BOM Attribute Mapping Table


The BOM Attribute Mapping Table stores associations between BOM attributes, Configuration attributes, Commerce transaction line attributes, and quantity values. Setting up the BOM Attribute Mapping table enables simple Table-based BOM Mapping Rules to be used to associate BOM attributes to Oracle CPQ Configuration and Commerce items.

This table is not required for implementations, if required administrators will upload or migrate BOM structures to Oracle CPQ Data Tables using CPQ’s standard importing features. These Data Tables can then be linked to the corresponding BOM Mapping platform tables.

The versatility of the BOM Mapping feature allows administrators to choose among a variety of options for implementation. Administrators must activate and map only those BOM Mapping tables needed to support their requirements. For more information refer to BOM Mapping Use Cases.

The BOM Attribute Mapping table identifies describes BOM Attribute Mapping Target Types.

The Source Type field sets the source behavior, and there are three types:

Refer to the image below for the following examples:

BOM Attribute Mapping data table

Best Practice Recommendation, maintain a 1-to-1 mapping between a Target line or BOM Attribute value and a Source Configuration attribute value.

ClosedBOM Attribute Mapping Table Schema

Default table name: Oracle_BomAttrMap






Display Name

Description / Comments






Variable Name

This is the primary key for the table.






Target Type

The mapping target type. Target type. Can only have values: BOM Attribute, Line Attribute, and Quantity.

BOM_ATTRIBUTE: mapped to a BOM item attribute

LINE_ATTRIBUTE: mapped to commerce (quote) line attribute

QUANTITY: The BOM line item quantity.






Target Variable Name

The variable name of the target BOM attribute or commerce line attribute.

Depending on the target type, this is the variable name of the target BOM attribute or line attribute.






Source Type

The mapping source type.

The source type. Can only have values: Static Entry, Conditional Static Entry, and Config Attribute.

STATIC_ENTRY: The target is always set to the value in StaticEntry

CONDITIONAL_STATIC_ENTRY: The target is set to the value in Static Entry if the configuration attribute at runtime matches the value to ConfigAttrValue.

CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE: the target is set to the value of the configuration attribute






Static Entry

A static value that is used as the source of mapping






Configurable Attribute Variable Name

The variable name of the configurable attribute.






Configurable Attribute Value

The value of the configurable attribute.







Effective From

The effective from date. Formatted as

YYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss






Effective To

The effective to date. Formatted as

YYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss






BOM Item Map Variable Name

The variable name of the parent BOM item map.

Key to BomItemMap.VariableName.

Orphan records of invalid BOM item mapping variable names are ignored.






Root BOM Map Variable Name

The variable name of the BOM Map configuration rule.

The root BOM Map rule variable name, which is the same as BomItemMap.ParentBomMapVarName.

Fully qualified BOM Map configuration rule variable name, in the format of productFamilyVarName:productLineVarName: modelVarName:configRuleVarName. For example, testFamily:testLine:testModel:testBomMap.

Orphan records of invalid root BOM mapping rule variable names are ignored.


ClosedDownload a Sample Data Table for BOM Attribute Mapping

  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click BOM in the Products section.

    The  BOM Administration Platform page opens.

  3. Click BOM Tables in the BOM Declaration section.

    The Bills of Materials Tables page opens. This page is used access to BOM Mapping tables, shows mapping status, and activate tables.

  1. Click BOM Attribute Mapping.

    The Edit BOM Table Definition page for the BOM Attribute Mapping table appears.

    Edit BOM Table Definition page for the BOM Attribute Mapping table

  2. Click Download Sample Datatable.

ClosedMap a BOM Attribute Mapping Table

A BOM Attribute Mapping Data Table must be uploaded to Oracle CPQ prior to mapping.
  1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
  2. Click BOM in the Products section.

    The  BOM Administration Platform page opens.

  3. Click BOM Tables in the BOM Declaration section.

    The Bills of Materials Tables page opens. This page is used access to BOM Mapping tables, shows mapping status, and activate tables.

  1. Click BOM Attribute Mapping.

    The Edit BOM Table Definition page for the BOM Attribute Mapping table appears.

  2. Select the appropriate table in the Table Name drop-down menu.

    If the selected Data Table column names and data types match the default, the column mapping is automatic. If the column names and data types do not match, map the columns manually. Select the appropriate columns from the Column Mapping drop-down menus.

    4. Click Save, when column mapping is complete.

Edit BOM Table Definition page for the BOM Attribute Mapping table correlations

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