Configuration Layout Editor


Administrators can create easily create standard Configuration layouts using the Configuration Layout Editor, which provides a graphical drag & drop feature for creating and managing the display of the model Configuration page(s). You have the ability to create multiple grids (formerly known as groups) and tabs, greater flexibility in laying out UI elements and more, from a single page.

A single configuration flow UI layout is used for both legacy and JET Configuration UIs. The JET-specific features will display only in the JET Configuration UI - when the end user has access rights to the JET Configuration UI for the associated Product Family. This approach differs from Commerce, where legacy and JET have separate layouts.

Once you have created your Configuration Flow, you can open the Configuration Layout Editor and begin to layout the user-side Configuration page.

ClosedUser-Side Example

JET and Legacy User side examples

ClosedConfiguration Layout Page Example

Configuration Layout Page Example


You can customize and brand the user-side Configuration UI in an easy and intuitive way thanks to drag & drop functionality, previews, grouping and more. The Layout Editor allows you to customize the look and feel of your Configuration UI by using Tabs, Grids, Flow and Attribute Properties and a Configuration Stylesheet.

ClosedVisual Editing Area

The Visual Editing Area is a fixed-width page that is divided into the following areas:

Visual Editing Area

ClosedAction Toolbar

The Configuration Layout Editor contains a strip of administrative action buttons.

ClosedIcons Legend

ClosedManaging Layout Properties

Layout Properties

Note: The following JET-specific properties are not applicable to Legacy UIs.

  • Tab Display
  • JET Item List Display
  • JET Price Table Display
  • Sidebar Behavior
  • Navigation Panel Location
  • Navigation Panel Size

The following table lists the layout properties for Configuration UIs and identifies which layouts are impacted.




Processing Event

Legacy and JET

Specify the Processing Event:

  • Action: The condition for the flow is evaluated when an action occurs (the user clicks a button) on the Model Configuration page.
  • Value Change: The condition for the flow is evaluated when the users change a value for a configuration attribute.
  • Tab Change: The condition for the flow is evaluated when the users move from one tab to another on the Model Configuration page.



Select a Stylesheet from the drop-down. Click the pencil icon Edit icon to make changes to the stylesheet.

JET uses a different CSS stylesheet from the legacy standard and alt stylesheets. As a result, CSS customizations may need to be refactored to work correctly with the JET Configuration UI.  For additional details, refer to Oracle CPQ JET CSS: Branding and Styling (Doc ID 2462711.1).

Alternate Stylesheet


Select an Alternate Stylesheet from the drop-down. Click the pencil icon Edit icon to make changes to the stylesheet.

JET uses a different CSS stylesheet from the legacy standard and alt stylesheets. As a result, CSS customizations may need to be refactored to work correctly with the JET Configuration UI.  For additional details, refer to Oracle CPQ JET CSS: Branding and Styling (Doc ID 2462711.1).

Tab Loading Behavior

Legacy and JET

Select a tab loading behavior.

  • All: Loads all data across tabs.
  • Lazy: Loads data on only the active tab in configuration.

Users might see a loading page appear when the switch tabs, as the next set of data is being loaded. Selecting this option improves performance and rendering speed on larger Configuration Flows.



Select a template for Legacy layouts.

The layout Template is only used for Legacy layouts. Templates do not control the layout for JET Configuration UIs.

Tab Display


Select the placement for tabs on the JET Configuration UI

  • Horizontal - Tabs are displayed horizontally at the top of the panel.
  • Vertical - Tabs are arranged on the left side of a panel.

Refer to Display Vertical Tabs on the JET Configuration UI for more information.

Navigation Panel Location JET

Select the location of the System Navigation Panel

  • Left Sidebar - Display the System Navigation in the left sidebar.
  • Right Sidebar - Display the System Navigation in the right sidebar.
Navigation Panel Size JET

Set the size of the System Navigation Panel to Small, Medium, or Large.

The medium panel size is the only option available when the System Navigation Panel is displayed in the right sidebar.

