REST API Support for Commerce Transaction Arrays


Oracle CPQ provides Transaction Array support for Commerce action REST APIs. This section provides information for interaction process flow, size control attributes, and array set row numbers.

Interaction Process Flow

A typical interaction process flow includes open, interact, and modify actions. These actions can impact the array set size and rows within the array set.

ClosedOpen Action

ClosedInteract Actions

ClosedModify Actions

Array Size REST Service Behavior

When a size control attribute is defined, the array set size can be controlled by either the request payload to create or delete rows or the size control attribute.

ClosedArray Set Behavior for REST Service Requests

ClosedSize Control Best Practices

Row Number Behavior

Each row in the array set has a non-negative row number. Similar to document numbers, the row numbers must be unique. Once a row is deleted, its row number will not be reused. Web services use delta changes. The row number input may be zero or not present, negative, or positive.



  • Array sets must be accessed from their parent document REST endpoints.

    For example: When a sub-document contains an array set, the sub-document array set must be accessed from sub-document REST endpoints. Manipulation of sub-document array sets from main document REST endpoints is not supported.

  • The state information is only returned when the State property is set to "True".

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