Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)


By integrating with Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), also sometimes referred to as Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud Service (OAIC) or just Integration Cloud Service (ICS), we provide an all-encompassing, standard Oracle solution to all integration needs. By using the power of OIC, system integrators can manage all Oracle CPQ integrations from a single location with a consistent toolset. OIC integration enables Oracle CPQ to connect to back office systems, on premise environments, and other Oracle products in a consistent, enhanced manner.

OIC is the recommended go-forward Oracle solution for customers who have previously relied on third-party middleware solutions, such as Cast Iron, to integrate Oracle CPQ with a variety of other systems.

For more information on OIC in general, see the Oracle Cloud Integration web site.

Existing Oracle CPQ point-to-point integrations with Oracle products (that could be accomplished through OIC middleware) can still be implemented and will function as expected.

Oracle Sales Integration through OIC

Pre-built integration flows are available for CPQ-Oracle Sales integrations through OIC to further simplify implementation.

Refer to the following documents for more information focused on Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ integration implementation.


ClosedOverview of OIC

To easily integrate applications with each other, use OIC as the middleware.  Any application with an integration to OIC can integrate with any other application with an integration to OIC. 

The OIC interface contains both pre-defined and customized data mappings between applications.  It discovers all SOAP and REST services available from CPQ.

By leveraging these existing OIC integrations, it is easy to connect two applications through OIC.

Integration Cloud Overview

ClosedOracle Cloud Adapters

Cloud Adapters simplify and accelerate integration with your SaaS applications. These adapters provide lower costs of implementation and maintenance, ease of use, improved developer productivity and faster time-to-market for SaaS application integrations.

The Adapters enable the ability to create OIC flows, or mappings, and pre-defined Packages, or collections of OIC flows. OIC flows establish the relationship between an application and OIC. With these flows, you do not have to write the SOAP messages that are at the heart of an integration. The messaging has been written, and tested, for you.

For example, an application might map what they call the Customer field to what OIC calls the Name field.  Another application might map what they call the Contact field to what OIC calls the Name field. 


When both applications exchange data, through OIC, referring to OIC Name field, they can exchange data even though the individual applications refer to the fields differently.  And, the applications can exchange data without one application knowing how the other defines its fields.

ClosedOIC Oracle CPQ Adapter for REST API Services

ClosedOIC Connection Properties for REST APIs

Oracle CPQ delivers OIC Adapter updates to process REST APIs, in addition to the existing SOAP APIs. Customers can now build an OIC connection that calls the desired Oracle CPQ REST API web service using Oracle CPQ as the target application in the OIC integration flow. By using the power of OIC, system integrators can manage all Oracle CPQ integrations from a single location with a consistent toolset. OIC integration enables Oracle CPQ to connect to back office systems, on premise environments, and other Oracle products in a consistent, enhanced manner.

OIC Connection Properties for REST APIs

To access to Oracle CPQ RESTful services, select "REST Catalog URL" from the ICS Connection Type menu, then enter the REST Catalog URL in Connection URL field. The REST catalog URL is formatted as follows:


*Where: "site_URL" is the base URL of the Oracle CPQ site

Connection Properties

Note: Before OIC integrations using REST APIs can be built, OIC connections must be established. For information on setting up ICS connections, refer to the Oracle Cloud Integration web site.

ClosedICS Integration Categories for REST APIs

Oracle CPQ Business resources are grouped into different categories based on their functional usage. The OIC Integration Category will list available categories, when ICS is connected to an Oracle CPQ REST catalog. The Oracle CPQ REST Catalog will list the web services that are supported in OIC. The OIC Oracle CPQ adapter only supports REST catalog services at version v3 and above.

Integration Categories

ClosedOIC Business Resources for REST APIs

After a category is selected, the business resources related to the selected category are listed in the Business Resource section. When a specific resource is selected, the applicable operations are listed in the Operations section. In the following image, the "Assets Collection" and "Create" are selected. This will invoke the Oracle CPQ Create Asset (POST) web service.

Business Resources

ClosedOIC Mapping for REST APIs

Once the Oracle CPQ REST API is set as a target and a connecting web service is set as a source, users can map the applicable parameters via the user interface. The OIC interface also supports XSL map file imports for mapping. In the following image, the source and target parameters have the same names, but mapping can occur between parameters with different names.

Attribute mapping

When the selected resource accepts additional query parameters, valid parameters are listed as target mapping options.