JET Item List Display


This option controls whether items lists (e.g. recommended items, mandatory items, and BOM items) are displayed in the right sidebar or the bottom panel.

JET Price Table Display


This option controls whether price tables are displayed in the right sidebar, bottom panel, or hidden. When item lists are displayed in the right sidebar, the price table can only be displayed in the right sidebar or hidden.

Sidebar Behavior


This option controls sidebar behavior when price tables or item lists are displayed as right sidebars. Overlay or push content behavior can be selected.

ClosedView user-side JET Item List Display, Price Table Display, and Sidebar Behavior

Administrators can individually select the placement of price tables and items lists (e.g. recommended items, mandatory items, and BOM items). Right sidebars are initially hidden on the JET Configuration UI. To view the sidebar the user clicks on the Total price button. The following image shows two of the possible display options.

 JET Item List Display, Price Table Display, and Sidebar Behavior

ClosedAdding Layout Elements

The Configuration Layout Editor allows the FullAccess user to add elements to the page and nest some page elements within each other to achieve a pleasing user experience. Some layout elements are color-coded for faster identification.

ClosedAdd a Tab to the Layout

The first step in organizing your Configuration page(s) will be to create tabs. You can add as many Configuration tabs as you’d like. When you first open the Configuration Layout Editor, you’ll notice that one tab is already available: Default Tab. Rename this tab and use it, or add additional tabs and delete this one later.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  2. Click Catalog Definition in the Products section.
  3. Navigate to the applicable Product Family, Product Line, or Model.
  4. Select Configuration Flows from the Navigation drop-down, and then click List.
  5. Click the “Desktop” Layout link.

  6. Click Add from the Admin Action Bar.
  7. Select the Layout Elements menu.
  8. Drag and Drop Add Tab from the Layout Elements menu to the top bar.

    Add Tab

    A green check mark lets you know that the cursor position where you’d like to place the tab is accepted. A pop-up window will appear where you define the Tab Properties.
  9. Set the Tab Properties.

    The tab properties can also be found by clicking the Edit Element Properties icon next to the tab name.
  10. Enter a unique Label and Variable Name for your Tab.

    The Variable Name field populates automatically. Variable names can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores. The entry can be changed before saving, but after saving the value is read-only.

    All other fields in the Tab Properties window are optional. You are not required to enter values, though it allows for further individualization of your application.
  11. Select one or more of the following options:

    Tab Properties

    • Heading: This applies the provided text to the top of the Tab page. The Tab page heading appears directly under the tab name on the user-side. This will not display in the visual editing area.
    • Help Text - Top: This displays help text either below the Tab page heading
    • Help Text - Top: This displays help text either at the bottom of the Tab page.
    • CSS Class: When populated, this setting applies the specified text as a class name to the tab element.

      Make sure to add this class and its properties to the stylesheet applied to the Configuration Flow.
      • Background Image: Click Browse and select an image from the File Manager.

      Tab Status and Dates:

      • If “Inactive” is specified, the tab will be inactive overall.
      • If “Active” is specified with no date range, the tab will be active overall.
      • If “Active” is specified with a date range, the overall status will be Active only during the date range; outside the date range, the overall status will read “Inactive”.
      • “Internal” status works the same with regard to the date range and overall status as does “Active”.
  12. Click OK to save change or click Cancel to close the window without saving changes.

    The current tab will be shown in blue and the others will be displayed in gray.
    The default tab also contains a single default grid. By default, one tab, one grid, one row and one column are required for a layout and cannot be deleted.

ClosedDisplay Vertical Tabs on the JET Configuration UI

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 19B, administrators to display vertical tabs for the JET Configuration UI. Vertical tabs are arranged on the left side of a panel instead of on the top in horizontal space.

Vertical Tabs on the JET Configuration UI

Perform the following steps to display vertical tabs on the JET Configuration UI:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  2. Click Catalog Definition in the Products section.
  3. Navigate to the applicable Product Family, Product Line, or Model.
  4. Select Configuration Flows from the Navigation drop-down, and then click List.
  5. Click the “Desktop” Layout link.

