Email Designer Languages and Translations


The Email Designer editor supports additional language translations in two ways:


ClosedCreating Multiple Templates for Translations

When creating multiple templates to handle translations, all templates should be given the same name, but a different language should be chosen for each template upon creation. When all templates are given the same name, and that name is associated with an Approval Reason or Transition Rule Notification, the system will choose which template to use when creating the email based on the user who is getting the email’s language preference, as expected.

To create multiple Email Designer templates to support translations:

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Email Templates under Commerce and Documents.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter a Name for the template.
  5. Select a Language for the template.

    new document dialog

  6. Click Save.
  7. In the top right corner of the Email Designer editor, click Deploy.
  8. Click Close to return to the Email Templates page.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 for additional templates as necessary. For step 4, enter the same name for all additional templates. For step 5, select a different language for each additional template.
  10. Link the template name that is associated with all the different language templates to a Printer Friendly XSL View.
  11. Associate a Commerce Language attribute with the Print/Email action that is linked to the Printer Friendly XSL View.
  12. Optionally add the Print/Email action to the Commerce layout, or use the Language attribute in a function, Formula, etc.
If Email Designer templates have the same name, they cannot have the same language setting.
If multiple templates are being used for Translations, and if there is no template that matches the approver’s language preference, an error will be shown when the user attempts to submit the Transaction for approval.

ClosedCreating a Multi-Language Template

To create a multi-language Email Designer editor template to handle translations:

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click Email Templates in the Commerce and Documents section.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter a Name for the template.
  5. Select Multiple from the Language drop-down.

    The Default Language drop-down appears.

  6. Select a default language from the Default Language drop-down.

    Select default language

  7. Click Save.
  8. In the top right corner of the Email Designer editor, click Deploy.
  9. Click Close to return to the Document Templates page.
  10. Link the template name to a Printer Friendly XSL View.
  11. Associate a Commerce Language attribute with the Print/Email action that is linked to the Printer Friendly XSL View.
  12. Optionally add the Print/Email action to the Commerce layout, or use the Language attribute in a function, Formula, etc.

Adding Translations

Text Elements within multi-language templates can have translations added to them so that the translated content appears in the output when the approver’s language preference corresponds to the language of the translations.

ClosedText Element Translation

The Translation dialog box for a Text Element can be accessed in two ways.

Changing to the Translation view of the Template Flow and then opening the Element:

  1. Select the language that translation content will be entered for in the Language drop-down in the Admin Action Bar.

    change template language

    The Translation view of the Template Flow appears.

    tanslation not defined

  2. Double-click a Text Element to add translation content to or to modify existing translation content.

    The Text Element dialog box appears.

    add of modify text

  3. Click Modify.
  4. Enter translated content as needed.
  5. Click OK to save the translation.

Opening the Element and then changing to the Translation view:

  1. Double-click a Text or Heading Element to add translation content to or to modify existing translation content.

    The Text Element dialog box appears.

  2. Select the language that translation content will be entered for in the Language drop-down.

    Text element with language selected

  3. Click Modify.
  4. Enter translated content as needed.
  5. Click OK to save the translation.

ClosedUsing Use Default

In the Translation view of the Text Element dialog box, there is a Use Default option.

Select use default

Selecting this checkbox and then saving the Element will clear any translation content from the window. If the template is printed and the Translation window for the selected language has Use Default selected, the Element will appear in the output in the template’s default language.


Elements cannot be added, moved, or removed from the Template Flow, or have their properties modified in any way within the Translation view of the Template Flow. Translations can be added or removed within the Translation view, but no other modifications can be made to the template until the Default Language view is restored.
When a single-language template and a multi-language template have the same name, and the language preference of the approver matches the default language of the single-language template, the single-language template will be used.

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