Query parameters

  • Oracle CPQ 2016 R2 or later is required to use the REST catalog in the OIC Oracle CPQ Adapter.
  • The OIC Oracle CPQ adapter only supports REST catalog services at version v3 and above.
  • The following items must be set up implement REST API Integrations:
  • Oracle OIC Release 17.2.3 or above is required for REST API support in Oracle CPQ Adapter

    • Oracle OIC, CPQ, and source application connections
    • OIC integrations and source to target mapping
    • Oracle CPQ Integration Processes

You can create your own OIC flows.  See the Oracle Cloud Integration web site for more information.

ClosedOracle Cloud Adapters: An Example Using Oracle Sales

Leverage pre-defined OIC flows in CPQ, built by Oracle product development, for the following integrations:

  • Import Opportunity: imports data from Oracle Sales) into the Oracle CPQ reference application
  • Create Quote: creates a quote in Oracle Sales, using the Commerce information from the Oracle CPQ reference application
  • Update Quote: updates a quote inOracle Sales, using the Commerce information from the Oracle CPQ reference application
Other required Oracle Sales to Oracle CPQ integrations (such as revenue items, Parts, and Accounts) are part of the Oracle CPQ reference application.  Because these integrations can already occur through existing means, they have not been defined in an OIC flow.

For more information, see My Oracle Support.

Steps to Enable

Before you can leverage the pre-built OIC flows, you must establish a connection between ICS and CPQ.  For this example, you must also establish a connection between OIC and OSC.  In both cases, this is done in OIC, and the steps are not covered in this document.

For information on how to set up these connections, see the Oracle Cloud Integration web site.

OIC released an Adapter framework referred to as Oracle Integration 3. To accommodate the OIC Integration 3 release, Oracle CPQ and the Oracle CPQ Adapter for OIC is updated to support both the existing Generation 2 and the new Generation 3 platforms.
For more information about the OIC Integration 3 platform features, refer to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
For more information about the Oracle CPQ Adapter refer to Using the Oracle CPQ Adapter with Oracle Integration.

ClosedEstablish a Connection from Oracle CPQ to OIC Generation 3

In Oracle CPQ, you must establish a connection from Oracle CPQ to OIC that complements the existing one from OIC to Oracle CPQ.

  1. Open Oracle CPQ.
  2. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  3. Click Integration Center under Integration Platform.

    The Integration Center page opens.

  4. Click Create Integration.

    If you click Create Integration when there are no more available integrations to create, the following message appears:

    Integrations not available

  5. Select Integration Cloud Service from the Type drop-down.

    Only one entry can be created for each integration type.  Any previously created integration types are disabled, and only uncreated integration types can be selected. 

    The first valid selection is selected by default. Changing the Integration Type will immediately change which fields are present.

  6. Select Gen3 from the Generation drop-down.
  7. Enter a Name and Variable Name for the integration.

    Use a name that will make it easy for you to find your integration.

    The Variable Name field populates automatically. Variable names can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores. The entry can be changed before saving, but after saving the value is read-only.

  8. Enter a Description for the integration.

  9. Enter your OIC Username and Password.

    Create OIC Gen 3 Integration

  1. Enable your integration by checking Enable Integration.

    Enable Integration is disabled until the Username and Password have been entered.
  2. Click Save.

ClosedEstablish a Connection from Oracle CPQ to OIC Generation 2

In Oracle CPQ, you must establish a connection from Oracle CPQ to OIC that complements the existing one from OIC to Oracle CPQ.

  1. Open Oracle CPQ.
  2. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  3. Click Integration Center under Integration Platform.

    The Integration Center page opens.

  4. Click Create Integration.

    If you click Create Integration when there are no more available integrations to create, the following message appears:

    Integrations not available

  5. Select Integration Cloud Service from the Type drop-down.

    Only one entry can be created for each integration type.  Any previously created integration types are disabled, and only uncreated integration types can be selected. 

    The first valid selection is selected by default.

    Only two integrations are available in this release: eSignature and Integration Cloud Service (if enabled).

    Integration Center

    Changing the Integration Type will immediately change which fields are present.

  6. Enter a Name and Variable Name.

    Use a name that will make it easy for you to find your integration.

    The Variable Name field populates automatically. Variable names can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores. The entry can be changed before saving, but after saving the value is read-only.

  7. Enter the Discovery URL.

    For Middleware integrations, the Discovery URL is pre-populated with 'https://'.  For example, it might look like this:

    https://<ICS URL>:7002/icsapis/v1/integrations

  8. Enter your ICS Username and Password.
  9. Optionally, click Test to verify your connection to ICS.
  10. Enable your integration by checking Enable Integration.