  6. Click Layout Properties from the Admin Action Bar.

    The Layout Properties dialog opens.

  7. Select Vertical from the Tab Display menu.

    Select Tab Display in Layout Properties

  8. Click OK to save change or click Cancel to close the window without saving changes.

ClosedAdding Grids and Grid Elements

Grids are used to organize layout elements, attributes and array sets. This functionality replaces Groups from previous versions of CPQ. There is a default grid provided within the Default tab. You can create a new grid and delete the default grid later, if you desire.

Adding Grids and Grid Elements

Position Element Description
1 Grid Header

The grid header identifies each grid. You can drag and drop grids by clicking the header. Grids can be nested, meaning you can drag them inside other grids.

If only one grid element spans the entire horizontal width of the layout, this grid element cannot be dragged and dropped elsewhere.

When a title is applied to the grid, the text in the grid header will change to this title, currently “Group #1”.

2 All Attribute Properties Opens a window where you can edit the display properties associated with any attribute that is referenced inside the current grid element. This includes all tabs on the current layout.
3 Grid Properties Opens a window where you can edit grid properties such as the number of columns and rows, group title, CSS class, alignment and more.
4 Grid Delete Button Deletes a grid and grid elements, including columns, rows and attributes.
5 Row Add/Delete Button

Click the + icon to add a row and click the X icon to delete a row.

Be careful when deleting a row as it will delete all contents within the row as well.
6 Column Button Bar Click the + icon to add a column and click the X icon to delete a column. Use the gear icon to adjust the column width. The list icon opens the All Attributes dialog box.
7 Column Span Arrows Use the arrows to eliminate one or more column boundaries by spanning across columns. You can return the column to an unspanned state.

If you have just created a tab, the Layout Elements dialog box is still be open and you can skip Steps 1-2.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  2. Click Catalog Definition in the Products section.
  3. Navigate to the applicable Product Family, Product Line, or Model.
  4. Select Configuration Flows from the Navigation drop-down, and then click List.
  5. Click the “Desktop” Layout link.

  6. Click Add from the Admin Action Bar.
  7. Select the Layout Elements menu.
  8. Drag and Drop Add Grid from the Layout Elements menu to the top bar.

    A green check mark lets you know that the cursor position where you’d like to place the grid is accepted.

  9. In the Grid Properties dialog box, enter the number of columns and rows you’d like within your grid.
  10. Set column widths.
    1. Select the Auto-size Columns box if the columns should be auto-sized.

      Auto-Size will set the Column Layout to 100% and divide the size equally among the columns.

    2. Deselect Auto-size Columns to change the column widths using the Column Properties button (gear icon) within each column.

      1. Click on the Edit icon for the applicable array attribute.

        Select Edit icon on Array element

      2. Set the column width to the desired value.

        • For the Vertical display type the column width is set using the label width value for each array attribute.

        • For the Horizontal display type the column widths are set using Label and Value widths for the first array attribute.

        Array Properties

      3. Click OK to save the Array Properties

  11. Select the Group checkbox if you’d like to set-up your Grid like a Group. This will open up additional group properties. You can have up to 200 rows.

    Grid Properties

  12. Enter a Group Label. This will appear in the Grid Heading. You can also add a description to let other FullAccess users know what this group is for.

    Group Label

  13. Click Browse to select a Title Icon from the File Manager. This will appear to the left of the group label. Select Clear to remove images.
  14. Enter a CSS Class for the Group.

    When populated, it applies the specified class name to the DIV that surrounds all elements in the grid, allowing you to style one group differently from another.
  15. Select the Alignment of the group label: Left, Center or Right.
  16. Select the following options:

    Group Options

    • Show Label: When checked, the Group Label will be displayed on the UI with the label alignment you selected in Step 10.
    • Show Description: When checked, a link containing the group description will appear on the user-side.
    • Show Title Icon: When checked, the icon that you selected in Step 8 will appear on the user-side.
    • Start Collapsed: When checked, the grid will start collapsed when the user first comes to the page.

