Function Editor Overview


While there are notable differences between the function editors found in the Oracle CPQ application, there are some common characteristics as well.

ClosedButton Definitions

Button definitions

You will see the buttons at the bottom of the Editor pane:

ClosedSyntax Colors

The following code is displayed in different colors:

Code sample with syntax colors

ClosedScript Definition Area

BML can be typed directly into the Script Definition Area. Save your changes after writing/editing the script. Example:

Script definition area

The bar across the bottom represents the character position in the code and the total number of characters. Bottom information bar

The box on the left defines the position of the character based on its line and index. The box to the right gives you the actual number of characters in each line.

Clicking the Binoculars Top toolbar will open a Search and Replace dialog box, to find and/or replace part of the script.

Search and replace dialog

ClosedAttributes & Actions

In the function editor, you can select attributes to include within your code. These attributes are specific to the product family that you are working in. For example, when you are in Configuration, you can select from a standard product line, model, account, user or configuration attributes.

  1. Select Add Attributes in the Attributes tab. This adds an editable row to the Attributes list.
  2. Navigate through the drop-down attributes menu to find the desired attribute, or start typing. The attribute list will filter for you.

    Steps to add an attribute

    The proper Variable Name will automatically populate.

  3. Click the drop-down in the first column and navigate through the attributes list to find the desired attribute, or click and start typing. The attribute list will filter for you.

    The proper Variable Name will automatically populate.

  4. Navigate through the drop-down and choose the desired value for the selected attribute.
  5. Click the blue arrow to insert the attribute value into the Script Definition Area.

    The return type of your code will be displayed in between the section with the header tabs and the script definition area.

    The action attribute values you select will determine the return type of your code.

ClosedLibrary Function(s): Function to Function Calls

Util and Commerce Library Function Editors use Function to Function calls. Function to Function calls allow admins to compartmentalize BML when dealing with complicated configuration or quoting scenarios. This feature will assist with the organization of BML and provides a solution to the compiled Java class size-limit issue. Function to function calls mimic the behavior of a Modify function calling a Library function.

Function Editor - Function to Function Calls

  1. Open the Function drop-down.
  2. Select a Library Function to Insert into BML. The options are:
    • Commerce Library functions: Only available in Commerce Library Function Editors. Commerce Library functions may only be called by Commerce Library functions.
    • Util Library functions: Available in both Commerce and Util Library Function Editors.
  3. Once the function is viewed using the Preview Function, click the Insert into BML blue arrow button.
  4. When finished, click one of the following buttons:

    Button settings

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