Admin > Pricing Portal > Charge Definitions.

    3. For the Fusion Charge Definitions you identified, edit or add the corresponding Charge Definitions.

    4. Update the Integration ID with the corresponding charge definition code from Fusion.

Setup Oracle Fusion - Oracle CPQ Price List Integration

Refer to How do I get started with the Revenue Transformation Solution? Oracle Sales Playbook for more information focused on the following Oracle Fusion Pricing to Oracle CPQ integration implementation tasks:



Refer to the following documents for more information focused on Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ integration implementation.


  • As the integration is based on CPQ Pricing Engine, you should use pricing behavior Version 2 or higher. For more information about pricing behaviors, refer to Pricing Options.

  • To apply Volume-type tier pricing to a usage charge in Oracle CPQ 23D, create a Rate Card with the from / to tier dimensions as columns.
  • Note that Oracle Fusion Pricing Integration does not support tier pricing with rating usage. Only volume tiering is supported.

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