Transaction Locking


Administrators can enable Transaction Locking in a Commerce process. This feature is beneficial to Oracle CPQ customers who have multiple users, such as sales representatives, working concurrently on Transactions by performing actions such as adding different products to the same Transaction or updating different fields in the same Transaction. Locking a Transaction provides users with full control of a Transaction and prevents conflicting changes to the same Transaction.

When the user who locks a Transaction for editing (e.g. the Transaction owner) performs an auto-unlock action, logs out of CPQ, or their Oracle CPQ session times out, the Transaction automatically unlocks. Administrators can open a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to request a specific session timeout value. Administrators have the option of allowing users other than the Transaction owner to unlock a locked Transaction.

The following functionality is available in CPQ:

ClosedTransaction Locking

ClosedLock a Transaction

ClosedOpen a Locked Transaction

ClosedUnlock a Transaction

ClosedProcess-Level Unlock Action

ClosedShow Lock State Attributes in Transaction Search Results

ClosedREST API State Response for Locked Transactions

ClosedAllow Web Service Only Users to Perform Transaction Actions

ClosedUse SOAP or REST APIs to Unlock Transactions

ClosedSet Back Type Action Destinations for Locked Transactions


ClosedEnable Transaction Locking

  1. Navigate to the ClosedProcess Administration Page.
    1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.

    2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

      The Processes page opens.

    3. Select the name of an existing Commerce process to open the Process Administration page.
  1. Select the name of an existing Commerce process to open the Process Administration page or click Add to create a new Commerce process.
  2. Select the Enable Transaction Locking checkbox. The following two additional options will display on the Process Administration page:

    • Let Other Users Perform Unlock Actions - Lets users other than the Transaction owner unlock a Transaction when their Participant Profile grants access to a main document action of the new Unlock action type.
    • Actions to Automatically Unlock Transaction – Displays a list of auto-unlock actions: Back, Version, Request Approval, Approve, and Reject. Administrators can also add a Modify main document action to the list of auto-unlock actions. Press the CTRL key and select the actions to include as auto-unlock actions. When the Transaction owner performs any of the auto-unlock actions, the Transaction will unlock.
    Note: In the below list of Actions to Automatically Unlock Transaction, Save and Modify and Unlock are Modify main document action type that the administrator added to the list of auto-unlock actions. The other options are main document actions that, by default, are included in the list of auto-unlock actions.

    Transaction Locking options

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.
  2. Deploy the Commerce process in the Deployment Center.

    Whenever administrators make changes on the Process Administration page, they must deploy the changes for the changes to take effect.

ClosedDisable Transaction Locking

  1. Navigate to the ClosedProcess Administration Page.
    1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.

    2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

      The Processes page opens.

    3. Select the name of an existing Commerce process to open the Process Administration page.
  1. Unselect the Enable Transaction Locking checkbox.
  1. Click Apply to save your changes.
  2. Deploy the Commerce process in the Deployment Center.

    Whenever administrators make changes on the Process Administration page, they must deploy the changes for the changes to take effect.

After disabling Transaction locking for a Commerce process, all of the previous locked Transactions in the Commerce process are effectively unlocked until a periodic background task removes the lock completely.

ClosedSet Action Auto-Unlock

  1. Navigate to the ClosedAction List Page.

    1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
    2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

      The Processes page opens.

    3. For the applicable Process, select Documents from the Navigation drop-down,
      then click List.

      The Document List page opens.

    4. For the main document, select Actions from the Navigation drop-down menu,
      then click List.

      The Action List page opens.

  2. Click on the appropriate Action Name link to open the Admin Action page.

  3. Select the Automatically Unlock Transaction checkbox.
  4. The checkbox is similar to the Actions to Automatically Unlock Transaction checkbox on the Process Administration page, but sets a single action as an auto-unlock action.

    Automatically lock a transaction

ClosedGrant Access to the Unlock Process Action

  1. Navigate to the ClosedAction List Page.

    1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
    2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.

      The Processes page opens.

    3. For the applicable Process, select Documents from the Navigation drop-down,
      then click List.

      The Document List page opens.

    4. For the main document, select Actions from the Navigation drop-down menu,
      then click List.

      The Action List page opens.

  2. Select the Access Rights link next to the Unlock action.

    Process Action List - Access Rights

  3. Use the Access Rights Editor to grant Full Access users with access to the Unlock process action.

    Access Rights Editor


Consider the following tips when usingTransaction Locking:

  • When the Enable Transaction Locking checkbox is not marked, administrators can still view, update, or delete Unlock type actions. End-users cannot execute the actions unless an administrator enables the Transaction locking feature.
  • When users other than the Transaction owner open a locked Transaction, the attributes and line items on the main document display in read-only mode.
  • Approvers cannot approve or reject a locked Transaction.
  • When administrators use the Deployment Center to perform a mass update of Transactions, locked Transactions are included in the deployment.
  • When creating a new Commerce process, no options display by default in the Actions to Automatically Unlock Transaction list. Administrators must add one or more main documents to the process and add one or more actions to the main document. If the actions are eligible for auto-lock, they will display in the Actions to Automatically Unlock Transaction list.

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