  17. Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to close the Grid Properties dialog box without saving.
  18. Click Preview to take a look at how your changes affect the user-side layout. Remember to click Save if you’d like to save what you’ve done.

    Grid nesting, the practice of placing one grid inside another, gives you ultimate layout flexibility.

    Grid Nesting

    If you add a row into a grid that contains a nested grid, the new row will be added beneath the nested grid.

    You can drag and drop existing grid elements to another column or row. All contents of the grid will be transferred to the designated location, including specific column widths. Once in the new location, the column widths will expand or contract to the new element in which it resides.

    If you specify a number of pixels, please ensure that the layout element(s) that contain the attribute have sufficient width to accommodate the pixel width you specified. If sufficient width is not available, unsightly visual shearing will occur on the user-side interface. Alternately, when setting a percent width, understand that the numeric input is the percent of the total width.

    White space is preserved for a cell, even when all its attributes are hidden, when adjacent cells in the row have visible attributes.

    White space will collapse within a cell when an attribute is hidden. It will also collapse for an entire row when all attributes within the row are hidden.

ClosedAdding Spacers

A Spacer is just a blank space with a defined height. Spacers are displayed vertically between other inputs. The default height is 25px. In the Visual Editing Area of the Layout Editor, a Spacer should be displayed with the following:


1 = Static Label: Spacer

2 = Read-only display of spacer's height value

3 = Gear icon to open Edit Properties window & edit the height (in pixels)

4 = Delete icon to remove the spacer from the column

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  2. Click Catalog Definition in the Products section.
  3. Navigate to the applicable Product Family, Product Line, or Model.
  4. Select Configuration Flows from the Navigation drop-down, and then click List.
  5. Click the “Desktop” Layout link.

  6. Click Add in the Administration Actions toolbar.
  7. Click Layout Element from the menu.
  8. Select Add Spacer from the menu.

    Add Spacer

  9. Drag and drop the Spacer into a cell. The red dotted line represents where the spacer will be placed. The green check mark indicates it can be dropped in that space.
  10. Determine the height of the Spacer in pixels.
  11. Click OK to save changes or click Cancel to return to the Layout Editor without saving the changes.

    To edit a spacer, click the gear icon to the right of the label and change the height pixels.
    If a spacer is added into a cell with an attribute and the attribute is hidden, the cell will not collapse.

ClosedAdding Actions

Perform the following steps to add a Configuration action to a Configuration layout.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  2. Click Catalog Definition in the Products section.
  3. Navigate to the applicable Product Family, Product Line, or Model.
  4. Select Configuration Flows from the Navigation drop-down, and then click List.
  5. Click the “Desktop” Layout link.

  6. Select Actions from the Add drop-down.

    Add Configuration Action to Layout

  7. Select the appropriate action from Actions window.
  8. Drag and drop the action into the layout editor.
  9. Click Save.

ClosedAdding Attributes

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  2. Click Catalog Definition in the Products section.
  3. Navigate to the applicable Product Family, Product Line, or Model.
  4. Select Configuration Flows from the Navigation drop-down, and then click List.
  5. Click the “Desktop” Layout link.

  6. Click Add in the actions toolbar.
  7. Choose Attributes from the drop-down. Drag and drop one or more attributes into the editor using SHIFT + click to select more than one attribute from the Attributes Menu.
  8. Drag and drop the selected attribute(s) into a cell. The red dotted line represents where the attribute will be placed. The green check-mark indicates that it can be dropped in that space.

    Add Attributes

  9. Edit any attribute in the layout by clicking the Gear icon on the far right side of the attribute to open the Attribute Properties dialog box.