    Enable Integration is disabled until the Discovery URL, Username, and Password have been entered.

    An enabled integration shows the Discover URL, Username, and Password fields as read-only once it has been saved.

  11. Click Save.

ClosedDisable a Connection From Oracle CPQ to OIC

If a user disables a previously enabled integration—by removing the checkmark next to Enable Integration —a warning appears that this will disable all existing integrations based on that integration type.

When the user clicks Save, this alert disappears, the integrations are disabled, and the Discover URL, Username, and Password fields return to being editable.

Working with Integrations

To use the integration you just created in the Integration Center, you must create an Integration on an existing Process.

ClosedCreating an Integration Process with OIC Generation 3

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section. The Processes page opens.

  3. For the Commerce Process, choose Integrations in the Navigation drop-down and click List.

    The Integrations page opens.  This page lists any XSL Integrations, as well as any Middleware Integrations.

    Commerce Integrations list

  4. Click Add.

    The Select Integration Types dialog box appears.

    Integration Cloud Service

  5. Select Integration Cloud Service and click Next. The Edit Integration dialog box appears.

    Edit Integration

  6. Enter a Name and Variable Name.
  7. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  8. (Optional) Enter a Timeout value.
  9. Select an Action, either Import or Export
  10. Type a valid integration URL in the Endpoint URL field.
    This endpoint URL is available from the Run details tab of the integration deployed on the OIC Gen3 environment. This integration should have Oracle CPQ Adapter as a trigger node. For more information about the Oracle CPQ Adapter refer to Using the Oracle CPQ Adapter with Oracle Integration.
  11. Click Add. The OIC Gen3 integration will now appear on the Integrations page for this process.

    Once you have the Oracle CPQ to OIC connection and a process integration set up, you can associate the integration to a CPQ Commerce Action, add it to a layout, and deploy the changes in Oracle CPQ. Refer to procedures below for detailed steps.

ClosedCreating an Integration Process with OIC Generation 2

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section. The Processes page opens.

  3. For the Commerce Process, choose Integrations in the Navigation drop-down and click List.

    The Integrations page opens.  This page lists any XSL Integrations, as well as any Middleware Integrations.

    Integrations page

  4. Click Add. The Select Integration Types dialog box appears.

    Select Integration Types dialog

  5. Select Integration Cloud Service and click Next. The Edit Integration dialog box appears.

  6. The Services drop-down shows a dynamic list of the services available in the CPQ–OIC Adapter.  Select a Service

    Services drop-down

  7. Enter a Name and Variable Name.
  8. Select an Action.  This is just a label for the integration to describe how it will be used, and does not have any effect on how it works. 
  9. Click Add. The process now appears on the Integrations page.

ClosedEditing or Previewing an Integration Process

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

    The Processes page opens.

  3. For the Commerce Process, choose Integrations in the Navigation drop-down and click List.

    The Integrations page opens.

  4. Click the name of the integration you want to edit.

    The Edit Integration page opens.

  5. Make any desired changes.
  6. To preview the integration, enter a Transaction ID and click a Preview link.

    For more information, see the topic Finding the Transaction ID.

    This will execute the integration, and may modify the remote site.
  7. Click Update.

Next Steps

ClosedOverview of Next Steps

Now that you have a Integration Cloud Service Integration and a Process that uses it, tie the Integration to a new or existing Action and put the Action on a Layout.  The integration is performed when a user clicks the button. 

Or, if you add the Integration to an existing Action, it will run implicitly with other Actions that a user would normally click. 

For example, a Quote Update Integration process would be run on an existing Quote.  It makes sense to add this Integration to the Action that the user already uses to save the Quote.  You could, for instance, rename the button from Save to Save and Sync to convey everything that happens when the button is clicked.  Or, leave the button name as it was; functionality is not affected.

After tying the Integration to an Action or Process, and, if necessary, updating a layout to include the Action or Process, remember to deploy the Commerce Process.


Actions that don’t have the Integrations tab are not supported for any integration type. The following actions are supported:

  • Main Doc
    • Modify
    • Add From Catalog
    • Print
    • Email
    • Copy to Favorites
    • Export Attachment
    • Submit
  • Sub Doc
    • Modify
    • Add From Catalog
    • Print
    • Email
    • Export Attachment
  • Process Actions
    • Forward
    • Open Quote

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