    From here, you can edit only the current attribute’s properties and behaviors. Follow the steps to edit attribute properties, starting from the Attribute Properties dialog box.
  10. Choose and edit properties for the Display Label, on the Layout Tab, in order to show the attribute label name. Deselecting this will hide the attribute label to the user. It will also not allow you to set additional related properties.
    • Separator: Determine what you’d like to use to separate the label from the attribute value. What is entered here will display immediately after the label.
    • Alignment: Determine the alignment of the label: Left, Center or Right.
    • Width: Enter the label width in pixels or percentages.

    Display Label

  11. Enter the Field (Value) properties for the attribute value fields.
    • Position: Determine if you’d like to display the attribute value field to the right of the label or below the label. The default is right of the label.
    • Width: Determine the field width in pixels or as a percentage. Select Auto to let the application determine the width.
    • Alignment: Determine if you’d like the field to be left, center or right-aligned.

    Field Value

  12. Select the Help Icon checkbox if you’d like to show a help icon. If selected, an option will appear allowing you to choose where to display the icon, to the left of the label or to the right of the attribute value.

    Help icon

    The JET layout does not support the "Right of Value" option for attribute help icons. If the "Right of Value" option is selected, the help icon will appear to the left of the attribute for JET Configuration layouts.

  13. Select additional options: 
    • Hide Lock: Select to hide the lock next to attributes. This is typically used to modify recommendation behavior.
    • Show Calculator: Select to show the attribute calculator icon next to the attribute.
  14. Select Message options: 
    • Show Recommendation Message: Select to show messages when Recommendations are active on the attribute.
    • Show Constraint Message: Select to show messages when Constraints are active on the attribute.
    • Show Previous Value: Select to show the previous value of the recommended or constrained attribute. This will appear when an update occurs, either by clicking an Update action or if the constraint rule is marked as an AJAX.
    • Message Placement:  Use the drop-down to select the placement of the messages. You can display messages below the attribute, right of the attribute value, bottom of the group, bottom of the page and the top of the page.

    Message options

    The JET layout does not support the message placement at the bottom of the page.
  15. Click on the Behavior Properties tab.

    On this tab, you can manage the different display settings of the attribute. You can also override the display type, set type and default value properties that were defined when you created the attribute.

    The options available in the Layout column vary according to the data type of the current attribute.

    ClosedBoolean Attributes

    ClosedCurrency Attributes

    ClosedDate Attributes

    ClosedFloat Attributes

    ClosedHTML Attributes

    ClosedInteger Attributes

    ClosedMenu Attributes

    ClosedSingle Select Pick Lists

    The help icon allows the user to observe rich text help that is defined on that specific attribute’s administration page. If a FullAccess user has not defined help text for an attribute, the end user will observe no result when they attempt to access the help icon.

ClosedManaging Attribute Properties

Attribute Properties can be accessed from multiple locations on the Configuration page. You can do so by clicking All Attributes in the Administration Action Bar or you can click one of the List icons at the grid or column level.

In the Attribute Properties modal window, there are three tabs available to make changes to attributes: Core Elements, Supporting Elements and Behavior Properties. The purpose of this section is to allow you to make mass changes to attributes within the entire Configuration layout, a grid or a column.

ClosedCore Elements

Within the Core Elements tab, you can make changes to the display of the Attribute Label, Value or Message. You can also select whether individual attributes are auto-locked and if they should display the recommendation message, constraint message and the previous value.

Core Elements tab

In the image above, you see the name of each attribute names. Corresponding to each attribute, you may elect to show or hide that attribute’s label on the user interface. In this administration interface, you may affect the displays of many attributes at once. You can adjust settings, attribute by attribute or, if you wish to set a given display element en mass, input the appropriate display element in the top-most input row. If a Set All button is provided, clicking it will apply the setting you entered to all attributes listed below.

Example: If you wish to set the label width to 100% for all attributes in the list, clicking Set All in that column will apply “100%” to all attributes listed below . It works in a similar manner for Value and Message display settings.

ClosedSupporting Elements

Within the Supporting Elements tab, you can make changes to display of the Help Icon, the position and width of Price (Attribute Value Pricing), the position of the Menu Image and whether or not to show or hide locks and calculators.

Supporting Properties

The JET layout does not support the "Right of Value" option for attribute help icons. If the "Right of Value" option is selected, the help icon will appear to the left of the attribute for JET Configuration layouts.

ClosedBehavior Properties

On this tab, you can manage the different display settings of the attributes. You can also override the display type, set type and default value properties that were defined when you created the attribute. This is also where you can determine, for each attribute, if they should be set to auto update, required or hidden.

ClosedDrag & Drop Elements between Desktop Configuration Layout Editor Tabs

Admins can drag & drop Elements between Desktop Configuration Layout Editor tabs.

  1. Navigate from: Admin > Product Families > Configuration Flows- List.

    Configuration Flow Rules

  2. Click the Desktop Configuration Layout Editor link.

    Desktop Layout Editor

  3. Select the Element from the current Tab that you wish to move to another Tab.
  4. Drag the Element and hover over the desired Tab. This allows the Tab to open and the Element to be dropped onto the Layout.
  5. Drop the Element onto the Layout of the desired Tab.
  6. If desired, click the Mobile link on the Configuration Flow Rules List page or Mobile Layout on the Configuration Layout Editor to edit the Mobile version of the Configuration Layout Editor.

    Previously, when admins desired to move an Element, they were required to remove the Element from the previous tab and re-add it to the desired tab.
  7. Desktop and Mobile Layouts are considered separate Flows. If a change is made to one Flow, it will not automatically be updated in the other Flow.

    You must make changes in both the Desktop and the Mobile Layout

    For more information on the Desktop Layout, see Configuration Layout Editor.

ClosedNotes on Arrays within Layouts

  1. Horizontal and Tabbed Array – widths specified in percentage
    • Label width defines the width of the label column.
    • Value width defines the width of the attribute field.
  2. Vertical Array – widths specified in percentage
    • Label width does not apply.
    • Value width defines the width of the attribute fields.
  3. Pixel Widths – for all array set layouts
    • The attribute label and the attribute values widths are the widths specified in pixels.
    • If the attribute value width is wider than the column width, then a scroll bar is displayed.

ClosedArray Messages

  1. The FullAccess user can choose to display array messages in different ways - Messages can be displayed in five ways for each attribute – Below Attribute, Right of Value, Bottom of Group, Bottom of Page and Top of Page.
  2. Additionally, it is now possible to set percentage or pixel widths for array messages.
  3. Message display, look and feel have been greatly enhanced.


  • Array indices can be removed from any specified position without losing the values specified in other positions.
  • Array icons have been improved. Existing alternate Stylesheets must be edited to point to these new icons.

ClosedAJAX Rules

  • Selecting a constrained value hides pricing, recommended items and invocation buttons automatically. Additionally, these elements reappear via AJAX when the constraint is removed.

ClosedEnhanced Look and Feel

  • Groups can be collapsed by default.
  • The FullAccess user can specify one stylesheet and an alternate stylesheet for each layout.
  • Help, images and group descriptions are rendered inline instead of as a pop-up.


ClosedConversion of Pre-12 Layouts

ClosedCommon layout issues after upgrade


  • Column widths add up to be 100 %.
  • Most styling should be done using the regular stylesheet UI. The alternate stylesheet can be used for additional CSS customization. Update existing alternate Stylesheets to use the latest array icons. Define CSS classes for tabs and groups to aid in advanced styling.


  • The JET layout does not support the "Right of Value" option for attribute help icons. If the "Right of Value" option is selected, the help icon will appear to the left of the attribute for JET Configuration layouts.

  • Widths specified for layout elements and attributes are respected. The FullAccess user must ensure that enough space is available within a column to display attributes properly.
  • All attributes are migrated in their own row to maintain legacy behavior of preserving white space on hiding attributes. It is recommended that the FullAccess user move attributes to a single cell if collapsed space behavior is desired. A single cell is considered the same column and same row on the layout.
Click Save before you leave any area of the Configuration Layout Editor, or your changes will not be saved.

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